Configure LI

As user 'Calea', use the following commands to configure LI:

% set addressContext default intercept  
   nodeNumber <integer>

  • If the CDC is configured through the EMS, the node number is configured automatically by the EMS.
  • If the CDC is configured through the SBC, the node number must be configured along with the CDC on the SBC.

Creating LI Call Data Channel Configuration

As user 'Calea', use the following command to establish the LI call data channel configuration:

% set addressContext default intercept callDataChannel <callDataChannel_name>
   interceptStandard < etsi | packetcable | packetcablePlusEtsi | threeGpp>
   ipInterfaceGroupName <ipInterfaceGroup_Name>
   kaTimer <kaTimer_value>
   priIpAddress <IP_Address>
   priMode <active | outofservice | standby>
   priPort <priPort_number>
   priState <disabled | enabled>
   retries <value>
   secIpAddress <IP_Address>
   secMode <active | outofservice | standby>
   secState <disabled | enabled>
   vendorId <none | ss8 | utimaco | verint>



% set addressContext default intercept callDataChannel CDC_M ipInterfaceGroupName LIG1 interceptStandard packetcable kaTimer 5 priIpAddress priMode active priPort 4560 priState enabled retries 3 secIpAddress secMode standby secState enabled vendorId none

Retrieve LI Statistics

As user 'Calea', use the following command in System-level mode to retrieve the LI statistics:

> show status addressContext default intercept interceptCallDataChannelStatistics
interceptCallDataChannelStatistics default { 
    primaryChannelStatus    inService;
    secondaryChannelStatus  outOfService;
    StartSuccess            0;
    StartFailures           0;
    StopSuccess             0;
    StopFailures            0;
    CallAnswerSuccess       0;
    CallAnswerFailures      0;
    CallDisconnectSuccess   0;
    CallDisconnectFailures  0;
    ServiceInstanceSuccess  0;
    ServiceInstanceFailures 0;
    IndicationSuccess       0;
    IndicationFailures      0;
    KeepAliveSuccess        1;
    KeepAliveFailures       0;
    RestartSuccess          1;
    RestartFailures         0;
    RadiusAckReceived       2;
    StartResponsesReceived  0;


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