In this Section:



Live Monitor screen is available as a configurable dashboard tool for displaying a range of graphs for both real-time monitoring and historical performance to aid fault-finding and troubleshooting at network wide and device level. Each graph settings can be configured to change the time range and other parameters on a per-graph basis, such as, call cause codes and call duration. Some graphs are can be customized to show data for specific zones, trunk groups, or IP Interfaces.

Live Monitor provides a snapshot view of the device at a quick glance. Data Collection for Live Monitor can be enabled or disabled at any time. By default Data Collection is disabled.

Calls are retrieved from Call Count Status table to retrieve all the active calls on SBC. To retrieve the calls, the Data is polled at frequent intervals (every minute). The data is fed to the database too for the users to view the Historical Data.

To retrieve Active Calls for specific Zone and Trunk Group, the Call Current Statistics table is used. The Data is polled at frequent intervals (every 15 minutes). This data is also available in the database for the users to view.


On the SBC main screen, go to Monitoring > Dashboard > Live Monitor.

The following metrics are monitored:

  • Licensed Service Usage
  • Active Calls per Zone/Trunk Group
  • Short Duration Calls
  • Long Duration Calls
  • Call Disconnect Reason
  • Call Attempts/Call Completions
  • Call Attempts/Call Completions per Zone/Trunk Group
  • Bandwidth Allocated
  • Bandwidth Allocated per IP Interface
  • Bandwidth Usage
  • Bandwidth Usage per Zone/Trunk Group

Live Monitor supports High Availability:

  • All Live Monitoring configuration parameters on the Active system are also be available on the Standby system.
  • All Live Monitoring data on the Active system are also available on the Standby system.

During the failover process, some of the Live Monitor Data may not be saved to the database.

Live Monitor data purge on Disk basis and Age basis:

  • Disk-based purge - When the database reaches a system-defined percent of the overall partition. Disk-based purging takes precedence over aged-based purging.
  • Age-based purge - When the data that is older than a system-defined time period.

The settings for the Live Monitor screen apply to all users. If any one user changes the settings for the Live Monitor screen or for an individual chart, the same change is applied for all EMA users.

Access to Live Monitor page:

  • All users except Security Auditors and CALEA users have the ability to view the Live Monitor page.
  • Administrators and Operators have the ability to change the settings for the Live Monitor and for individual charts on the page.

Live Monitor Setting

The screen has the following features:

  • Ability to display live chart for the above mentioned statistics (list) over time.

  • Ability to enable or disable live monitoring (polling) for all the charts. By default, the polling is disabled.

  • Ability to specify which Zones, Trunk Groups, and IP Interfaces from which data should be collected.
  • Ability to add one or more charts to the Live Monitor Dashboard. A minimum of 1 and a maximum of 10 charts are allowed to display on the Dashboard.
  • Ability to remove one or more charts from the Live Monitor Dashboard. At least one chart must be displayed on the Live Monitor Dashboard.
  • Ability to select a specific area of a chart. Area selection is used to zoom in for all charts, and is also used for troubleshooting data for selected charts.
  • Ability to allow selection of a range in a chart and analyze Data to CDRs to aid troubleshooting for Short Duration Calls, Long Duration Calls, and Call Disconnect Reason charts.
  • Ability to configure the time period for the data collection for each chart. The minimum time period is 1 hour and the maximum is 7 days.

  • Ability to add multiple instances (up to 5) for each chart.

Enabling or Disabling Live Monitoring (Polling)

  1. On SBC main screen, go to Monitoring > Dashboard > Live Monitor.
  2. To enable/disable Live Monitoring, click the desired option as shown in Figure 2.

    Enable-Disable Live Monitor


    Enabling Live Monitoring on SBC SWe with less than 6 CPUs and less than 16 GB RAM may impact the system performance.

Configuring Time Duration for Each Graph

  1. On SBC main screen, go to Monitoring > Dashboard > Live Monitor.
  2. Click Settings on top of the graph which you wish to configure.



  3. Select the time duration from the Display graph for drop-down list and click OK.

    Filter Capabilities

Types of Graphs

Licensed Service Usage

This graph displays the number of calls on all the zones and trunk groups for the selected time duration. 

Active - Licensed Calls

Active Calls per Zone/Trunk Group

This graph displays the number of calls for the selected zones and trunk groups for the specified time duration. Maximum of 4 zones and/or trunk groups can be shown on each chart.

Active Calls

Short Duration Calls

This graph displays the number of short duration calls for the specified time duration. A short duration call is defined using the Show calls shorter than field under Settings. Calls shorter than the specified duration are classified as short duration calls. Show calls shorter than field value range is 1 second to 45 seconds.

Short Duration Calls

Show Calls Shorter Than

Viewing the CDRs

  1. To view the CDRs for a specified duration, click and drag the duration.

    Selected Short Duration Calls


  2. After making the selection, click Troubleshoot.


  3. The CDR Viewer screen is displayed with the relevant data. Click Back to Live Monitor to go back to Live Monitor screen.

    Back to Live Monitor

Long Duration Calls

This graph displays the number of long duration calls for the specified time duration. A long duration call is defined using the Show calls longer than field under Settings. Calls longer than the specified duration are classified as long duration calls. Show calls longer than field value range is 5 mins to 120 mins.

To view the CDR data, follow the same procedure as in Short Duration Calls.

Long Duration Calls

Show Calls Longer Than

Call Disconnect Reason

This graph displays the number of disconnected calls for a specified reason and time duration. The reason can be selected from the Call Disconnect Reason drop-down list under Settings.

To view the CDR data, follow the same procedure as in Short Duration Calls.

Call Disconnect Reason

Call Disconnect Reason Field

Call Attempts/Call Completions and Call Attempts/Call Completions per Zone/Trunk Group

Call Attempts/Call Completions graph displays the number of calls attempted and the number of calls completed for a specified time duration.

Call Attempts and Call Completions


Call Attempts/Call Completions per Zone/Trunk Group graph displays the number of calls attempted and the number of calls completed for a specified time duration and zone/trunk group.

Call Attempts - Call Completions per Zone - Trunk Group

Bandwidth Allocated and Bandwidth Allocated Per IP Interface

Bandwidth Allocated graph displays the available bandwidth for all the IP interfaces for the specified duration.

Bandwidth Allocated


Bandwidth Allocated Per IP Interface graph displays the available bandwidth for the specified IP interfaces and duration.

Bandwidth Allocated Per IP Interface

Bandwidth Usage and Bandwidth Usage Per Zone/Trunk Group

Bandwidth Usage graph displays the usage for all the zones and trunk groups for a specified duration.

Bandwidth Usage

Bandwidth Usage Per Zone/Trunk Group displays the usage for specified zone and trunk group.

Bandwidth Usage Per Zone - Trunk Group

Additional Options

  1. Tool Tips are enabled on the graph to provide the details of the graph when the mouse is hovered on it.

    Tool Tip on Hovering

  2. Color coded graphs provides a better view with color coded graph variables.

    Color Coded Graphs

  3. Auto Refresh: The data in the charts auto-refresh at regular intervals based on the range selected for the chart. For example:
    • If display range is one hour, Trunk group, Zone, and IP Interface based charts refresh every 15 minutes, while all other charts refresh every one minute.

    • If range is 3 h, 6 h, or 12 h then the charts refresh every 15 min.

    • If range is 1 day, 2 days, 3 days, 4 days, 5 days, 6 days, 7 days then the charts refresh every hour.

  4. Persistent Charts: Every individual chart is persistent. That is, the settings for each chart and the number of charts are saved automatically between login.