This object allows only SIP messages originating from the source to appear in the list of learned/resolved IP addresses from the configured FQDN entry.

Enable this feature to force the SBC to query the external DNS server for the selected FQDN entry. This request essentially instructs the SBC to ignore locally cached records and perform an external query towards the configured DNS server.

In the EMA, navigate to All > Address Context > Zone > Filter SIP Src.

The window Filter SIP Src appears. Choose an Address Context and Zone from the drop-down menus. The frame Edit Filter SIP Src appears.

Make necessary changes for the field State, then click Save. Click Undo Edits to cancel all changes since the last saved configuration. When prompted, click Ok to proceed. 


Enable this flag to filter SIP messages based on the source IP address.

  • Disabled (default)
  • Enabled

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