In this section:

Zone Advance Peer Control

The SBC can disable/set Out of Service the server at the IP peer level. In order to do so, your network must know the server IP address of the peer.

The SBC uses a Domain Name Server (DNS) server to resolve the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN), and obtains multiple IP peer addresses. After a carrier notifies your network that a particular server has an issue and is out of service, your network server's peer mode is set to Out Of Service

This feature provides the flexibility to block peers individually within a trunk group. The can be set to out of service, rejecting both incoming and outgoing calls. 

Blocking Function

The blocking function restricts sending out SIP requests outside an existing dialog from your network to an opposite network, but does not restrict sending in-dialog requests to the opposite network. Incoming SIP requests are not restricted, and test calls are sent to the opposite network even when the blocking state is OUTGOING.

To make a test call, the calling party must include the CPC parameter with value test in its P-Asserted-Identity (PAI) header field of initial INVITE request .

Command Details

Command Syntax


Unless noted otherwise, the parameters/parameter values in this section apply to all SBC Core platforms.

% set addressContext <addressContext_name> zone <zone_name> advancePeerControl <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters




Controls the mode, action and Block Direction features, this should enabled at Zone level.

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled

Configuration Example

set addressContext addr_2 zone ZONE_AS advancePeerControl

  • No labels