
In this section:

Modified: for 12.1.1


Use caution before upgrading any fields or parameters in deployed statefulset pods. The following parameters may be updated:

  • replicas
  • ordinals
  • template
  • updateStrategy
  • persistentVolumeClaimRetentionPolicy
  • minReadySeconds

If new parameters are updated other than those listed, a Helm upgrade failure occurs with the following message:

Error: UPGRADE FAILED: cannot patch "dssbc-cache" with kind StatefulSet: 
StatefulSet.apps "dssbc-cache" is invalid: 
Forbidden: updates to statefulset spec for fields other than 'replicas', 'ordinals', 'template', 'updateStrategy', 'persistentVolumeClaimRetentionPolicy' and 'minReadySeconds' are forbidden

Kubernetes Rolling Update and Rollback

Pre-Upgrade Checks

  1. Run commands on the OAM that checks the overall health of the SBC CNe.
  2. Check if all the pods of the SBC CNe deployment are running correctly. 

  3. Check the overall health of the SBC CNe deployment.

    SBC CNe - Health
    admin@vsbc1> show table cnfGlobal cnfHealth
    ALL   ALL        Healthy
    Reference page: https://wiki.rbbn.com/display/NPI/CNF+pods+life+cycle+CLI+commands
  4. A new SBC CNe helm chart is available with the required changes.
    For example:
    • an image tag of a specific container or multiple containers set to the correct version such as the upgrade version
    • new parameters are added to the deployment/configmap
  5. In the new SBC CNe helm chart confirm the rolling update strategy of individual deployments/pods is set properly.

Rolling Update Strategy in helm chart
The rolling update strategy of the different pods are captured in the deployment/statefulset helm charts. Few sample helm charts with the rolling update strategy

SC Deployment:

    type: RollingUpdate
      maxUnavailable: 1
      maxSurge: 0

Redis Cache Statefulset:

There is no explicit mention about the Rolling Update strategy for Statefulset as that's the default setting. Details about Rolling Update in statefulset is captured under https://kubernetes.io/docs/tutorials/stateful-application/basic-stateful-set/#updating-statefulsets.


  1. Run the "helm upgrade" command.

    #helm upgrade <deployment_name> rbbn-core-cnf --values rbbn-core-cnf/values.yaml)
  2. Check if the SBC CNe helm upgrade is executed successfully.

    [prrao@cli-blr-1 ~]$ helm history vgsbc
    REVISION        UPDATED                         STATUS          CHART                           APP VERSION     DESCRIPTION
    1               Tue Mar  5 12:03:13 2024        superseded      rbbn-core-cnf-12.1.1-135        12.1.1-135      Install complete
    2               Tue Mar  5 16:31:14 2024        superseded      rbbn-core-cnf-12.1.1-148        12.1.1-148      Upgrade complete

Post-Upgrade Checks

  1. Check if the pods are successfully upgraded.
  2. Check the health of the CNe by running the cnfHealth CLI command from OAM.

    admin@vsbc1> show table cnfGlobal cnfHealth
    ALL   ALL        Healthy
  3. Verify the changes are applied.
  4. If the pod upgrade fails or if a call failure occurs post-upgrade, you can roll back to the last stable version by running "helm rollback".

    [prrao@cli-blr-1 ~]$ helm history vgsbc
    REVISION        UPDATED                         STATUS          CHART                           APP VERSION     DESCRIPTION
    1               Tue Mar  5 12:03:13 2024        superseded      rbbn-core-cnf-12.1.1-135        12.1.1-135      Install complete.
    2               Tue Mar  5 16:31:14 2024        failed          rbbn-core-cnf-12.1.1-148        12.1.1-148      Failed to deploy
    [mshanmugam@cli-server PD]$ helm rollback vgsbc 1 (Here 1 is the revision # that you want to rollback to)
    Rollback was a success! Happy Helming!
    [prrao@cli-blr-1 ~]$ helm history vgsbc
    REVISION        UPDATED                         STATUS          CHART                           APP VERSION     DESCRIPTION
    1               Tue Mar  5 12:03:13 2024        superseded      rbbn-core-cnf-12.1.1-135        12.1.1-135      Install complete
    2               Tue Mar  5 16:31:14 2024        superseded      rbbn-core-cnf-12.1.1-148        12.1.1-148      Upgrade complete
    3               Tue Mar  5 17:00:14 2024        deployed        rbbn-core-cnf-12.1.1-135        12.1.1-135      Rollback to 1

Once the rollback completes, make sure the pods are stable and no call failures exist.

admin@vsbc1> show table cnfGlobal cnfHealth
ALL   ALL        Healthy

Note: The SBC should process calls continuously throughout all stages.

Helm History

By default, the maximum number of revisions that displays as part of "helm history" command is 10. To increase the revision limit to more than 10 while performing the helm upgrade (Provide "--history-max=xxx", where xxx is 1-255). This parameter should always pass when running the helm upgrade command.

helm upgrade prargo . --values values.yaml --history-max=100

Git-based Upgrade and Rollback

Pre-Upgrade Checks

  1. Check that all SBC CNe deployment pods are operational. 

  2. Check the overall health of the SBC CNe deployment. 

    SBC CNe - Health
    admin@vsbc1> show table cnfGlobal cnfHealth
    ALL   ALL        Healthy
    Reference page: https://wiki.rbbn.com/display/NPI/CNF+pods+life+cycle+CLI+commands
  3. A new SBC CNe helm chart should be available either in the git repository or artifactory. 
  4. In the new SBC CNe helm chart, ensure that the rolling update strategy of individual deployments/pods is set properly.


Avoid simultaneous upgrade of redis-cache pods and pods using rbbn-cache-proxy container

For SBC CNF pods (SC, CS, RAC and NS) that interact with redis-cache pods using rbbn-cache-proxy, do not trigger the upgrade simultaneously with the redis-cache pods to avoid the following issue.

If the rbbn-cache-proxy's connection is not completely established with the redis-cache pods during the redis-cache pod upgrade, a connection failure will occur causing the isbc-container (SC pod)/cs-container (CS pod)/rac-container (RAC pod)/network-service (NS pod) to restart. Once the connection is restored between the rbbn-cache-proxy and redis-cache pod, no further container restarts occur.

  1. Edit the SBC CNe deployment YAML file (created during the initial SBC CNe deployment) based on the requirements.

    Git - SBC CNe Helm Release file
    # Values for RBBN-CORE-CNF chart
    # This is a YAML-formatted file.
    # Declare variables to be passed into your templates.
    apiVersion: helm.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v2beta1
    kind: HelmRelease
      name: lpl-cnf-1
      namespace: cnf-demolab
      releaseName: lpl-cnf-1
      targetNamespace: cnf-demolab
          chart: rbbn-core-cnf
          version: 12.0.0-14515 --> Point to the new version of the helm chart available in Helm Repository
            kind: HelmRepository
            name: sbx-helm-prod-plano
            namespace: cnf-demolab
        disableWait: true
        disableWait: true
      interval: 2m
        # Global chart values
            name: default
          # namespace where the core-cnf solution has to be deployed.
          namespace: cnf-demolab
          # Platform on which the cluster is deployed.
          kubernetesPlatform: ocp
          # Storage Class for the PVC creation.
          # -----------------------------------
          # Available options - netapp-nfs-san(default), managed-nfs-storage
          storageClass: managed-nfs-storage
  2. Commit and Push the changes using git commands.

    git add/push/commit example
    [llokesh@cli-blr-2 jenkinsbuild-dev]$ git add -A; git commit -a -m "upgrading sbc"; git push origin master
    [master ae8c499] upgrading sbc
     1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
    Enumerating objects: 11, done.
    Counting objects: 100% (11/11), done.
    Delta compression using up to 16 threads
    Compressing objects: 100% (6/6), done.
    Writing objects: 100% (6/6), 654 bytes | 654.00 KiB/s, done.
    Total 6 (delta 3), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
    To https://bitbucket.rbbn.com/scm/sbc/rbbn-gitops-cnf-demolab.git
       dbfb561..ae8c499  master -> master
  3. Monitor the deployment in the Kubernetes cluster.

    oc describe helmrelease lpl-blr1-sbc-llokesh
        Last Transition Time:          2023-05-30T12:04:49Z
        Message:                       Release reconciliation succeeded
        Reason:                        ReconciliationSucceeded
        Status:                        True
        Type:                          Ready
        Last Transition Time:          2023-05-30T12:04:49Z
        Message:                       Helm upgrade succeeded
        Reason:                        UpgradeSucceeded
        Status:                        True
        Type:                          Released
      Helm Chart:                      cnf-demolab/cnf-demolab-lpl-blr1-sbc-llokesh
      Last Applied Revision:           12.0.0-latest
      Last Attempted Revision:         12.0.0-latest
      Last Attempted Values Checksum:  7b8f71a0794f3d2abb39afdf157a3d998a1a3dba
      Last Release Revision:           2
      Observed Generation:             2
      Type     Reason  Age              From             Message
      ----     ------  ----             ----             -------
      Normal   info    9h               helm-controller  Helm install has started
      Normal   info    9h               helm-controller  Helm install succeeded
      Normal   info    8h (x2 over 9h)  helm-controller  HelmChart 'cnf-demolab/cnf-demolab-lpl-blr1-sbc-llokesh' is not ready
      Normal   info    8h               helm-controller  Helm upgrade has started
      Normal   info    8h               helm-controller  Helm upgrade succeeded
  4. Check if all the pods in the SBC CNe are deployed successfully.  After the successful upgrade, all the pods should be in "Running State". This completes the deployment of SBC CNe solution using helm.

    During Upgrade:
    lpl-blr1-sbc-cac-6b7bcc9559-8b944            3/3     ContainerCreating   0          15s
    lpl-blr1-sbc-cac-65db468df9-pa25f            3/3     Running   		 0          122m
    lpl-blr1-sbc-cache-0                         2/2     Running   		 0          122m
    lpl-blr1-sbc-cache-1                         2/2     Running   		 0          122m
    lpl-blr1-sbc-cache-2                         2/2     Running   		 0          122m
    lpl-blr1-sbc-cache-3                         2/2     Running   		 0          122m
    lpl-blr1-sbc-cache-4                         2/2     Running   		 0          122m
    lpl-blr1-sbc-cache-5                         2/2     Running   		 0          122m
    lpl-blr1-sbc-cs-785b6b497d-6qpsf             5/5     ContainerCreating	 0          15s
    lpl-blr1-sbc-cs-856886ff46-r2rgb             5/5     Running   		 0          122m
    lpl-blr1-sbc-epu-56c6796c88-7bf7g            3/3     ContainerCreating	 0          15s
    lpl-blr1-sbc-epu-768558964d-spedg            3/3     Running   		 0          122m
    lpl-blr1-sbc-hpa-548c5898bc-qxd4s            3/3     ContainerCreating	 0          15s
    lpl-blr1-sbc-hpa-86cb7bcbbc-fp3n4            3/3     Running     	 0          122m
    lpl-blr1-sbc-ns-5bcb59954b-4gh5j             4/4     Running   		 0          122m
    lpl-blr1-sbc-ns-646cb8c5f4-bmn7j             4/4     ContainerCreating	 0          15s
    lpl-blr1-sbc-oam-75fc957dc-kgvh6             2/2     Running   		 0          122m
    lpl-blr1-sbc-oam-8f696f9dc-fdcvb             2/2     ContainerCreating	 0          122m
    lpl-blr1-sbc-rac-5b565c4cdf-p9257            4/4     ContainerCreating	 0          15s
    lpl-blr1-sbc-rac-5f9dcb9c97-adft3            4/4     Running   		 0          122m
    lpl-blr1-sbc-sc-8c644b4b4-2jglm 	         5/5     Running   		 0          122m
    lpl-blr1-sbc-sc-8c644b4b4-e5jd	             5/5     Running   		 0          9m14s
    lpl-blr1-sbc-sc-7d4c4d485b-pxvf4             5/5     ContainerCreating	 0          15s
    lpl-blr1-sbc-slb-7f4d8d966b-22obj            4/4     Running   		 0          122m
    lpl-blr1-sbc-slb-d76655578-x2v9b             4/4     ContainerCreating	 0          15s
    Once the upgrade is successful, all the pods will be in Up & Running state.
    Check the ovrall health of the SBC CNe after the upgrade is complete by executing the following command
    admin@vsbc1> show table cnfGlobal cnfHealth
    ALL   ALL        Healthy