Modified: for 12.1.4
Use this window to view the status of the TACACS Plus Servers.
Terminal Access Controller Access-Control System (TACACS) refers to a family of related protocols handling remote authentication and related services for network access control through a centralized server. TACACS Plus (TACACS+) has largely replaced its predecessors and is a separate protocol that handles authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) services. The SBC Core supports the TACACS+ protocol to allow the authentication of username/password information when logging into the SBC CLI or to access the Confd database using NETCONF. The SBC uses TCP/IP to communicate with the TACACS+ server. (The TACACS+ protocol is specified in RFC 8907 "The Terminal Access Controller Access-Control System Plus (TACACS+) Protocol")
On the SBC main screen, go to All > OAM > Tacacs Plus Authentication > Tacacs Plus Status. The Tacacs Plus Status List window is displayed.
Field List
Field | Description |
Server Name | The TACACS Plus Server name. |
Status | Either available or unavailable. |
Available At | The timestamp when the server is automatically put back into the 'Available' state. |
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