In this section:

 Use this window to limit the maximum number, sensitivity level and total size of coredump files.

To View Coredump Profile

From the EMA main screen, choose a path:

  • Configuration > Profile Management > Category: System Profiles >  Coredump Profile
  • AllProfiles > System >  Coredump Profile

The Coredump Profile window is displayed.

To Edit Coredump Profile

To edit a Coredump Profile in the list, click the radio button next to the specific Coredump Profile name.

The Edit Selected Coredump Profile window is displayed below.

Make the required changes and click Save.

To Create Coredump Profile

To create a new Coredump Profile, click New Coredump Profile tab on the Coredump Profile List panel.

The Create New Coredump Profile window is displayed.

The following fields are displayed:

Table 1: Coredump Profile Parameters





Up to 23

The name of the Coredump profile.

Use the symbol "#" in the profile name to denote that any character following it is a comment.

Coredump Level


The state of the coredump:

  • Disabled 
  • Normal (default) 
  • Sensitive 

Coredump Space Limit


The coredump disk space limit per server (in GigaBytes).

The default is 6.

Coredump Count Limit


The number of coredumps allowed on a hard disk per process.

The default is 3.

To Copy Coredump Profile

To copy any of the created Coredump Profile and to make any minor changes, click the radio button next to the specific Coredump Profile to highlight the row.

Click Copy Coredump Profile tab on the Coredump Profile List panel.

The Copy Selected Coredump Profile window is displayed along with the field details which can be edited.

Make the required changes to the required fields and click Save . The copied Coredump Profile is displayed at the bottom of the original Coredump Profile in the Coredump Profile List panel.

To Delete Coredump Profile

To delete any of the created Coredump Profile, click the radio button next to the specific Coredump Profile.

Click Delete at the end of the highlighted row. A delete confirmation message appears seeking your decision.

Click Yes to remove the specific Coredump Profile from the list.

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