Use this screen to configure the IP Signaling Profile Transit and Roaming Function (TRF).

In the EMA, choose a path:

  • Configuration > System Provisioning > Category: Trunk Provisioning > IP Signaling Profile > Trf Parameters
  • Configuration > System Provisioning > Category: Call Routing > Profiles > IP Signaling Profile > Trf Parameters
  • Configuration > Profile Management > Category: Signaling Profiles > IP Signaling Profile > Trf Parameters
  • All > Profiles > Signaling > IP Signaling Profile > Trf Parameters

All > Profiles > Signaling > IP Signaling Profile > Trf Parameters

The window Trf Parameters appear.

From the drop-down menu IP Signaling Profile in the window, select an appropriate IP Signaling Profile.

Select an IP Signaling Profile where the IP Protocol Type is set to "SIP I" or "SIP Only". Do not select an IPSP with IP Protocol Type set to "H323" because this feature does not support H.323.

 After selecting an IP Signaling Profile from the drop-down menu, the frame Edit Trf Parameters appears.

Trf Parameters

Preferred Mrb URI

The URI of the entity performing the role of Media Resource Broker. The characters #%^&(){}<>,/\;`[]=!$"*?|~ and SPACE are not allowed.

Preferred Trf URIThe URI of the entity performing the role of Transit and Roaming. The characters #%^&(){}<>,/\;`[]=!$"*?|~ and SPACE are not allowed.

Click Save.

Click Undo Edits to cancel all changes made since the last save configuration.

On saving the changes successfully, the Success message appears.

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