In this section:
Statistics and status of various CNF services are available to understand the health of those services. The <pod name> is auto-completed with actual pod names. It can also take ALL as a value. In the case of ALL, the status commands are sent to all the pods of the chosen <service name>. In the case of SC pods, which can be more than one, the status/statistics are consolidated to provide a single status. When the command is queried with podName ALL, based on uniqueness of keys data is either aggregated/consolidated. If each pod data has unique key set, then data is consolidated (hardDiskStatus is one such example) and shown based on a pod-level basis. If key values are identical, data is aggregated. Available views:
Command syntax for listing the supported services:
show table service
Possible completions:
Possible match completions:
podName - List of Pods registered under specific service.
> show status service <ALL/registered PodName> podName <ALL/registered pod names> cnfStatus podStatus podStatus podName1 { PodState Running; PodRestarts ""; PodAge 0d0h0m0s; PodContainerState 3/3; PodNode; PodIPv4; PodIPv6 ""; PodCpuUsage 379m; PodMemoryUsage 475192Ki; PodDiskIoUsage ""; PodNetworkIoUsage ""; PodSriovIntfUsage ""; InterPodIP; } podStatus podName2 { PodState Running; PodRestarts ""; PodAge 0d0h0m0s; PodContainerState 2/2; PodNode; PodIPv4; PodIPv6 ""; PodCpuUsage 313m; PodMemoryUsage 520368Ki; PodDiskIoUsage ""; PodNetworkIoUsage ""; PodSriovIntfUsage ""; InterPodIP; } > show status service <ALL/registered PodName> podName <ALL/registered pod names> cnfStatus podRole podRole pod1 { PodRole active; } podRole pod2 { PodRole inactive; } podRole pod3 { PodRole active; }
> how status service <ALL/registered PodName> podName <ALL/registered PodName> cnfStatus containerStatus containerStatus podName1 container1 { ContainerState Running; ContainerRestarts 0; ContainerAge 0d0h0m0s; ContainerCpuUsage 32m; ContainerMemoryUsage 74352Ki; } containerStatus podName1 container2 { ContainerState Running; ContainerRestarts 0; ContainerAge 0d0h0m0s; ContainerCpuUsage 12m; ContainerMemoryUsage 41144Ki; }
> show status service SC podName <ALL/sc pod name> cnfGlobal scStatus haStatus 10.0.0 { active 3; standby 1; } haStatus 11.0.0 { active 2; standby 1; } callSummary all { callAttempts 10; activeCalls 2; } Registration summary { Active_registration_count 20 }
Registration Summary is not supported in this release.
> show status service SLB podName <ALL/slb pod name> cnfGlobal slbStatus haStatus 11.0.0 { active 1; standby 0; } SLB_Counters { SIP_messages xx SLB_rejections xx SLB_redirections xx }
SIP_Messages/sec not supported in this release. Changed it to SIP_Messages (Total Messages)
> show status service CAC podName <ALL/cac pod name> cnfGlobal cacStatus applicationStatus { haStatus V12.00.00-S200 { active 1; standby 0; } counters entry { cacRequests 0; nodeCacCount 0; cacFailures 0; } }
> show status service CS podName <ALL/cs pod name> cnfGlobal csStatus haStatus 11.0.0-latest { active 1; standby 0; } Blacklisted_endpoints { IP/FQDN1, IP/FQDN2, }
> show status cnfGlobal oamStatus appInfo 11.0.0 { RedundancyState Active; RAMPConnectivity connected; } registeredPod pod1 { Count 1; } registeredPod pod2 { Count 1; } //Recent Alarms is not being taken up Recent_alarms { Alarm1, Alarm2, Alarm3, Alarm4, Alarm5 }
> show status service RAC podName <ALL/RAC podName> cnfGlobal racStatus applicationStatus { haStatus V12.00.00-S200 { active 1; standby 0; } clients podName1 { podType CS; fixedId 2; floatingId 2092898958; role active; podIp; } clients podName2 { podType SC; fixedId 1; floatingId 1613744598; role active; podIp; } clients podName3 { podType SLB; fixedId 3; floatingId 1253446102; role active; podIp; } }
> show status service NS podName ALL cnfGlobal nsStatus podAllocationStatus { podID podName1 { segmentID sc-pkt0 { ipAllocation SCPKT0 { ipAddress; } ipAllocation SCPKT0V6 { ipAddress fd2c:4708:5563:1251:d::26; } } segmentID sc-pkt1 { ipAllocation SCPKT1 { ipAddress; } ipAllocation SCPKT1V6 { ipAddress fd2c:4708:5563:1252:d::26; } } } podID podName2 { segmentID sc-pkt0 { ipAllocation SCPKT0 { ipAddress; } ipAllocation SCPKT0V6 { ipAddress fd2c:4708:5563:1251:d::27; } } segmentID sc-pkt1 { ipAllocation SCPKT1 { ipAddress; } ipAllocation SCPKT1V6 { ipAddress fd2c:4708:5563:1252:d::27; } } } }
> show table service HPA podName ALL cnfGlobal hpaStatus deploymentStatus { deploymentName test-sc { targetMetricName session_control_max_resource_utilization; hpaThresholdValue 70; configuredMinActivePods 1; configuredMaxActivePods 47; configuredMinStandbyPods 1; configuredMaxStandbyPods 3; standbyScalingFactor 15.0; scaleDownStablizationWindow 100; dryUpTime 300; aggregateMetricsUtilization 6.0; currentActivePod 1; currentStandbyPod 1; podsWithNoRole 0; desiredActivePods 1; desiredStandbyPods 1; } }
Statistic | Description |