This profile determines which calls are classified as emergency calls. An incoming call is classified as an emergency call if the URN matches this prefix.

To View Emergency Call Profile

On the SBC main screen, go to Configuration > Profile Management > Category: Service Profiles > Emergency Call Profile.

The Emergency Call Profile window is displayed.

To Edit Emergency Call Profile

To edit any of the Emergency Call Profile in the list, click the radio button next to the specific Emergency Call Profile name.

The Edit Selected Emergency Call Profile window is displayed below.

Make the required changes and click Save.

To Create Emergency Call Profile

To create a new Emergency Call Profile, click New Emergency Call Profile tab on the Emergency Call Profile List panel.

The Create New Emergency Call Profile window is displayed.

Emergency Call Profile Parameters:




The name of this Emergency Call Profile.


This parameter controls the SBC behavior of whether or not to use SIP cpc=priority for emergency call indication.

  • None (default)
  • Priority


This parameter controls the behavior if the SIP X-EMG header can be used for emergency call indication.

  • Disabled (default) – Do not use the header for emergency call indication.
  • Enabled – Use the header for emergency call indication.
Res Priority Header Profile

The name of the existing RPH profile for classifying a call as an emergency call based on the RPH in the initial ingress INVITE.

Sos In Contact Of Register

A registration received with a "sos" parameter in the contact header is considered an emergency registration if it is enabled on the Emergency Call Profile configured on the ingress trunk group. 

  • Disable (default)
  • Enable

To Delete Emergency Call Profile

To delete any of the created Emergency Call Profile, click the radio button next to the specific Emergency Call Profile .

Click Delete at the end of the highlighted row. A delete confirmation message appears seeking your decision.

Click Yes to remove the specific Emergency Call Profile from the list.

  • No labels