In this section:

The SBC applies disconnect treatment to the ingress party specified by the Signaling Sequence Profile (SSP). This SSP is derived from the SCP disconnect treatment profile (DTP) and disconnect treatment indicator provided by the PSX in a trigger response.

The DTP must be explicitly configured on the SBC. The existing disconnect reason is still forwarded to the ingress party immediately after the disconnect treatment (if applicable) is applied. The disconnect reason can be SCP or egress party initiated.

To View Disconnect Signal Sequence Profile

On the SBC main screen, go to Configuration > Profile Management > Category: Service Profiles > Disconnect Signal Sequence Profile.

The Disconnect Signal Sequence Profile window is displayed.

To Edit Disconnect Signal Sequence Profile

The Edit Selected Disconnect Signal Sequence Profile window is read-only.

To Create Disconnect Signal Sequence Profile

To create a new Disconnect Signal Sequence Profile, click New Disconnect Signal Sequence Profile tab on the Disconnect Signal Sequence Profile List panel.

The Create New Disconnect Signal Sequence Profile window is displayed.

Disconnect Signal Sequence Profile Parameters:

NameThe user name for this Disconnect Signal Sequence Profile.

To Delete Disconnect Signal Sequence Profile

To delete any of the created Disconnect Signal Sequence Profile, click the radio button next to the specific Disconnect Signal Sequence Profile.

Click Delete at the end of the highlighted row. A delete confirmation message appears seeking your decision.

Click Yes to remove the specific Disconnect Signal Sequence Profile from the list.

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