Modified: for 12.1.1


The SBC CNF architecture includes the following services/pods:

  • Registration Service (RS Pod) - Responsible for the SIP registration/subscription handling and non-INVITE out-of-dialogue processing.
  • Signaling Gateway Pod (SG Pod) - Responsible for the non-SIP signaling communication interfacing.

The SBC uses the Signaling Gateway for the communication with external peers using the following protocols:

  • DNS
  • D+ (SBC to PSX interface)
  • LI Signaling (X2 interface) 

The Signaling Gateway acts as a gateway for all other services within the SBC CNF that communicate with the external peers using the above protocols. The Signaling Gateway Pod interacts with other pods in the CNF using internal communication interfaces that carry ICM messages.

The following diagram represents the Signaling Gateway Pod in the SBC CNF architecture: