Modified: for 12.1.2
The Diameter Protocol (Rx) interface is supported on SBC CNe. The Signaling Gateway (SG) Pod applies the SBC configuration related to DS, D+, DIAMETER, and Lawful Intercept (LI) IMS Signaling, similar to the SLB (Load Balancer). In a VNF environment, the Diameter Agent and Diameter client are located on the same system. For Diameter Rx in the CNF environment, the Diameter Agent runs on the SC or RS pod with the Diameter Client running on the SG Pod. For Lawful Intercept (LI), the Diameter Client is IM and is co-hosted on the SG Pod with the Diameter client. The message exchanged between the SC/RS Pod (Diameter Agent) and the SG Pod (Diameter Client) are serialized using functional-blocks and sent using Inter-pod ICM service. The SG Pod is fixed to a 1:1 model. It is not scalable horizontally, which prevents storing redundancy data in the database and directly storing the information in the standby SG Pod. On VNF, the Diameter client tracks each of the Diameter agents via registration messages sent from individual Diameter agents. Registering and maintaining the agent list on the Diameter Client was used to propagate the Diameter node configuration change to the agents. From now on, the Diameter agent reads the configuration directly from the CDB for the CNF and VNF. The DIAM client no longer pushes the configuration to the DIAM agents. Instead, the Diameter agent reads the configuration directly from CDB for the CNF and VNF environments.
Diameter Architecture with SG Pod