The re-installation of SBC SWe can be carried out when you want to upgrade from an existing SBC SWe version to the latest version by retaining the same configurations like NIC, CPU configurations and so on, from existing KVM instance.
To re-install ISO on KVM:
Right-click the Instance and select Shut Down > Shut Down to shut off the SBC SWe VM instance before re-installing the ISO.
Select the instance to shut down and click Shutdown button.
The instance shuts off after a while.
The figures shown in this procedure are intended as examples of the user interface and might not match the presented images exactly.
Select the VM instance and click Open.
The VM window displays.
Click Connect.
The Choose Media window displays.
From the left pane select Boot Options.
The boot related details is displayed in the right pane.
Click Run from the menu to start the instance.
The VM installation screen displays.
After installing SBC SWe change the boot device order as show below.