To create a Profile file:

  1. On SBC main screen, go to Administration > System Administration > Configuration and Profiles Import/Export. The Profiles window is displayed.
    Figure 1: Profiles ImportExport - Profiles

  2. Select the Profile which you need to upload from the second panel.

  3. Click Save Profile on the Profiles panel.

  4. The Save Profiles panel appears.

  5. Enter the name of the Profile file in the File Name text box.
  6. Select the type of Profile you would like to create from the Type drop-down box.
  7. Select the instance/instances created earlier for this profile. This field appears only for certain Type of Profiles.
  8. Click Save to save changes. The status of this action is visible on the Status Monitor Panel.
    The newly created Profile is displayed in the Profiles panel (the bottom most).

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