The Policy Server object allows you to configure up to 10 policy servers (one local server and nine external policy servers). When an active server becomes congested, the SBC Core application will first distribute overflow traffic to one of the active servers with enough capacity, or to one of the standby servers that is not currently congested.

The SBC can obtain policy services from one or more active servers in load-sharing (or round-robin) mode, and one or more active servers can be configured in the standby mode.

Types of policy server configurations include:

  • Global Configuration is applicable to all policy servers.
  • Local Policy Server Configuration is applicable to local (embedded) policy server.
  • Remote Policy Server Configuration is applicable to remote policy servers.

The SBC administrator enables or disables the policy server. When a policy server is enabled, it receives database queries from the SBC. You can enable or disable the policy server only in the out-of-service mode.

Global Configuration

The Policy Server global configuration commands are described below. The SBC can be configured to communicate with an external PSX policy server using either a Management Interface Group or IP Interface Group.


The SBC SWe supports configuring an alternate IP address for communicating with the external PSX. Refer to Using an Alternate IP Address to Communicate with the PSX for details.


 The DNS query to an Interface Group outside the address context feature adds additional flexibility to query the PSX FQDN with a particular DNS Group. For more information, refer to DNS Support.

Command Syntax

% set system policyServer globalConfig 
	addressContext <address context name>
	congestionControl <disabled | enabled>
	dnsGroup <DNS group server name>
	dscpProfile <dscpProfileName>
	ipInterfaceGroup <ipInterfaceGroup_name>
	ipVar <metavariable name> 
	mgmtInterfaceGroup <mgmtInterfaceGroup_name>
	reconnectTimeout <1-3600 seconds> 
    sbcGatewayName <SbcGateway Name>	
    switchOverMode <automatic | manual>
	type <ip | mgmt>

Command Parameters





<address context name> – The address context for the policy Server IP Interface Group.

NOTE: This parameter is only configurable (visible from command line) when attribute type is set to "ip".



When this parameter is enabled, the SBC throttles the sending or policy requests to either active or standby policy server. Options are:

  • enabled
  • disabled (default)
dnsGroupN/A<DNS group name> – The name of the DNS group to associate with the policy server global configuration to allow PSX FQDN resolution with a particular DNS group.
<profile_name> - Name of the DSCP Profile in which DSCP values are configured for HPC and non HPC calls. For more information, refer to DSCP Profile - CLI.
ipInterfaceGroup 1-23

<IPIG name> – The IP Interface Group belonging to the configured address context. This IP Interface Group is used for communicating with the external PSX.

NOTE: This parameter is only configurable once addressContext is set.


Use this parameter to specify a metavariable name (from the PSX’s metavariable table) used to provide an IP address for the SBC SWe for connecting to the PSX. When the ipVar field is blank, the SBC SWe picks any random IP address from the configured interface to connect to the PSX.

NOTE: Use this parameter for SBC SWe N:1 HA or cloud-based deployments only.



Specifies the Management Interface Group to be used for communication with an external PSX.

NOTE: If attribute type is set to "ip", this parameter is no longer configurable.



Specifies the timeout period in seconds to re-attempt the connection to a policy server that is in the enabled state. Default is 10 seconds.

sbcGatewayNameN/AThe SBC Gateway name given to the softswitch.



Specifies the mode to switch over the policy server to active state. Mode can be:

  • automatic (default) – in this state the policy server automatically retries to the previously ACTIVE policy server after a switch-over.
  • manual – In this state you have to manually set the policy server to ACTIVE state after a switch-over.

Interface type supported by the policy server.

  • ip – IP Interface
  • mgmt – Management Interface

Command Examples

To set the policy server global configuration using management interface group called "mgmtGroup":

% set system policyServer globalConfig type mgmt mgmtInterfaceGroup mgmtGroup congestionControl enabled reconnectTimeout 5 switchOverMode automatic

To set the policy server global configuration using IP Interface Group called "ipInterfaceGroup":

% set system policyServer remoteServer PSXSWE2 state disabled mode outOfService
% commit
% set system policyServer globalConfig type ip addressContext a1 ipInterfaceGroup LIF1 reconnectTimeout 10 switchOverMode automatic congestionControl enabled
% commit
% set system policyServer remoteServer PSXSWE2 state enabled mode active
% commit

To view the policy server global configuration settings with type as mgmt:

% show system policyServer globalConfig
reconnectTimeout   5;
switchOverMode     automatic;
congestionControl  enabled;
type               mgmt;
mgmtInterfaceGroup mgmtGroup;

To view the policy server global configuration settings with type as ip:

> show system policyServer globalConfig
reconnectTimeout 10;
switchOverMode automatic;
congestionControl disabled;
type ip;
addressContext a1;
ipInterfaceGroup LIF1;

To view the status of policy server global configuration from system-level mode with type as mgmt:

> show table system policyServer globalConfig
reconnectTimeout   5;
switchOverMode     automatic;
congestionControl  enabled;
type               mgmt;
mgmtInterfaceGroup mgmtGroup;

To view the status of policy server global configuration from system-level mode with type as ip:

> show table system policyServer globalConfig
reconnectTimeout 10;
switchOverMode automatic;
congestionControl disabled;
type ip;
addressContext a1;
ipInterfaceGroup LIF1;

Local Policy Server Configuration

The Local Policy Server configuration commands are described below.

Command Syntax

% set system policyServer localServer <softswitch_name>
	action <dryUp | force>
	keepAliveTimer <1-60 seconds>
	mode <active | alternate | outOfService | standby>
	retries <0-32>
	retryTimer <# milliseconds>
	state <disabled | enabled>
	transactionTimer <50-60000 milliseconds>

Command Parameters






Specifies the name of the local policy server.



Specifies the method on which queued transactions are processed, when operational state is either standby or out-of-service:
dryup (default) all queue entries are processed to completion unless retries expires.
force — all queue transactions are dropped immediately.



Specifies the time interval (in seconds) to wait before issuing a "keepalive" poll to the policy server. This poll is issued only if there is no other policy server activity during this interval. The receipt of any message from the policy server resets the elapsed time to 0.
Must be 1-60, default is 5.



Specifies the operational state of the local policy server:

  • outofservice – The local policy server is out-of-service and will not provide any services.
  • active – The local policy server provides normal query services.
  • standby – The local policy server serves as a backup when another server in the active mode becomes unavailable.
  • alternate – The local policy server is not expected to receive any query messages, but can send messages to SBC. 

NOTE: If two external active policy servers fail and local policy server is in standby mode, the standby local policy server is used as active server until the external policy server becomes active.



Specifies the number of retries for any policy server transaction. Must be 0-32, default is 1.



Specifies the time (in milliseconds) for the SBC to wait for the response from the local policy server. (default = 2500).



The administrative state of the local policy server.

  • disabled – The local policy server is not used for call routing decisions.
  • enabled – The local policy server is used for call routing decisions.

NOTE: If changing the state, ensure mode is first set to "outofservice".



Time to wait (in milliseconds) for a reply from the initial transaction request. When this timer expires, a transaction retry will be issued. Subsequent retries of this transaction are controlled by retries. (Default = 2500)

Command Example

To set the local policy server configuration:

% set system policyServer localServer PSX_LOCAL_SERVER action dryUp keepAliveTimer 3 mode standby retries 1 retryTimer 2500 state enabled transactionTimer 2500

To view the local policy server configuration settings:

% show system policyServer localServer  
localServer PSX_LOCAL_SERVER {  
	state enabled;  
	mode standby;  
	action dryUp;  
	transactionTimer 2500;  
	keepAliveTimer 3;  
	retryTimer 2500;  
	retries 1;  

To view the status of local policy servers:

 % show table system policyServer localServer
PSX_LOCAL_SERVER 	enabled active  dryUp 	2500 		5 	2500 	1

Remote Policy Server Configuration

The Remote Policy Server configuration commands are described below.


You cannot configure multiple Remote Servers using a combination of IP addresses and FQDNs. Only one type is allowed at any given time.

Command Syntax

% set system policyServer remoteServer <softswitch_name>
	action <dryUp | force>     
	fqdn <PSX cluster FQDN>
 	ipAddress <IPv4 or IPv6 address>
	keepAliveTimer <1-60 seconds>
    maxPolicyServerCount <1-40>    
	mode <active | alternate | outOfService | standby>
	portNumber <softswitch port number>
	retries <0-32>
	retryTimer <# milliseconds>
	state <disabled | enabled>
	transactionTimer <50-60000 milliseconds>
% request system policyServer remoteServer <softswitch_name> switchBack

Command Parameters






<Policy Server Name> – The name of the remote policy server.



Use this object to specify the action to take against the policy server.

  • dryup (default) – All queued transactions are processed to completion unless retries expire.
  • force – All queued transactions are dropped immediately.



This functionality is currently only available in an OpenStack cloud environment.

<cluster FQDN> – Enter the PSX cluster FQDN. 

You can configure the PSX cluster FQDN in an SBC instance or seed it in the SBC instance during instantiation. The SBC instance learns a list of IP addresses of remote policy server instances in a PSX cluster by resolving the PSX cluster's FQDN with the help of the DNS server. This enables SBC to talk to multiple PSX instances of a PSX cluster by simply providing the FQDN of the PSX cluster.

NOTE: The user can configure the remote policy server's (PSX) FQDN or IP address but cannot configure both simultaneously.

Refer to SBC Support of Multiple PSX Clusters Using PSX Cluster FQDN for feature details.


Up to 32 characters

<IP address> – Enter the IPv4 or IPv6 address of the PSX Softswitch server.



The time interval (in seconds) to wait before issuing a "keepalive" poll to the policy server. This poll is issued only if there is no other policy server activity during this interval. The receipt of any message from the policy server resets the elapsed time to 0 (default = 5).



<Number of PSX clients> – Choose the maximum number of policy server clients to create using the IP addresses picked from the DNS results under the remote server configuration (default = 1).

NOTE: This parameter is only visible when fqdn is configured/used.



The operational state of the remote policy server.

  • active – The remote policy server provides normal query services.
  • alternate – The remote policy server is not expected to receive any query messages from the SBC, but can send messages to SBC.
  • outOfService (default) – The remote policy server is out-of-service and will not provide any services to the SBC.
  • standby – The remote policy server serves as a backup when another server in the active mode becomes unavailable.



<Port number> – The logical port number used for IP communication with the remote policy server. (default = 3055).



<Retry count> – The number of times to retry any remote policy server transaction. (default = 1).



<Timer value> – The time (in milliseconds) for the SBC to wait for the response from the remote policy server. (default = 2500).



Administrative state of the remote policy server. 

  • disabled (default) – The remote policy server is not used for call routing decisions.
  • enabled – The remote policy server is used for call routing decisions. 

NOTE: The mode must be set to 'outOfService' before changing the state.



Use this parameter with the request command to force a previously active (now standby) PSX to revert back to an active state.  Note that the switchOverMode parameter in globalConfig must be set to manual.



The time for SBC to wait (in milliseconds) for a reply from the policy server after sending a transaction request. When this timer expires, a transaction retry is issued based on retries setting. (default = 2500).

Command Examples

To set the remote policy server configuration:

% set system policyServer remoteServer RS-1 mode outOfService  
% set system policyServer remoteServer RS-1 ipAddress state enabled

To view the remote policy server configuration settings:

% show system policyServer remoteServer  
remoteServer RS-1 {  
	state enabled;  
	mode outOfService;  

To view the status of remote policy server from top-level CLI mode:

> show table system policyServer remoteServer  
                                                                KEEP                   SUB
      IP            PORT                           TRANSACTION  ALIVE  RETRY           PORT
RS-1  3055    enabled active dryUp   2500 	       5 	  2500 	 1 

Request Command - Manual Switchback

Use this command to reset the SIP registration count of the remote policy server.

Command Syntax
% request system policyServer remoteServer <softswitch_name> switchBack  




Use this parameter with the request command to force a previously active (now standby) PSX to revert back to an active state. 

Note that the switchOverMode parameter in globalConfig must be set to manual to use this command.

% request system policyServer remoteServer RS-1 switchBack  
result PASSED