Use this window to configure a server object to represent the remote syslog server to which the Rsyslog service sends log messages.


The SBC Syslog configuration does not provide a setting for specifying an Interface to use for connectivity to remote syslog servers; instead, the interface is decided using the configured Static Routes. The SBC application automatically creates an ACL to allow connections from the remote server to the mgmt interface.

If traffic to the remote server is routed out of a different interface due to the configured Static Routes, then you must either add a new Static Route to route the traffic out of the mgmt interface, or create a new ACL for that interface.

On the SBC main screen, go to All > OAM > Event Log > Platform Rsyslog > Servers. The Servers window opens. 

Figure 1: Platform Rsyslog - Servers List Window 

Currently the SBC supports a single server destination referred to as Server1. To edit the parameters for Server1, click the radio button adjacent to its name. The Edit Selected Servers panel opens.

Figure 2: Platform Rsyslog - Servers List Window 

Use the following table to edit the parameters for the server and click Save


Remote Host

Specifies the remote host IP for the syslog server where Rsyslog sends messages.


Protocol Type

Specifies the protocol type to use when sending messages to the remote syslog server.

Default: TCP

Options: UDP, TCP, Relp, Tls-tcp

Note: TLS-TCP is not currently available, but is planned for a future release.



Specifies which port to send messages to on the remote syslog server.

Default: 514

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