]Use this object to configure forward call indicator settings.

In the EMA, navigate to All > Profiles > Signaling > NNIProfile > Forward Call Indicator.

The Forward Call Indicator window displays.

Figure 1: Forward Call Indicator

From the NNIProfile drop-down list, select the appropriate NNIProfile.

The Edit Forward Call Indicator frame displays.

The parameters and corresponding actions are described in the table below:

Table 1: Forward Call Indicator - Parameter Description

National Call Indicator

Choose a National Call Indicator type:

  • Int – International call
  • Nat – National call
Originating ISDN Indicator

Choose an Originating ISDN Access Indicator type:

  • Non_isdn
  • Isdn

Select the appropriate options for the parameters, and click Save.

A Success message is displayed, to acknowledge the successful update of the configuration. Click Ok to finish the process.

Click Undo Edits to cancel all changes.

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