The following steps describe the procedures to Instantiate the Azure Standalone SBC or the HA SBC with HFE using IAC. The Azure CLI version used for this document is 2.24.

  1. Access and Share SBC Image in Azure.
  2. Retrieve the latest IAC tarball from the Ribbon Support Portal.
  3. Create an Ubuntu 18.04 LTS instance in Azure.
  4. Run az login and sign in as a user with the role 'owner' for the subscription.
  5. If you haven't created one already, create a Service Principal that contains 'owner' permissions for the subscription.


    az ad sp create-for-rbac -n rbbn-iac --role="owner" --scopes="/subscriptions/XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXa511"
    • Ensure the Service Principle created as 'owner' has sufficient privileges to create and assign roles.
    • Store the outputs "appId" and "password" from the commands to use as credentials for login in as the Service Principal.
    • Verify the output includes credentials that you must protect.
  6. Copy the IAC tarball to the Azure instance.

    scp -i <pem_file> <iac_tarball> <username>@<ip_azure_instance>:/home/<username>

  7. Make a directory to extract the IAC tarball:

    mkdir iac_package
  8. Copy the IAC tarball to the created directory created above and change it to that directory:

    cp iac_sustaining_*.tar.gz  iac_package/
    cd iac_package
  9. Extract the IAC tarball using tar.

    tar xvfz iac_sustaining_*.tar.gz
  10. To set up the IAC environment, follow the instructions available in ./iac_package/

  11. Follow the Azure instructions in ./iac_package/help/ file to create either:
    • Standalone SBC
      • To setup Standalone,  follow the instructions in ./iac_package/orchestration/azure/sbc_stand_alone/
    • HA SBC with HFE
      • To setup SBC HA with HFE 2.1, follow the instructions in ./iac_package/orchestration/azure/sbc_hfe2.1/
      • Create a HFE Storage Account to store the script 
  12. For either Standalone or HA with HFE, update the "terraform.tfvars" to provide inputs for deployment. Update the following:
    1. resource_group_names
    2. resource_group_locations
    3. hfe_script_url
    4. remote_ssh_ip
    5. address_prefix_pkt0Src
    6. address_prefix_pkt1Src
    7. image_name

      image_name = "/subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxa31/resourceGroups/mage_RBBN-SBC-RG/providers/Microsoft.Compute/images/rbbn-sbc-v10.01.11.img

  13. Export the following environment variables, stored from the Service Principal creation:

    export ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID="<subscription_id>"
    export ARM_TENANT_ID="<tenant_id>"
    export ARM_CLIENT_ID="<appId>"
    export ARM_CLIENT_SECRET="<password>"
  14. Use the Terraform commands mentioned below:
    1. Initialize Terraform:

      terraform init
    2. Run Terraform plan command, to preview the changes and ensure that "terraform.tfvars" are configured correctly before applying:

      terraform plan
    3. Apply the resource configuration:

      terraform apply

      Ensure to create resources according to deployment needs.

      For Standalone SBC, make a note of the following field:

      • SBC public IP: sbc_public_ip

      For the HA SBC with HFE setup, make a note of the following fields:

      • Active SBC public IP: active_sbc_public_ip
      • Standby SBC public IP: standby_sbc_public_ip
  15. To destroy all SBC resources from Microsoft Azure:

    terraform destroy