In this section:
Modified: for 12.1.2
To comply with the ETSI NFV-SOL CNF (Containerized VNF) deployment packaging standards, Ribbon supplies Cloud Service Archive (CSAR) package for the SBC CNF. The CSAR package contains Helm charts, values.yaml, docker images workflows, and descriptors to manage the CNF along with a definition template that describes the contents of the CSAR. You can upload the CSAR into an internal tool to unpack and process the contents and then send the images to the internal registry for Kubernetes consumption. The automation tools use the Helm charts stored in the internal repository. To reduce space consumption, Ribbon delivers the package as a single file in the ZIP format. The user does not need external repositories or URIs to instantiate the CNF because the package is self-contained. The package contains a manifest file signed using the Ribbon private key, containing digests of individual files in the package. The manifest file contains the following information: The input template to generate the vnfd file. The script to generate the CNF CSAR. The sample JSON configuration file for the user's reference. The JSON configuration file provides the details about the artifacts that a user needs to archive. The JASON contains the following details: The file names that the SBC needs to download. For docker images, you can specify multiple images with the same tag here . The tag is specified in the imageTag field. Images with different tags must hold separate set of configurations (For example, the "Telemetry_images" holds a separate set of configuration as it differs in the tag). The Recommended arguments: Provide the variables Use this parameter to set the product version. For example, '12.01.00'. Use this parameter to set the product Sub/Release name version. For example, 'R002'. Use this parameter to set the provider name. For example, 'Ribbon Communications' Use this parameter to set the customer name in the vnfd definitions, such as node types. For example, 'abc'. Use this parameter to set the customer name. For example, 'Abc Communications'. Use this parameter to set the customer's short name. For example, 'ac' Use this parameter to set the product build. For example, '12.1.1-100'. Set this parameter to 'true' to generate signature for all the files in CSAR package. The default is 'true' and it is self signed. To use CA-signed certificates, set '--cert_file' and '--key_file' Provide a prefix to the name of Examples: The Example for The following list contains the custom variable names that you can set as shell environment variables through the export command. Use these variables to customize the contents of files, such as name, vnfd, mf, and meta. Ribbon recommends you to verify the Examples:Software Bundle Details
File Name Description etsi_nfv_sol001_common_types.yaml
The TOSCA definition file. Contains ETSI NFV SOL 001 common types definitions for version 3.5.1. etsi_nfv_sol001_vnfd_types.yaml
The TOSCA definition file. It contains ETSI NFV SOL 001 vnfd types definitions for version 3.5.1. etsi_nfv_sol001_vnfd_2_5_1_types.yaml
The TOSCA definition file. It contains ETSI NFV SOL 001 vnfd types definitions for version 2.5.1. The helm_extensions_1_1.yaml
The Helm extensions of SOL001 vnfd types. This file is copied to Definitions/<customer_short_name>_helm_extensions_1_1.yaml. The cnfSol001VnfdTemplate.yaml
JSON Configuration File
File Name Description archiveOrNot <"True"/"False">
Defines if the SBC needs to archive the artifact or not. If not needed, the remaining parameters mentioned in this table are invalid. Download <"True"/"False">
Defines if the SBC needs to to download the artifact or not. If set to False, the artifact files are available in the 'sourcePath'. isDockerImage <"True"/"False">
Defines if the SBC needs to download the docker image or if it needs to perform a regular file download. downloadUrl <url>
Field to enter the URL if the SBC needs to download the file. files <image1, image2>
imageTag <12.1.2-210>
The docker image tag. sourcePath <./Images>
The restoration path, if the SBC does not need to download the artifact. csarPath <Artifacts/Images/Application-Images>
The destination path of images in a CSAR archive. Running the Script
, sub_version
, and product_build
attributes are mandatory. You can provide the attributes either through command line or shell environment variables using the export command. Do not provide these mandatory attributes if the script is run only for signing a pre-built or modified CSAR using the option --sign_csar
, product_name
, product_info_name
, provider
, customer_name
, customer_desc_name
, customer_short_name
, and json_file
to generate the CSAR with correct values.Parameter Description -h
Use this parameter to see all available command line arguments. --product_version <product_version>
--sub_version <sub_version>
Use this parameter to see all the possible custom variables you can set. --product_name <product name>
Use this parameter to set the product name. Use a single word. The default is 'rbbn-core-cnf.' --provider <Provider name>
--customer_name <Customer name>
--customer_desc_name <Customer name>
--customer_short_name <short name>
--product_build <product_build>
--passwd_token <token>
Use this parameter to set the password token to download the Helm chart. --sign_files <true/false>
--cert_file <cert file>
Use this parameter to set the cert file path. --key_file <key file>
Use this parameter to set the key file path. --sign_csar <csar file>
Use this parameter to produce a new CSAR from the given CSAR file by updating the manifest file with a checksum and signing all the files.
The SBC deletes the existing signature files if there are any. The checksum in the manifest file is updated with newer checksum. You can provide 'key' and 'cert' files for CA signing.--json_file <json file>
Set the JSON file path containing the configuration of various artifacts such as Helm charts, images, and test scripts. --values_file_name_prefix <prefix>
and i/p json
files as per the user naming convention. The prefix is added as <prefix>_values.yaml. The normal format for the values.yaml
file is '<namespace>_<cnf>_values.yaml'. Ensure that the prefix includes both namespace and product name../ --product_version "12.01.02" --sub_version A001 --product_build "12.1.2-64" --product_name "rbbn-core-cnf" --provider "Anonymous Communications, Inc." --json_file "./artficats_conf.json"
./ --product_version "12.01.02" --sub_version R002 --product_build "12.1.2-64" --product_name "rbbn-core-cnf" --provider "Ribbon communication" --sign_files false
./ --product_version "12.01.01" --sub_version R002 --product_build "12.1.1-155" --product_name "rbbn-core-cnf" --provider "Ribbon communication" --json_file "./artficats_conf.json"
./ --product_version "13.00.00" --sub_version R001 --product_build "13.0.0-15" --product_name "rbbn-core-cnf" --provider "Ribbon communication" --cert_file "/home/tmp/cert.pem" --key_file "/home/tmp/key.pem"
python3 --product_version "12.01.02" --sub_version R001 --product_build "12.1.2-155" --product_name "rbbn-core-cnf" --provider "Ribbon communication" --customer_short_name "dt" --customer_desc_name "Deutsche Telekom" --sign_files false
./ --sign_csar /tmp/rbbn-core-cnf-12.1.2-64.csar
./ --sign_csar /tmp/rbbn-core-cnf-12.1.1-116.csar --cert_file "/home/tmp/cert.pem" --key_file "/home/tmp/key.pem"
Example CSAR
script generates the following files:rbbn-core-cnf-12.1.2-297.csar
file contents: |-Definitions
| |-vz_cnf_sol001_vnfd.yaml
| |-vz_helm_extensions_1_1.yaml
| |-etsi_nfv_sol001_vnfd_2_5_1_types.yaml
| |-vz_cnf_sol001_vnfd.yaml.sig
| |-vz_helm_extensions_1_1.yaml.sig
| |-etsi_nfv_sol001_vnfd_2_5_1_types.yaml.sig
| |-ChangeLog.txt
| |-ChangeLog.txt.sig
| |-TOSCA.meta
| |-TOSCA.meta.sig
| |-Scripts
| | |-Application-Helm-Charts
| | | |-rbbn-core-cnf-12.1.2-297.tgz
| | | |-rbbn-core-cnf-12.1.2-297.tgz.sig
| | |-Helm-Values
| | | |-values.yaml
| | | |-values.yaml.sig
| |-Images
| | |-Application-Images
| | | |-ribbonhpaImage.tar
| | | |-oamproxyImage.tar
| | | |-isbcslbImage.tar
| | | |-ribbonhpaImage.tar.sig
| | | |-oamproxyImage.tar.sig
| | | |-isbcslbImage.tar.sig
Custom Shell Environment Variables
and helm_extensions_1_1.yaml
files before generating a CSAR file. Verify the names within the curly braces, set variables with appropriate values through the environment or command line, and replace them to generate the expected output.product_version
export vnfm="[0:'HPE']"
export customer_desc_name="abc Communications"
export customer_short_name="ac"
export provider="Ribbon Communications"