
The SBC SWe on AWS uses as the default NTP server IP address to ensure the SBC time is in sync with AWS.

For more information, refer to: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/keeping-time-with-amazon-time-sync-service/.

  • Choose the Time Zone applicable to your network.
  • The SBC SWe supports enabling multiple NTP servers. The SBC SWe syncs with each respective server, based on the amount of time it takes for the NTP server to respond. The "NTPQ" peers list the configured NTP servers with the current role using the following details:

    • * master (synced)
    • # master (unsynced)
    • + selected
    • - candidate
    • ~ configured

CLI Configuration 

When the SBC AWS instance is created, the default NTP server is ntp serverAdmin

Configuration Example

To synchronize the NTP server with the SBC SWe on AWS, execute the following commands:

set addressContext default ipInterfaceGroup LIF1 ipInterface F1 portName pkt0 ipVarV4 IF2.IPV4 prefixVarV4 IF2.PrefixV4 state enabled mode inService
set addressContext default ipInterfaceGroup LIF2 ipInterface F2 portName pkt1 ipVarV4 IF3.IPV4 prefixVarV4 IF3.PrefixV4 state enabled mode inService
set addressContext default zone ZONE1 id 2
set addressContext default zone ZONE1 sipSigPort 1 portNumber 5060 transportProtocolsAllowed sip-tcp,sip-udp ipInterfaceGroupName LIF1 ipVarV4 IF2.IPV4
set addressContext default zone ZONE1 sipSigPort 1 mode inService state enabled
set addressContext default zone ZONE2 id 3
set addressContext default zone ZONE2 sipSigPort 3 portNumber 5060 transportProtocolsAllowed sip-tcp,sip-udp ipInterfaceGroupName LIF2 ipVarV4 IF3.IPV4
set addressContext default zone ZONE2 sipSigPort 3 state enabled mode inService
set addressContext default zone ZONE1 sipTrunkGroup SIP_INGRESS_TG mode inService state enabled media mediaIpInterfaceGroupName LIF1
set addressContext default zone ZONE1 sipTrunkGroup SIP_INGRESS_TG ingressIpPrefix 32
set addressContext default zone ZONE2 sipTrunkGroup SIP_EGRESS_TG mode inService state enabled media mediaIpInterfaceGroupName LIF2
set addressContext default zone ZONE2 ipPeer EGRESS_PEER ipAddress ipPort 4030
set global callRouting routingLabel CLOUD routingLabelRoute 0 ipPeer EGRESS_PEER trunkGroup SIP_EGRESS_TG inService inService
set global callRouting route trunkGroup SIP_INGRESS_TG VSBCSYSTEM standard Sonus_NULL 1 all all ALL none Sonus_NULL routingLabel CLOUD
set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile IPSP_A
set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile IPSP_B
set addressContext default zone ZONE1 sipTrunkGroup SIP_INGRESS_TG signaling timers sessionKeepalive 0
set addressContext default zone ZONE2 sipTrunkGroup SIP_EGRESS_TG signaling timers sessionKeepalive 0
set addressContext default zone ZONE1 sipTrunkGroup SIP_INGRESS_TG policy signaling ipSignalingProfile IPSP_A
set addressContext default zone ZONE2 sipTrunkGroup SIP_EGRESS_TG policy signaling ipSignalingProfile IPSP_B
set profiles media packetServiceProfile PSP_A codec codecEntry1 G711-DEFAULT
set profiles media packetServiceProfile PSP_A packetToPacketControl codecsAllowedForTranscoding thisLeg g711u
set profiles media packetServiceProfile PSP_B codec codecEntry1 G729A-DEFAULT
set profiles media packetServiceProfile PSP_B packetToPacketControl codecsAllowedForTranscoding thisLeg g729
set addressContext default zone ZONE1 sipTrunkGroup SIP_INGRESS_TG policy media packetServiceProfile PSP_A
set addressContext default zone ZONE2 sipTrunkGroup SIP_EGRESS_TG policy media packetServiceProfile PSP_B
set system ntp serverAdmin
set system ntp serverAdmin state enabled
set system ntp timeZone vsbcSystem zone asia-Kolkata
set system ntp serverAdmin minPoll 4
set system ntp serverAdmin maxPoll 16
set oam eventLog typeAdmin debug filterLevel major
set oam eventLog typeAdmin system filterLevel major
set oam eventLog typeAdmin audit filterLevel major
set addressContext default staticRoute 32 LIF1 F1 preference 100
set addressContext default staticRoute 0 LIF1 F1 preference 100
set oam eventLog typeAdmin acct fileCount 100
set oam eventLog typeAdmin acct fileSize 65535
set table system sweActiveProfile name standard_transcoding_profile

EMA Configuration

To Edit NTP Server 

To edit the NTP server, perform the following steps:

  1. Login to the EMA as root user.
  2. Navigate to Configuration > System Setup > NTP > Server Admin.

  3. Select the NTP server which is enabled. The Edit Selected Server Admin is displayed.
    Ntp - Server Admin Edit

  4. Select the Disable option. The message "Setting all NTP peers to disabled may be service affecting. Do you wish to continue?" is displayed.

  5. Click Yes.

  6. Make the required changes and click Save
    NTP Server Updated Successfully

To Create NTP Server Admin

To create a new Server Admin, click the New Server Admin tab on the Server Admin List panel.

The Create New Server Admin window is displayed.

Ntp - Server Admin Create

Enter all the required fields. You can click Show only required fields at the left hand bottom of the panel to view and enter only the required fields to create a new Server Admin.

Server Admin Parameters



IP Address V4 or V6

Specifies the IP Address of this NTP Server. Enter the applicable AWS NTP server IP address.


Specifies the configured state of this NTP Server.  

The options include:

  • Disabled – (default) The state of the NTP server is disabled.
  • Enabled – The state of the NTP server is enabled.


Specifies the NTP version of this NTP Server.

The options include:

  • Version3 (default)
  • Version4

Min Poll

Specifies the minimum poll interval, in seconds to the power of 2, for this NTP Server. The Min Poll parameter value range is 4 - 17 (16 seconds to 36.4 hours). The default value is 4.

Max Poll

Specifies the maximum poll interval, in seconds to the power of 2, for this NTP Server. The Max Poll parameter value range is 10 - 17 (1,024 seconds to 36.4 hours). The default value is 10.

Auth KeySpecifies the NTP authentication key Identifier to authenticate the NTP server.

Make the required changes and click Save.