Use the SIP trunk group Policy window to configure Policy-related settings for a specified SIP trunk group. On the SBC main screen, go to Configuration > System Provisioning > Category: Trunk Provisioning > Trunk Group > SIP Trunk Group > Policy. The Policy window is displayed. Use the drop-down lists to select the desired Address Context, Zone and SIP Trunk Group. The Edit Policy window opens for the selected SIP trunk group. SIP Trunk Group - Policy Window Parameter Descriptions: Parameter Description Carrier Specifies the serving carrier code. Country SIP Domain Localization Variant Specifies the parameters and controls used for localization variant for this trunk group. TG IP Version Preference Use this flag to choose the IP address preference on the ingress Trunk Group. When AoR Group profiles are configured, use this flag to specify whether to enable using the preferred identity configured in the profile to populate the originating identity (P-Asserted-Identity, From, Remote-Party-Identity headers in the egress INVITE) for calls initiated by any of the AoRs in the group. Refer to Profiles - Aor Group Profile for more information. Feature Control Profile Specifies the name of the Feature Control Profile used for this policy. IP Signaling Peer Group Specifies the name of the IP Signaling Peer Group used. Specifies the name of the call notification criteria group to attach to the trunk group to trigger call notifications. Refer to Sending Unsolicited Call Notifications to Application Servers for more information on the SBC's call notification feature. Make the required changes and click Save.To View and Edit Policy Parameters
Specifies the serving country code. Specifies the domain string used when SIP signaling requires a configured domain name. Preferred identity Call Notification Criteria Group
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