In this section:


SBC CNe configuration backups are performed from RAMP's SBC Configuration Manager, and the files are stored on RAMP. You can back up SBC CNe configurations with different revision numbers, and then restore specific configuration revisions. 

Viewing Backup Files From RAMP

SBC CNe configuration backups automatically occur whenever you click Apply Saved Changes and Close from RAMP's SBC Configuration Manager after making any configuration changes. In other words, you do not need to perform a separate or explicit action to take a configuration backup. The SBC CNe (OAM POD) saves a record of specific configuration changes on the RAMP, which then increments the revision number for a set of configuration changes.

  1. Login to RAMP and navigate to DEVICE MANAGEMENT > Devices to manage the CNe devices. By default, the Devices window opens with the Nodes tab in view.
  2. Click the Clusters tab to see a listing all of the clusters that are currently registered. 

  3. As previously stated, you do not need to perform a separate or explicit action to take a configuration backup. The SBC CNe (OAM POD) saves a record of specific configuration changes on the RAMP, which then increments the revision number for a set of configuration changes. A configuration backups occur whenever you click Apply Saved Changes and Close from the menu bar after saving a configuration change.

How Backup Files are Automatically Created

  1. Save a configuration change, then click Apply Saved Changes and Close.

  2. From RAMP, review the list of the changes within a revision. 

Restore SBC CNe

To restore a configuration, select the desired configuration revision to apply to the SBC CNe.

  1. Login to RAMP as a admin user.
  2. Navigate to the Apply Saved Changes and Close > Devices > Clusters tab.
  3. Select the desired cluster.

  4. Navigate to the Configuration tab to check the "Active Configuration" revision number.

  5. Chose the desired Revision Number and click the "Restore" option.

  6. When prompted, click Yes to proceed.

    A "Success" message confirms the Restore activity is concluding with a restart of all managed nodes.

    After the Restore operation completes, the entire cluster reboots.