
The SBC, like other Ribbon devices, uses SNMP traps to notify management applications of events. SNMP traps are the messages that notify a management client that an event has occurred on the SBC node. These traps are not displayed in EMA and can be viewed from RAMP or other SNMP manager configured as a trap target. In case of error scenario, a trap is initiated at the device and forwarded to RAMP or another SNMP manager for processing.

You can configure up to 32 trap targets on the SBC.

Alarm Definition

A trap is considered an alarm when there is a condition that needs attention by the operator. Some alarms clear themselves, such as a port up/down alarm. Other alarms require manual intervention to clear.

Alarms provide alerts/warnings of abnormal activity such as a software failures, system faults, exceptions, hardware issues, and so on. Alarms are primarily viewed using the CLI and EMA interfaces. Some major and critical alarms also have LED indicators on the SBC physical server.

The SBC displays alarms according to the following categories:

  • Current alarms
  • History alarms

Current Alarms

The Current Alarms screen displays the alarms that are not cleared. Current alarms are viewed using EMA and CLI.

To display the current alarms using CLI, execute the following command:

% show table alarms currentStatus

The results display similar to the figure Current alarms (displayed in CLI mode):

Current alarms (displayed in CLI mode)

To display the Current alarms using EMA,

On the SBC main screen, navigate to Monitoring > Dashboard > Alarms > Current Alarms

History Alarms

History Alarms provides historical information about the alarms which occurred on the system, such as the time when the alarms were added/updated/modified/cleared. Historical alarm details are displayed using CLI or from the EMA Dashboard.

For example, to display the list of alarms which occurred on the SBC, type the following command in the CLI:

> show table alarms historyStatus

The output is displayed similar to the figure below:

History alarms output.


To view the cleared alarms in the SBC EMA, from the EMA menu navigate to Monitoring > Dashboard > Alarms > Cleared Alarms.

The status of the alarms are also available in the following locations of the EMA:

  • Current Alarms - All > Alarms > Current Status

  • History Alarms - All > Alarms > History Status

For additional details with viewing alarms and configuring SBC for alarms, refer:

SNMP Trap Definition

Traps are events reported by the SNMP devices. Some SNMP traps are also alarms, which require attention by the operator from the UI (EMA) or CLI.


To view the the related alarms, type the command:

show table alarms currentStatus

To view trap configuration details, refer to

To view the list of SNMP Traps, refer to: