For a High Availability (HA) pair configuration, the SBC Core allows configuring a Static Route for a specific host or CE Name among the active and standby hosts of a HA pair configuration using the Condition element to store the conditions based on which routes are added to a SBC pair with HA configuration. Currently, the Condition element only supports the CE Name element.

  • Before configuring the Condition using a specific CE Name, ensure that the IP Interface Group Name and IP Interface Name are configured. You cannot configure and save these three elements simultaneously. For further details, refer to System Provisioning - IP Interface Group and IP Interface Group - IP Interface.
  • You can only add Static Routes with specific CE Names for packet interfaces.

On the SBC main screen, navigate to All > Address Context > Static Route > Condition.

The Condition window is displayed.

Select appropriate values from the Address Context and Static Route drop-down lists.

Select the CE Name from the drop-down list. 

To save the changes, click Save. To cancel all changes, click Undo Edits.

Parameters - Condition window


An element in the Static Route configuration that holds the conditions based on which routes are added to an SBC pair with HA configuration.

  • CE Name – The name of the computing element that hosts the port used by the IP interface.

Currently, Condition supports only one child element - CE Name.

  • The SBC does not allow to edit the Condition for a Static Route. To change the configuration of Condition, delete the Static Route and reconfigure it.
  • The SBC does not allow deleting the CE Name separately.
  • A Static Route is deleted only from the instance in which it is configured, and not from both active and standby instances of a HA pair SBC configuration.

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