In this section:
In this section, the upgrade procedure for a redundancy group consisting of one active and one standby is illustrated. However, the same procedure is applicable for a standalone instance upgrade. If you are doing volume-based upgrade of a standalone instance, ignore the instructions involving the standby.
A volume-based upgrade is a procedure which reuses the computing and network resources. Use this document to upgrade SBC software from release 7.x.
Before you start the upgrade process, perform a sysdump.
Login to the Active SBC CLI admin, and execute the following command to perform a backup of the configuration. The backup file is stored in the path as shown.
% requests system admin vsbcSystem saveConfig
Check the Status on SBC before upgrade.
Ensure that you complete the configuration and userdata backup from the existing instances (both active and standby).
Also, ensure that in your local machine, you have a copy of the license bundle you downloaded from the Ribbon Support Portal and used in the existing instance.
The hypervisor changes when migrating from C4/M4 to C5/M5, rendering existing hypervisor licenses invalid. Contact your Ribbon representatives for new licenses.
Modify the userdata and then click Save.
For assistance in modifying the userdata to suit the the upgraded instance requirements, refer to Metadata and Userdata Formats on AWS.
The following new userdata variables are added for the upgraded instance:
MultiExcerpt named HA user-data was not found -- Please check the page name and MultiExcerpt name used in the MultiExcerpt-Include macro
You need to set the SbcHaMode
from "Nto1" to "1to1" before performing an upgrade in the instance of a standalone system.
If IAC is used for upgrade, proceed to Replacement Upgrade for AWS and then continue from step 11 for restoring the config. Otherwise if IAC is not used for the upgrade, follow the steps below and continue to the end of this procedure.
Create two new volumes using the new AMI ID snapshot provided for the volume-based upgrade. For information on creating volumes, refer to Create, Detach, and Attach Volumes in AWS.
Ensure that the new volumes are created in the same "Availability zone" as that of the running the existing instance.
Shut down the existing instance (both active and standby volumes).
Volume-based upgrade is applicable only for offline upgrade. All participating HA pair instances should be turned off during the upgrade.
After the existing instance is completely shut down, detach the active and standby volumes from the instance. For information on detaching volumes, refer to Create, Detach, and Attach Volumes in AWS.
Attach the new active and standby volumes created using the upgraded instance AMI snapshot to the existing instance. For information on attaching volumes, refer to Create, Detach, and Attach Volumes in AWS.
The new volumes must be associated as root volumes (device name: /dev/sda1
) to the corresponding instances.
Do not start the instance immediately after attaching the new volumes. You must execute the next steps.
The following step applies only for volume-based upgrades from 5.1 to 6.2.1. Skip this step if you are not upgrading on this specific path.
Start the upgraded instances.
and perform the following steps:Check for the persistence of the UUID of the instance. On successful upgrade, it must remain same.
(Refer to Metadata and Userdata Formats on AWS for details)
Check for the correctness of the upgrade by executing the command swinfo.
(Refer to Metadata and Userdata Formats on AWS for details)
On successful upgrade, the values for the fields OS, SonusDB, EMA, and SBC must change to reflect the new build.
The values displayed against the fields Installed host role and Current host role varies depending on whether the volume to which you have logged on is active or standby.
Check whether the userdata variables reflect the modified values.
(Refer to Metadata and Userdata Formats on AWS for additonal details)
Copy the saved configuration from release 7.x on local server to the upgraded Active SBC.
Run below command to load the 7.x configuration. After loading the configuration, both SBCs will go for restart. This will take approximately 10 minutess (depending on the configuration size) for the 7.x configuration to load.
show table system serverStatus
’ to ensure that calls are running successfully.Login to the CLI of the upgraded instance as linuxadmin
, and then SSH to admin to verify the licenses are correctly retained using the command:> show table system licenseInfo
Login is via the AdminSshKey
in the userdata.
Use the following procedure to perform the revert operation:
show table system severStatus
" on the Active SBC.Use the following procedure to recover the SBC SWe HA on public cloud after reverting to a pre-11.0 release if the SBC application does not come up on both the active and standby nodes. This procedure is only applicable if the system is upgraded from a pre-11.0 release to this release using the following method: Once complete, check to see if application is coming up fine on both active and standby nodes. If present, remove the following file/directories from both the active and standby SBC: Check to make sure that the application starts up on both nodes. If you are using the RAF for upgrade/revert, perform the steps 1.3 to 3.1 within 30 minutes after running the revert operation. This ensures that the RAF can detect the correct state of VNF and mark the operation as complete.Step Action 1
command sbxstop
.2 rm -rf /home/cnxipmadmin/peerDynamicHANewComps
rm -rf /opt/sonus/sbx/openclovis/var
3 sbxstart
’ command.