
For SBC CNe deployments, the EMA and EMA in Platform Mode are unsupported. To access SBC UI Manager functionality, log onto RAMP CNF and use the SBC Manager UI.

The following new configurations is listed as a new container: ssoAuth. The ssoAuth is added under an existing system container.

  • disableLocalAccess
  • proxyAdminUser
  • proxyCaleaUser

On a cloud setup, the default values for the configurations above are 'false', 'emsadmin', 'calea', and for non-cloud, it is 'false', 'admin', and 'calea' respectively.

To View Sso Auth

On the SBC main screen, navigate to All > System > Sso Auth.

The Sso Auth window is displayed.

To Edit the Sso Auth

To edit either the Proxy Admin User or Proxy Calea User in the list, use the following steps:

  1. Click the radio button adjacent to the feature name in the Sso Auth List table. The Edit Sso Auth window opens.

  2. Change the value in Proxy Admin User or Proxy Calea User as necessary. 
  3. Click Save.

The following fields are displayed:

Disable Local AccessN/A

Use this flag to control local CLI/REST API access.

  • true – Disable access through the local CLI/REST API for all accounts except 'proxyAdminUser' and 'proxyCaleaUser'.
  • false – (default) Enable local CLI/REST API access for all accounts, including proxied connections through RAMP.
Proxy Admin User0-255

The SBC always allows local CLI/REST API access to the specified account. The default value in cloud environment is 'emsadmin' and for non-cloud environments, it is 'admin'.

Disable Calea User0-255

The SBC always allows local CLI/REST API access to the specified account. The default value is 'calea'.