This object supports the NTP cryptographic authentication using a key-based authentication mechanism for NTP authentication.


The SBC supports up to three NTP servers. 

To View NTP - Keys

On SBC main screen, go to All > System > NTP > Keys. The Keys window is displayed.

Figure 1: NTP - Keys

To Edit NTP - Keys

To edit any of the Keys entries in the list, click the radio button next to the specific Keys entry name.

The Edit Selected Keys window is displayed.

Make the required changes and click Save at the right hand bottom of the panel to save the changes made.

To Create NTP - Keys

To create a new Keys entry, click New Keys tab on the Keys List panel.

The Create New Keys window is displayed.

The following fields are displayed:

Table 1: NTP - Keys Parameters



Key IdSpecifies the NTP authentication key Identifier to obtain from NTP server.
Key Type

Specifies the NTP authentication key type to assign to the SBC for this key ID. The options are:

  • MD5: MD-5 (Message Digest Algorithm) cryptographic hash function.
  • SHA1: SHA-1 (Secure Hash Algorithm) cryptographic hash function
Key ValueSpecifies the NTP authentication key value to assign to the SBC for this key ID.

To Copy NTP - Keys

To copy any of the created Keys entry and to make any minor changes, click the radio button next to the specific Keys entry to highlight the row.

Click Copy Keys tab on the Keys List panel.

The Copy Selected Keys window is displayed along with the field details which can be edited.

Make the required changes to the fields and click Save to save the changes. The copied Keys entry is displayed at the bottom of the original Keys entry in the Keys List panel.

To Delete NTP - Keys

To delete any of the created Keys entry, click the radio button next to the Key entry which you want to delete.

Click Delete at the end of the highlighted row. A delete confirmation message appears seeking your decision.

Click Yes to remove the specific Keys entry from the list.