To facilitate monitoring and management of voice quality by the SBC Core and Ribbon Analytics, the SBC supports the following functionality to allow service providers to see discrete variations in voice quality, as well as monitor SLA and network operations.

  • Communicate with Ribbon Analytics
  • Report media quality statistics (RTP/RTCP) and DTMF packets to Ribbon Analytics using the Media Probe configuration

NOTE: Ribbon Protect is rebranded to Ribbon Analytics. Any references to 'Ribbon Protect' and 'Protect' in the SBC Core documentation apply to the Ribbon Analytics product.


To establish communication to Ribbon Analytics, refer to System - Protect.

Configure Media Probe to capture and report media quality statistics (RTP/RTCP) and DTMF packets to Ribbon Analytics. 

From the SBC main screen, go to All > System > Media > Media Probe. The Media Probe window displays.

Figure 1: System - Media - Media Probe

The following fields are displayed:


When configuring System Media, the Media Probe configuration is optional (default state is "Disabled"). However, when using Media Probe, ensure to configure all values (or accept defaults, where applicable).

Table 1: Media Probe


Use this flag to enable/disable the system-wide Media Probe state.

  • Disabled (default)
  • Enabled
Reporting Interval 1-8

The interval at which RTCP application packets are sent to the remote Ribbon Analytics server, expressed as an integral multiple of the Media RTCP Control Sender Report Interval value (configurable to 5-120 seconds). Default is "1". 

For example, if Sender Report Interval is set to 5 seconds, then

  • set Reporting Interval to "1" to send media probe packets every 5 seconds (Sender Report Interval x 1).
  • set Reporting Interval to "8" to send media probe packets every 40 seconds (Sender Report Interval x 8).
Protocol TypeN/A

The network protocol used to transfer the data to the remote server.

Currently, the SBC supports only UDP. 

Encryption Type N/A

The encryption type used towards the Ribbon Analytics server.

Currently, the SBC does not support any encryption. Default is "None".


The Media Probe format used to report qCDR (quality CDR capturing QoS statistics associated for a leg for each RTP-based stream).

Currently, the SBC only supports RTCP.

DSCP Value 0-63

The DSCP value for Media Probe RTCP application packets. Default = 0.

Media Probe Address ContextN/AThe Address Context associated with the Media Probe IP Interface Group.
Media Probe IP Interface Group N/A

The Media IP Interface Group used to transmit Media Probe packets to the remote Ribbon Analytics server.

Make the required changes and click Save.

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