In this section:

Use this object to configure the Logical management IP interface.


A Logical Management Interface must include both the physical management interfaces. Therefore, it should contain all four interfaces. Otherwise, this will result in a confd restart and a healthcheck timeout (system down time) if the physical interface underlying the logical interface goes down.

View Logical Mgmt IP Interface

On the SBC main screen, navigate to Configuration > System Setup > Management > Logical Mgmt IP Interface. The Logical Mgmt IP Interface List window displays.

Edit Logical Mgmt IP Interface

To edit any of the IP Interfaces in the list, select the IP Interface name. The Edit Selected Logical Mgmt Ip Interface window displays.

Make the required changes and click Save to save the changes.

Create a Logical Mgmt IP Interface

Use the following steps to create a new Logical Mgmt IP Interface:

  1. Click New Logical Mgmt IP Interface on the Logical Mgmt IP Interface List panel.
  2. Select/complete all of the required fields.
    You can click Show only required fields at the left-hand bottom of the panel to view and enter only the required fields to create a new Logical Mgmt IP Interface.

Logical Mgmt IP Interface Parameters



Ip Address

<IP address> – The logical IP Address of the interface.

Mgmt Ip Interface Group Name

<IG name> – The management IP interface group used by this logical IP interface.


<Logical Mgmt IP Interface name> –The name of the logical IP interface.

Snmp Listen Only On This Interface

When this flag is set to True, and the flag "Use IP Addr As Snmp Source" is also set as True, the SBC receives SNMP requests only on this logical management IP address.

The options are:

  • True
  • False (default)

Note: When this flag is set to True, and the flag "Use IP Addr As Snmp Source" is also set as True, the source address of all traps is the logical IP Address.


The administrative state of the logical management IP interface. You can make changes only when the State is disabled. It only takes effect when enabled.

  • Disabled {default)
  • Enabled
Use IP Addr As Snmp Source

When set to True, this flag enables the SBC to receive SNMP requests on this logical management IP address. Without "Snmp Listen Only On This Interface" also set to True, the source of the traps is not necessarily this address. 

The options for this flag are:

  • True
  • False (default)

Note: You can only enable this flag on one logical management interface at a time.

Copy Logical Mgmt IP Interface

To copy any of the created Logical Mgmt IP Interface and to make any minor changes, select the the specific IP Interface and click Copy Logical Mgmt IP Interface.

The "Copy Selected Logical Mgmt IP Interface" window displays along with the fields to edit.

Make the required changes to the fields and click Save to save the changes. The copied Logical Mgmt IP Interface displays in the Logical Mgmt IP Interface List panel.

Delete Logical Mgmt IP Interface

To delete any of the created Logical Mgmt IP Interface, select the specific IP Interface which you want to delete and click the Delete icon at the end of the selected row. A delete confirmation message appears.

Click Yes to remove the specific Logical Mgmt IP Interface from the list.

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