The Sso Auth is a new configuration within an existing system container. 

Command Syntax

% set system ssoAuth
    disableLocalAccess <false | true>
    proxyAdminUser <User String>
    proxyCaleaUser <User String>
% show system ssoAuth disableLocalAccess
% show system ssoAuth proxyAdminUser
% show system ssoAuth proxyCaleaUser

Command Parameters


Use this flag to control local CLI/REST API access.

  • true – Disable access through the local CLI/REST API for all accounts except 'proxyAdminUser' and 'proxyCaleaUser'.
  • false – (default) Enable local CLI/REST API access for all accounts, including proxied connections through RAMP.

The SBC always allows local CLI/REST API access to the specified account. The default value in cloud environment is 'emsadmin' and for non-cloud environments, it is 'admin'.


The SBC always allows local CLI/REST API access to the specified account. The default value is 'calea'.