In this section:

Signaling – SIP Local Registrar

The SBC adds the Signaling > SIP Local Registrar screen to configure and manage a SIP Register Subscriber Profile.

To access the screen, go to All > Global > Signaling > SIP Local Registrar. The Signaling – SIP Local Registrar screen displays.

Update the SIP Local Registrar parameters Expires and Min Expires in the SIP Local Registrar screen and click Save.

SIP Register Subscriber Profile

Use the SIP Register Subscriber Profile screen to create, edit, delete, and copy a SIP Register Subscriber profile.

 Go to, All > Global > Signaling > SIP Local Registrar > SIP Register Subscriber Profile. The SIP Register Subscriber Profile screen displays.

Use the following steps to create a new SIP Register Subscriber profile.

  1. Click New SIP Register Subscriber Profile. The Create New SIP Register Subscriber Profile window displays.
  2. Enter the relevant details in the fields that are displayed and click Save to create the SIP Register Subscriber Profile.

The details of the various fields required to create the SIP Register profile is described in the following table.




The Expiry value used for Registration.

Min Expires15-6553530

The Min-Expiry value used for Registration.

If REGISTER is received with Expires value less than this field, 423 Error is generated.

SIP Register Aor1-127 charactersN/AThis field represents the Address Of Record (AOR) of the user. This is the mandatory key against which the binding is created. The AOR uses the "user@host" format. For example,
SIP Register Admin StateN/AActive 

Defines if Subscriber state is active or inactive. The choices are:

  • Active (default)
  • Inactive
SIP Register Send ChallengeN/AChallenge For None

Defines how the Authentication Challenge is sent.

  • Challenge For None (default) – Authentication challenge is not initiated for any of the messages.
  • Challenge For Register – Authentication challenge is initiated for REGISTER messages only.
  • Challenge For Register And Invite – Authentication challenge is initiated for REGISTER/INVITE messages (re-INVITE would not be challenged).
SIP Register Auth Realm1-127 charactersN/ATh Authorization realm for SIP registration.O
SIP Register Auth User Name1-127 charactersN/AThe Authorization user name for SIP registration.O
SIP Register Auth Password6-32 charactersN/A

DES3 (triple Digital Encryption Standard) encrypted string authentication password for SIP local registration. All ASCII characters from 33 to 126 (except 34 - double quotes) are allowed.

If the Authentication password contains ASCII characters, enclose the entire password string within double quotes (" "). For example: "Password1:@\#:########~%&*@#".

Since the SBC Registrar supports bulk load configuration, the length of the password string is not validated at the time of entry into the database. The Administrator must ensure that the length is within the prescribed range (6-32 characters). For such out of bound passwords, authentication will fail with a 403 error response.

To create a copy of the SIP Register Subscriber profile, click Copy SIP Register Subscriber Profile. After making the required edits, click Save.

To delete the profile, click the Delete icon.

To edit an existing SIP Register Subscriber Profile from the list, select the required SIP Register Profile and click Edit. After making the required edits click Save.