Command Syntax


> show table profiles sipCacProfile


Command Parameters

SIP CAC Profile Parameters


Profile defining call/registration admission control for a SIP endpoint. The following fields are included in the results.

NOTE: For status/statics descriptions, refer to SIP CAC Profile - CLI.


  • aggregateMessage
  • bandwidthLimit
  • bandwidthLimitThreshold
  • bandwidthVideoThreshold
  • callEgressAggregateEmergencyPreference
  • callEgressAggregatePreference
  • callEgressBurstSize
  • callEgressEmergencyPreference
  • callEgressRate
  • callEgressRatePeriod
  • callIngressAggregateEmergencyPreference
  • callIngressAggregatePreference
  • callIngressBurstSize
  • callIngressEmergencyPreference
  • callIngressRate
  • callIngressRatePeriod
  • callLimit
  • callLimitEgress
  • callLimitIngress
  • callLimitThreshold
  • dblAggregateRej
  • emergencyOversubscription
  • emergencyOversubscriptionEgress
  • emergencyOversubscriptionIngress
  • extendedEmergencyIpLimit
  • extendedEmergencyIpLimitEgress
  • extendedEmergencyIpLimitIngress
  • message
  • notify
  • options
  • otherRequests
  • qoe
  • refer
  • response - Response policer.
  • state - Administrative state of this SIP CAC profile.
  • subscribe - SUBSCRIBE policer.



  • No labels