In this section:

Common Call Statistics Terminology
Stable CallsCalls that are established and fully stable (connected and media cut-through type of calls) and will survive a fail-over. This excludes calls in establishing, clearing and updating states which will not survive a fail-over.
Active CallsA snapshot of total number of active calls on the SBC at the point of execution of the status command. This count reflects the actual live calls on the box independent of the state of the call (setup, stable, updating or clearing).
Call AttemptsAccumulative number of attempted calls on this system since the last reboot/start-up, including calls where a setup was sent/received, uncompleted calls (calls failed, busy, not answered, etc.) and calls completed (answered).
Call CompletionsAccumulative number of calls completed on this system since the last reboot/start-up.

The SBC allows the operator to access data from the current interval and from the interval statistics table related to each object being monitored. The current interval consists of a statistics table entry that is accumulating data for the next interval report. The interval statistics table is a series of statistics table entries containing data from the most recently completed n intervals (where n is the number of intervals in the retention policy configuration).

Refer to Links to Statistics Pages to navigate to a particular EMA or CLI statistics page.


If using the RAMP in your network, configure RAMP PM data collection intervals for the SBC to be both:

  • equal to or greater than the SBC intervals size, and
  • not less than the SBC interval size multiplied by the SBC number of intervals.

Refer to the RAMP User Guide for configuration details.


The SBC intentionally does not display results of all calls when there is a high volume of traffic for the statistics below. This limitation is built into the SBC software to avoid excessive CPU usage and system timeouts.

  • callDetailStatus
  • callMediaStatus
  • callResourceDetailStatus
  • callSummaryStatus

Command Syntax

The command syntax of the objects related to the show table global command is shown below.

> show table global

Common Statistics to 'show status / table global' Commands

Common Parameters - 'show status global' and 'show table global'


List of calls being recorded through SIPREC.

  • gcid
  • recorderAddress
  • recorderFqdn
  • recorderId
  • recordingLeg
  • rxRtpAddress
  • txRtpAddress

Status for the active registration dump.

Possible results:

  • noDumpInitiated: No dump is currently triggered
  • DumpInProgress: A dump is in progress
  • DumpCompleted: A dump is completed

Global CAC objects. See CAC Statistics table below for details.


The number of active and stable sessions over a configured interval of time.

  • name – A dummy key used during collection of statics. Ignore this field. 
  • amrnbLegCount – The high-water mark for AMR-NB call legs occurring during the current statistics interval.
  • amrwbLegCount – The high-water mark for AMR-WB call legs occurring during the current statistics interval.
  • callCount – The current high-water mark of total number of active calls.
  • encryptCount – The high-water mark for encrypted calls occurring during the current statistics interval
  • enhancedVideoCount – The high-water mark for enhanced video calls occurring during the current statistics interval.
  • evrcLegCount – The high-water mark for EVRC call legs occurring during the current statistics interval.
  • evsLegCount - The current high water mark of total number of evs calls.
  • hpcQueueAbandons - The current number of HPC calls that the SBC places in queues for HPC call queuing, but that the SBC abandons before the calls complete.
  • hpcQueueAttempts - The current number of HPC calls that the SBC successfully places in queues for HPC call queuing.
  • hpcQueueOverflows - The current number of HPC calls for which the HPC call queuing attempts are unsuccessful because queues are full.
  • hpcQueueTimeouts - The current number of HPC calls that the SBC removes from queues for HPC call queuing because the queue timeout timer expires.
    NOTE: For call flows associated with HPC Queue statistics, refer to Call Flows with HPC Queue Statistics.
  • licenseMode – The current SBC license mode. Possible values: 
              • nodeLocked
              • domain
  • mrfSessionsCount – The high-water mark for MRF sessions occurring during the current statistics interval.
  • niceRecCount – The high-water mark for NICE recorded calls occurring during the current statistics interval.
  • pdcsCount – The high-water mark for P-DCS-LAES header-based call interception sessions occurring during the current statistics interval.
  • silkLegCount – The high-water mark for Silk call legs occurring during the current statistics interval.
  • sipRecCount – The high-water mark for SIP Recording calls occurring during the current statistics interval.
  • slbSessionsCount - The current high water mark of total number of slb calls.
  • srtpCount – The high-water mark for SRTP calls occurring during the current statistics interval.
  • transcodeCount – The high-water mark for transcoded sessions occurring during the current statistics interval.
  • webSocketSessionsCount -  Count of maximum websockets in an interval.


The number of active and stable sessions for one or more intervals.

  • number – A sequence number which identifies the interval to which the set of statistics apply.
  • name – A dummy key used during collection of statics. Ignore this field. 
  • amrnbLegCount – The high-water mark for AMR-NB call legs occurring during the statistics interval.
  • amrwbLegCount – The high-water mark for AMR-WB call legs occurring during the statistics interval.
  • callCount – The high-water mark of total number of active call for the reporting interval.
  • encryptCount – The high-water mark for encrypted calls occurring during the statistics interval
  • enhancedVideoCount – The high-water mark for enhanced video calls occurring during the statistics interval.
  • evrcLegCount – The high-water mark for EVRC call legs occurring during the statistics interval.
  • evsLegCount - The current high water mark of total number of evs calls.
  • hpcQueueAbandons - The current number of HPC calls that the SBC places in queues for HPC call queuing, but that the SBC abandons before the calls complete.
  • hpcQueueAttempts - The current number of HPC calls that the SBC successfully places in queues for HPC call queuing.
  • hpcQueueOverflows - The current number of HPC calls for which the HPC call queuing attempts are unsuccessful because queues are full.
  • hpcQueueTimeouts - The current number of HPC calls that the SBC removes from queues for HPC call queuing because the queue timeout timer expires.
  • intervalValid – A value of "true" indicates this interval is valid.
  • licenseMode – The current SBC license mode. Possible values:
              • nodeLocked
              • domain
  • mrfSessionsCount – The high-water mark for MRF sessions occurring during the statistics interval.
  • niceRecCount – The high-water mark for NICE recorded calls occurring during the statistics interval.
  • pdcsCount – The high-water mark for P-DCS-LAES header-based call interception sessions occurring during the statistics interval.
  • silkLegCount – The high-water mark for Silk call legs occurring during the statistics interval.
  • sipRecCount – The high-water mark for SIP Recording calls occurring during the statistics interval.
  • slbSessionsCount - Displayed as system wide total stable SLB sessions Count.
  • srtpCount – The high-water mark for SRTP calls occurring during the statistics interval.
  • time – The system up-time when the interval statistics were collected.
  • transcodeCount – The high-water mark for transcoded sessions occurring during the statistics interval.

Call count statistics for the server; cumulative count since boot. Results include following fields:

  • activeCalls – A snapshot of total number of active calls on the SBC at the point of execution of the status command. This count reflects the actual live calls on the box independent of the state of the call (setup, stable, updating or clearing).
  • callAttempts – Number of call attempts on this server.
  • callCompletions – Total number of call attempts that were completed on this server.
  • callUpdates – Total number of call updates (re-INVITEs or any other triggers that result in call transitioning to transient state/stable state).
  • stableCalls – Current number of stable managed calls on this server.
  • totalCalls  (see activeCalls definition above).
  • totalCallsEmergEstablishing – A snapshot of the total number of emergency calls currently in the 'establishing' state.
  • totalCallsEmergStable – A snapshot of the total number of emergency stable calls currently up on the SBC. Stable Calls are defined as calls that are fully stable – connected and media cut-through that will survive fail over. This excludes calls in establishing, clearing and updating states, which will not survive switchover.

NOTE: The following statistics are deprecated:

  • activeCallsNonUser 
  • stableCallsNonUser
  • totalCallsNonUser 

See Call Detail Status Data table for details.


See Call Media Status Statistics table for details.

NOTE: During the multilevel transfers, refer to GCID in fields associatedGcid1 and associatedGcid2 for media-related parameters such as packets sent/received.

For example:

  1. A calls B (GCID 1).
  2. B refers to C (GCID2).
  3. Later D replaces C (GCID3).

Here, the final call is connected between A and D.
In CallDetailStatus associated GCIDs are shown as
callDetailStatus 1
{ associatedGcid1 3; associatedGcid2 1; }
callDetailStatus 3
{ associatedGcid1 1; associatedGcid2 3; }
Here, the packets sent/received are shown in CallMediastatus for GCID 1 instead of GCID 3.


(D-SBC only) Displays the media statistics corresponding to private NIF resources for an MRF call.

  • gcid – Unique Global Call Identifier (GCID) of the call
  • resIndex – Target resource index to access details within the call
  • streamId – Identifier of the media stream in the call to which the resource is allocated
  • resId – Resource identifier of the public and private NIF resource hosted in Media or Transcoding used in the call
  • resType – Resource type (Example: xresUser)
  • legId – The call leg ID on which the resource resides (Example: Ingress-0, Egress-1)
  • nodeGcidAndIpAddr – GCID and IP address of the node (M/T) where the resource is hosted (Example: 16 (, 16 is GCID and is IP address)
  • localRtpPort – Local RTP port of the public or private NIF resource hosted in M or T SBC
  • remoteRtpPort – Remote peer's RTP port
  • remoteRtcpPort – Remote peer's RTCP port
  • rtpPacketSent – Number of RTP packets sent by the resource
  • rtpPacketRecv – Number of RTP packets received by the resource
  • rtcpPacketSent – Number of RTCP packets sent by the resource
  • rtcpPacketRecv – Number of RTCP packets received by the resource
  • rtpPacketDiscard – Number of RTP packets discarded by the resource

Call resource statistics.

  • gcid – Unique Global Call Identifier (GCID) of the call
  • resIndex – Target resource index to access details within the call
  • resId – Resource identifier of the public and private NIF resource hosted in Media or Transcoding used in the call
  • resType – Resource type (Example: xresUser)
  • callId – Global Call identifier (GCID) for the call to which this resource is allocated
  • legId – The call leg ID on which the resource resides (Example: Ingress-0, Egress-1)
  • nodeGcidAndIpAddr – GCID and IP address of the node (M/T) where the resource is hosted (Example: 16 (, 16 is GCID and is IP address)
callSummaryStatus  Call Summary status table.

Use this command to see the status of the recorded call using a specific Globally Unique Identifier (GUID):

  • <PodName GUID IP:PORT tapLeg>

Leave the <PodName GUID IP:PORT tapLeg> key empty to see a list of all SIPREC calls.


This command is only applicable to the SBC Cloud-Native Edition (CNe).

CNe Status Command Example
% show status service SC podName <sc-podName | ALL> global cnfSipRecStatus <PodName GUID IP:PORT tapLeg>

Status for the deleted registration dump.

Possible results:

  • noDumpInitiated: No dump is currently triggered
  • DumpInProgress: A dump is in progress
  • DumpCompleted: A dump is completed

DTLS-SRTP negotiation statistics. 

  • clientAuthFailures – The number of times peer failed DTLS authentication with SBC as the client.
  • currentClientConnections The number of client sessions currently active.
  • currentServerConnections – The number of server sessions currently active.
  • fatelAlertsReceived – The number of FATAL Alerts received.
  • fingerprintMismatch – The finger print miss match.
  • handshakeFailures – The cumulative total of all handshake failures.
  • handshakeTimeouts – The number of handshakes that timed out before completing.
  • noCipherSuite – The number of handshake failures due to inability to converge on a cipher suite.
  • noClientCert – The number times we were the client and we failed to derive a certificate to send the server.
  • noSrtpProfile – The absence of the Srtp Profile.
  • receiveFailures – The number of receive failures (failure to decrypt).
  • sendFailures – The number of send failures (failure to encrypt).
  • serverAuthFailures – The number of times peer failed DTLS authentication with SBC as the server.
  • sessionResumptions – The number of server sessions that have been resumed.
  • successfulClientHandshakes – The number of complete client handshakes.
  • successfulServerHandshakes – The number of complete server handshakes.
  • totalClientSessions – The cumulative total number of client sessions.
  • totalServerSessions – The cumulative total number of server sessions.
  • versionMismatch – The number of failed version miss match.
  • warningAlertsReceived – The number of WARNING Alerts received.

Status for the generated subscription dump.

Possible results:

  • noDumpInitiated: No dump is currently triggered
  • DumpInProgress: A dump is in progress
  • DumpCompleted: A dump is completed

Global statistics of IP trunk groups in this zone.

  • addressContext – The name of address context for this trunk group.
  • bwAvailable – The amount of bandwidth available for allocation. (Kbits/second)
  • bwCurrentLimit – The current bandwidth limit for this IP trunk group. (Kbits/second)
  • bwInboundUsage – The amount of bandwidth in use for inbound traffic. (Kbits/second)
  • bwOutboundUsage – The amount of bandwidth in use for outbound traffic. (Kbits/second)
  • inboundCallsUsage – Number of inbound calls for IP trunk groups configured for inbound or both directions.
  • outboundCallsUsage – Number of non-priority outbound calls for this IP trunk group.
  • packetOutDetectState – The packet outage detection state.
  • priorityCallUsage – Number of priority calls for IP trunk groups configured with callReservation state enabled.
  • state – Current operational state of the IP trunk group.
  • totalCallsAvailable – The sum of all available or unblocked calls for this trunk group.
  • totalCallsConfigured – The total number of calls that are configured on this IP trunk group.
  • totalCallsInboundReserved – Total number of inbound calls reserved for IP trunk groups configured for inbound or both directions only.
  • totalOutboundCallsReserved – Total number of outbound calls reserved for IP trunk groups that are configured for incoming call reservation.
  • zone – The name of zone for this trunk group.

NOTE: This statistic is only available from CLI.


The collection of ICMP General Group information for the specified instance. 

  • <server name> – Name of the server.
  • inDestUnreachs – The number of ICMP Destination Unreachable messages received.
  • inEchoReps – The number of ICMP Echo Reply messages received.
  • inEchos – The number of ICMP Echo (request) messages received.
  • inErrors – The number of ICMP messages which the entity received but determined as having ICMP-specific errors (bad ICMP checksums, bad length, etc.).
  • inMsgs – The total number of ICMP messages which the entity received.
  • outDestUnreachs – The number of ICMP Destination Unreachable messages sent.
  • outEchoReps – The number of ICMP Echo Reply messages sent.
  • outEchos – The number of ICMP Echo (request) messages sent.
  • outErrors – The number of ICMP messages which this entity did not send due to problems discovered within ICMP such as a lack of buffers.
  • outMsgs – The total number of ICMP messages which this entity attempted to send.

The collection of IP General Group information for the specified instance. 

  • <server name> – Name of the server.
  • fragFails – The number of IP datagrams that have been discarded because they needed to be fragmented at this entity but could not be, e.g., because their 'Don't Fragment' flag was set.
  • fragOKs – The number of IP datagrams that have been successfully fragmented at this entity.
  • inAddrErrors – The number of input datagrams discarded because the IP address in their IP header's destination field was not a valid address to be received at this entity.
  • inDelivers – The total number of input datagrams successfully delivered to IP user-protocols (including ICMP).
  • inDiscards – The number of input IP datagrams for which no problems were encountered to prevent their continued processing, but which were discarded (e.g., for lack of buffer space).
  • inHdrErrors – The number of input datagrams discarded due to errors in their IP headers, including bad checksums, version number mismatch, other format errors, time-to-live exceeded, errors discovered in processing their IP options, etc.
  • inReceives – The total number of input datagrams received from interfaces, including those received in error.
  • inUnknownProtos – The number of locally-addressed datagrams received successfully but discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol.
  • outDiscards – The number of output IP datagrams for which no problem was encountered to prevent their transmission to their destination, but which were discarded (e.g., for lack of buffer space).
  • outNoRoutes – The number of IP datagrams discarded because no route could be found to transmit them to their destination.
  • outRequests – The total number of IP datagrams which local IP user- protocols (including ICMP) supplied to IP in requests for transmission.
  • reasmFails – The number of failures detected by the IP re-assembly algorithm (for whatever reason: timed out, errors, etc).
  • reasmOKs – The number of IP datagrams successfully re-assembled.
  • reasmReqds – The number of IP fragments received which needed to be reassembled at this entity.
  • reasmTimeout – The maximum number of seconds which received fragments are held while they are awaiting reassembly at this entity.
monitorEndpointStatus The status of the MCT setting. 
monitorTargetStatus The status of the monitor target 

Call count statistics for the server. 

  • attemptedCall – Total Number of OCS attempted Calls.
  • establishedCalls – Total Number of OCS Establised Calls.
  • failedCalls – Total Number of OCS Failed Calls.
  • pendingCalls – Total Number of OCS Pending Calls.
  • rejectedCalls – Total Number of OCS rejected Calls.
  • relayedCall – Total Number of OCS Relayed Calls.
  • successfulCalls – Total Number of OCS successful Calls.

 Lists the current global OOD message rate statistics.

  • name – A dummy key used during collection of statics. Ignore this field.
  • oodMessagePeakRate The current high water mark for the rate of OOD messages.

Lists the global interval OOD message rate statistics.

  • number – A sequence number which identifies the interval to which the set of statistics apply.
  • name – A dummy key used during collection of statics. Ignore this field.
  • intervalValid – A value of "true" indicates this interval is valid.
  • time – The system up-time when the interval statistics were collected.
  • oodMessagePeakRate The high water mark for the rate of OOD messages for the interval.

Policy Server Statistics.

  • CdDNBasedDestAllowedTable – The Traffic Management related counters for allowed called DN based destination
  • CdDNBasedDestBlockedTable – The Traffic Management related counters for blocked called DN based destination.
  • contractorBasedOrigAllowedTable – The Traffic Management related counters for allowed contractor number based origination.
  • contractorBasedOrigBlockedTable – The Traffic Management related counters for blocked contractor number based origination.
  • dialedDestAllowedTable – The Traffic Management related counters for allowed dialed destination number.
  • dialedDestBlockedTable – The Traffic Management related counters for blocked dialed destination number.
  • dnsEnumCounters – Policy DNS ENUM query counters
  • failureCounters – Policy failure counters
  • finalCallingNumberAllowedTable – The Traffic Management related counters for allowed final calling number.
  • finalCallingNumberBlockedTable – he Traffic Management related counters for blocked final calling number.
  • finalDestAllowedTable – The Traffic Management related counters for allowed final destination number.
  • finalDestBlockedTable – The Traffic Management related counters for blocked final destination number.
  • hpcCallsPerGsxTable – The Ingress PSTN HPC Calls related counters per GSX table.
  • hpcExemptionGsxTable – The Traffic Management HPC Exemption related counters per GSX table.
  • lnpGsxTable – The LNP related counters per GSX table.
  • lnpTfCounters – Policy LNP and toll-free counters
  • mwiServiceCounters – Policy Message Waiting Indicator service counters
  • originationAllowedTable – The number of calls for which a origination number with a provisioned Traffic control was allowed to complete.
  • originationBlockedTable – The number of calls for which a origination number with a provisioned Traffic control was blocked.
  • policyReqCounters – Policy request counters
  • serviceUsageCounters – Policy service usage counters
  • sipCounters – Policy SIP message counters
  • sipE911Counters – Policy E911 service counters
  • translatedDestAllowedTable – The Traffic Management related counters for allowed translated destination number.
  • translatedDestBlockedTable – The Traffic Management related counters for blocked translated destination number.
  • adServiceStats - Displays Active Directory Service statistics, with the following details:
    • AD SERVICE ID - Name of the ad service.
    • NUM SUCCESS AD LOOKUP - Number of successful lookup attempts.
    • NUM FAILED AD LOOKUP - Number of failed lookup attempts.


Global configuration details.

  • callNotificationCriteria - criteria for triggering call notification to an Application Server.
    • name – call notification criteria name.
    • calledPartyId - called party.
    • calledPartyType - number, AoR, *.
    • callingPartyId - calling party.
    • callingPartyType - number, AoR, *.
    • cnsGroupClusterId - name of a Cns cluster to receive notifications.
    • eventType - dialogEventPackage.
    • otherLegTG - name of the trunk group for the other call leg.
    • role - trunk group role: ingress, egress.
    • userPartType - source of userpart to be used in NOTIFY messages.
  • callRecordingCriteria – Call Recording Criteria details.
    • name – Call Recording Criteria name.
    • srsGroupId – Session Recording Server (SRS) Group Profile identifier.
    • ingressTgId – Ingress trunk group Id.
    • EgressTgId – Egress trunk group Id.
    • callingPartyId – The calling party number for which the call is recorded.
    • calledPartyId – The called party number for which the call is recorded.
    • nextHopIp –  IP address of the next hop.
    • previousHopIp –  IP address of the previous hop.
    • recordingType – The call legs to record.
    • gwId – The gateway Id.
    • recordingStopCriteria – The criteria to stop the recording.
    • numberOfCalls – The number of calls to occur to stop the recording criteria.
    • recordingDuration – Duration of the recording, in seconds.
    • recorderType – Call recorder type.
    • criteriaState – Administrative state of this Call Recording Criteria.
serviceAuthorisedCurStatsSet based on websocket license availability.
signalingSee Statistics for 'show table global' Only Command section.

Specifies the SRVCC call count statistics for the server.

  • key – Key value for the call.
  • atcfCallTfrAttempts – Number of atcf call attempts on this server
  • atcfCallTfrSuccess – Number of atcf calls success on this server
  • atcfCallTfrFailResp4xx – Number of atcf calls failed with 4xx response on this server
  • atcfCallTfrFailResp5xx – Number of atcf calls failed with 5xx response on this server
  • eatfCallTfrAttempts – Number of eatf call attempts on this server
  • eatfCallTfrSuccess – Number of eatf call success on this server
  • eatfCallTfrFailResp4xx – Number of eatf calls failed with 4xx response on this server
  • eatfCallTfrFailResp5xx – Number of eatf calls failed with 5xx response on this server
  • ps2psCallTfrAttempts – Number of PS2PS call tranfer attempts on this server
  • ps2psCallTfrSuccess – Number of PS2PS call tranfer success on this server
  • ps2psCallTfrFailure – Number of PS2PS call failure on this server

SBC instances with minimal impact on the existing calls and registrations are removed by allocating time for those sessions to terminate on their own.

  • nodeStatus – Displays the current system global status, including the following information:
  • node –  Node name
  • state – Operational state of the node
  • action – The action taken when putting the system out of service 
  • dryUpTimeout – The timeout value (in minutes) for the dryup action

The collection of TCP General Group information for the specified instance. 

  • clientConnections – The number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to the SYN-SENT state from the CLOSE state.
  • establishedConnections – The number of TCP connections for which the current state is either ESTABLISHED or CLOSE- WAIT.
  • failedAttempts – The number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to the CLOSED state from either the SYN-SENT state or the SYN-RCVD state, plus the number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to the LISTEN state from the SYN-RCVD state.
  • inErrors – The total number of segments received in error (e.g., bad TCP checksums).
  • inResets – The number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to the CLOSED state from either the ESTABLISHED state or the CLOSE-WAIT state.
  • inSegments – The total number of segments received, including those received in error.
  • outResets – The number of TCP segments sent containing the RST flag.
  • outSegments – The total number of segments sent, including those on current connections but excluding those containing only retransmitted octets.
  • retransSegments – The total number of segments retransmitted - that is, the number of TCP segments transmitted containing one or more previously transmitted octets.
  • serverConnections – The number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to the SYN-RCVD state from the LISTEN state.

The collection of UDP General Group information for the specified instance.

  • inDatagrams – The total number of UDP datagrams delivered to UDP users.
  • inErrors – The number of received UDP datagrams that could not be delivered for reasons other than the lack of an application at the destination port.
  • outDatagrams – The total number of UDP datagrams sent from this entity.
  • unknownPorts – The total number of received UDP datagrams for which there was no application at the destination port.
  • sipActiveLocalRegistrarRegStatus – Shows the status of the AOR registered with the Registrar. If the AOR name is not provided, this shows the data for all the AORs registered at Registrar.

    • state – Displays if the registration state of the Subscriber is Active or Inactive.
    • contactURI – The SIP Contact header URI.
    • expirationTime – The duration (in seconds) for which the registration timer is started.
    • creationTime – The Octet string that identifies the date and GMT time at which the SIP registration binding is created.
    • remainingTime – The time remaining (in seconds) for the registration timer to expire.

  • sipLocalRegistrarRegCountStatistics – Shows the attempt/stable/failed counts for registrations received at the Registrar. The statistics displays the following fields.

    Note: Ensure to use the fileStatisticsAdmin CLI to write the results of the 'show' commands for the sipLocalRegistrarRegCountStatistics to a file. For more information, refer to File Statistics Admin - CLI.

    • sipRegAttemptCount – The total count of the register attempts.
    • sipRegChallengedCount – The count of the challenged register attempts.
    • sipRegStableCount – The count of the currently active and stable registered users.
    • sipRegFailed403Count – The count of the registers that failed with a 403 SIP response code.
    • sipRegFailed404Count – The count of the registers that failed with a 404 SIP response code.
    • sipRegFailed503Count – The count of the registers that failed with a 503 SIP response code.
    • sipRegFailedOthersCount – The count of the registers that failed with other SIP response codes.

  • sipLocalRegistrarRegCountCurStats – The high water mark of total number of stable registrations for the current interval.

  • sipLocalRegistrarRegCountIntStats – The high water mark of total number of stable registrations for the reporting interval.

CAC Statistics

CAC Statistics


The shared CAC-limits pool current statistics.

  • activeRegs – The current number of active registrations of this shared CAC-limits pool.
  • activeSubs – The current number of active subscriptions on this shared CAC-limits pool.
  • inBwUsage – The sum of BW usage (expected data rate in Kbits per second multiplied by call duration in seconds) for every inbound call associated with this shared CAC-limits pool.
  • maxActiveBwUsage – The high watermark of BW usage in either direction associated with this shared CAC-limits pool.
  • maxActiveCalls – The current high watermark of total number of active calls in both the inbound and outbound directions bound by limits of this shared CAC-limits pool.
  • maxActiveRegs – The current high watermark of registrations subject to limits of this shared CAC-limits pool.
  • maxActiveSubs – The current number of maximum active subscriptions on this shared CAC-limits pool.
  • outBwUsage – The total bandwidth usage for every outbound associated with this shared CAC-limits pool using the formula: expected data rate in Kbits per second multiplied by call duration in seconds.

The shared CAC-limits pool current failure statistics.

  • allocFailBwLimit – The number of failed bandwidth requests due to this shared CAC-limits pool exceeding the configured bandwidth limit.
  • allocFailCallLimit – The number of failed call requests due to this shared CAC-limits pool exceeding the configured call limit.
  • allocFailParentConstraint – The current number of failures due to a parent limit denial.
  • allocFailSipReg – The current number of failed SIP registration attempts due to this shared CAC-limits pool exceeding the configured registration limit.
  • sipOtherReqFailPolicing – The current number of failed SIP other non-INVITE attempts due to policing on this shared CAC-limits pool.
  • sipSubsFailPolicing – The current number of failed SIP Subscribe attempts due to policing on this shared CAC-limits pool.
  • videoThresholdLimit – The number of video streams that exceeded the threshold limit for this shared CAC-limits pool.

The shared CAC-limits pool interval failure statistics.

  • allocFailBwLimit – The number of failed bandwidth requests due to this shared CAC-limits pool exceeding the configured bandwidth limit for the specified interval.
  • allocFailCallLimit – The number of failed call requests due to this shared CAC-limits pool exceeding the configured call limit for the specified interval.
  • allocFailParentConstraint – The current number of failures due to a parent limit denial for the specified interval.
  • allocFailSipReg – The current number of failed SIP registration attempts due to this shared CAC-limits pool exceeding the configured registration limit for the specified interval.
  • sipOtherReqFailPolicing – The current number of failed SIP other non-INVITE attempts due to policing on this shared CAC-limits pool for the specified interval.
  • sipSubsFailPolicing – The current number of failed SIP Subscribe attempts due to policing on this shared CAC-limits pool for the specified interval.
  • time – The system up-time when this interval statistic is collected.
  • videoThresholdLimit – The number of video streams that exceeded the threshold limit for this shared CAC-limits pool for the specified interval.

The shared CAC-limits pool statistics for the specified interval.

  • activeRegs – The number of active registrations of this shared CAC-limits pool for the specified interval.
  • activeSubs – The number of active subscriptions on this shared CAC-limits pool for the specified interval.
  • inBwUsage – The total bandwidth usage for every inbound call associated with this shared CAC-limits pool using the formula: expected data rate in Kbits per second multiplied by call duration in seconds.
  • intervalValid – A value of "true" indicates this interval is valid.
  • maxActiveBwUsage – The high watermark of bandwidth usage in either direction associated with this shared CAC-limits pool for the specified interval.
  • maxActiveCalls – The high watermark of total number of active calls in both the inbound and outbound directions bound by limits of this shared CAC-limits pool for the specified interval.
  • maxActiveRegs – The high watermark of registrations subject to limits of this shared CAC-limits pool for the specified interval.
  • maxActiveSubs – The number of maximum active subscriptions on this shared CAC-limits pool for the specified interval.
  • outBwUsage – The total bandwidth usage for every outbound associated with this shared CAC-limits pool using the formula: expected data rate in Kbits per second multiplied by call duration in seconds.
  • time – The system up-time when this interval statistic is collected.

Current status of the shared CAC-limits pool.

  • bwAvailable – The amount of bandwidth available for allocation.
  • bwInboundUsage – The amount of bandwidth in use for inbound traffic.
  • bwOutboundUsage – The amount of bandwidth in use for outbound traffic.
  • inboundCallsUsage – The current inbound or incoming usage on this shared CAC-limits pool.
  • outboundCallsUsage – The current outbound, non-priority usage on this shared CAC-limits pool.
  • sipRegActive – The number of active SIP registrations on this shared CAC-limits pool.
  • sipSubsActive – The number of active SIP subscriptions on this shared CAC-limits pool.
  • totalCallsAvailable – The sum total of all available calls on this shared CAC-limits pool.

Call Detail Status

Call Detail Status Data


General Fields:

Unique global call identifier (GCID).

mediaStreams Type of media streams (audio, video) in the call.
state Current state of the call.
callingNumberCalling Party's E.164 telephone number.
calledNumberValled Party's E.164 telephone number.
addressTransPerformed Type of address translation (such as LNP, 800) performed on the called party number, if any.
origCalledNum Original Called Party number (if an address translation has been performed on the called party).
scenarioType Call scenario type for this call.
callDuration  Call duration (in seconds) following an answer.
mediaTypeMedia type for this active call.
iceCallTypesICE call types for this call (for example ing-lcl-ICE-LITE, ing-rmt-FULL-ICE, eg-lcl-ICE-LITE, eg-rmt-FULL-ICE.)
egressSessionBandwidthkbps The current allocated session bandwidth, in Kbps, on the egress leg. If no session bandwidth is used, value is "0".

The current allocated session bandwidth, in Kbps, on the ingress leg. If no session bandwidth is used, value is "0".

NOTE: The IceState for each stream displays as "ST_ICE_COMPLETE" only when remote IP of all the streams in the call are learned.

Media Streams 1-6 will contain the following status details (medial stream 1 is used as the example below):
mediaTypeStream1The type of codec relayed or transcoded in stream 1
associatedGcidLegId1Call leg ID corresponding to associatedGcid1.
associatedGcid1GCID of another call which is associated with this call.
ingressDtlsSrtpStream1Identifies whether DTLS-SRTP negotiation is enabled or disabled for the corresponding stream of the ingress call. 
ingressMediaStream1IceStateIngress local ice mode for the ingress MediaStream1. 
ingressMediaStream1BandwidthBandwidth allocated for the ingress MediaStream1.
ingressMediaStream1LocalIp Local signaling IP address for ingress MediaStream1. 
ingressMediaStream1LocalPort Local RTCP port for ingress MediaStream1 (If RTCP is enabled for this call leg).
ingressMediaStream1RemoteIp Remote signaling IP address for ingress MediaStream1. 
ingressMediaStream1RemotePort Remote RTCP port for ingress MediaStream1 (If RTCP is enabled for this call leg).
ingressMediaStream1SecuritySecurity parameters for the ingress MediaStream1.

The Ingress Leg local media IP and port offered by DSBC in the INVITE message to MRF in the format "<Ingress-Private-XRES-Local-IP>/<Port> (rtcp: <rtcpPort>)";    

ingressPrivStream1RemoteIpSockAddrThe Ingress Leg remote media IP and port present in the answer SDP received from MRF in the format "<Ingress-Private-XRES-Remote-IP>/<Port> (rtcp: <rtcpPort>)"; 

IP address of the Ingress remote peer


Ingress trunk group name used for the call

ingressZoneNameIngress zone name for the call.
egressDtlsSrtpStream1Identifies whether DTLS-SRTP negotiation is enabled or disabled for the corresponding stream of the egress call.
egressMediaStream1IceStateEgress local ice mode for the egress MediaStream1. 
egressMediaStream1BandwidthBandwidth allocated for the egress MediaStream1. 
egressMediaStream1LocalIpLocal signaling IP address for egress MediaStream1. 
egressMediaStream1LocalPortLocal RTCP port for egress MediaStream1 (If RTCP is enabled for this call leg).
egressMediaStream1RemoteIp Remote signaling IP address for egress MediaStream1.
egressMediaStream1RemotePortRemote RTCP port for egress MediaStream1 (If RTCP is enabled for this call leg).
egressMediaStream1SecuritySecurity parameters for the egress MediaStream1.


The Egress Leg local media IP and port offered by DSBC in the INVITE message to MRF in the format "<Egress-Private-XRES-Local-IP>/<Port> (rtcp: <rtcpPort>)"; 
egressPrivStream1RemoteIpSockAddrThe Egress Leg remote media IP and port present in the answer SDP received from MRF in the format "<Egress-Private-XRES-Remote-IP>/<Port> (rtcp: <rtcpPort>)";  

IP address of the Egress remote peer

egressTrunkNameEgress trunk group name used for the call
egressZoneNameEgress zone name for the call
mrfSignalingInfoSignaling IP address/port of the MRF.

The following statistics are deprecated:

  • ingressMediaStream1LocalIpSockAddr
  • ingressMediaStream1RemoteIpSockAddr

Call Media Status Statistics

Call Media Status Statistics

egressMediaStream1InterarrivalJitterThe variation of packet inter-arrival time of egress MediaStream1 for this call
egressMediaStream1OctetsReceivedThe number of octets received in egress MediaStream1 for this call
egressMediaStream1OctetsSentThe number of octets sent in egress MediaStream1 for this call
egressMediaStream1PacketLatencyThe packet latency in the egress MediaStream1 for this call
egressMediaStream1PacketsDiscardedThe number of packets discarded in egress MediaStream1 for this call
egressMediaStream1PacketsLostThe number of packets lost in egress MediaStream1 for this call
egressMediaStream1PacketsReceivedThe number of packets received in egress MediaStream1 for this call
egressMediaStream1PacketsSentThe number of packets sent in egress MediaStream1 for this call
egressMediaStream1RtcpPacketsReceivedThe number of RTCP packet received in egress MediaStream1 for this call (if RTCP is enabled for this call leg)
egressMediaStream1RtcpPacketsSentThe number of RTCP packet sent in egress MediaStream1 for this call (if RTCP is enabled for this call leg)
egressMediaStream1SrtpAuthFailureThe number of RTP authentication failures on egress leg
egressMediaStream1SrtpReplayFailureThe number of RTP anti-replay failures on egress leg
egressMediaStream1StunDtlsPacketsReceivedThe number of STUN/DTLS packets received on egress leg
egressMediaStream1StunDtlsPacketsDiscardedThe number of STUN/DTLS packets discarded on egress leg
egressRemPacketsLostThe number of remote packets lost for this call leg
egressRFactorInboundThe inbound R-Factor threshold utilization value (as a percentage) on egress leg
egressRFactorOutboundThe outbound R-Factor threshold utilization value (as a percentage) on egress
ingressMediaStream1InterarrivalJitterThe variation of packet inter-arrival time of ingress MediaStream1 for this call
ingressMediaStream1OctetsReceivedThe number of octets received in ingress MediaStream1 for this call
ingressMediaStream1OctetsSentThe number of octets sent in ingress MediaStream1 for this call
ingressMediaStream1PacketLatencyThe packet latency in the ingress MediaStream1 for this call
ingressMediaStream1PacketsDiscardedThe number of packets discarded in ingress MediaStream1 for this call
ingressMediaStream1PacketsLostThe number of packets lost in ingress MediaStream1 for this call
ingressMediaStream1PacketsReceivedThe number of packets received in ingress MediaStream1 for this call
ingressMediaStream1PacketsSentThe number of packets sent in ingress MediaStream1 for this call

The number of RTCP packets sent in ingress MediaStream1 for this call (if RTCP is enabled for this call leg). Includes RTCP port, if enabled, for this call leg. 

ingressMediaStream1RtcpPacketsReceived The number of RTCP packets received in ingress MediaStream1 for this call (if RTCP is enabled for this call leg). Includes RTCP port, if enabled, for this call leg. 
ingressMediaStream1SrtpAuthFailureThe number of RTP authentication failures on ingress leg
ingressMediaStream1SrtpReplayFailureThe number of RTP anti-replay failures on ingress leg
ingressMediaStream1StunDtlsPacketsReceivedThe number of STUN/DTLS packets received on ingress leg
ingressMediaStream1StunDtlsPacketsDiscardedThe number of STUN/DTLS packets discarded on ingress leg
ingressRemPacketsLostThe number of remote packets lost for this call leg
ingressRFactorInboundThe inbound R-Factor threshold utilization value (as a percentage) on ingress leg 
ingressRFactorOutboundThe outbound R-Factor threshold utilization value (as a percentage) on ingress leg
mediaStream1CodecThe codec for this media stream

The label applied to this media stream

Beep Tone InsertedIndicates whether beep tone is played during the call. Value is "yes/no".

Service Authorization Statistics

Service Authorization Statistics


The global current service authorization statistics.

  • entry  A dummy key is added to non-config scalar element container, though only one row is allowed in container.
  • licenseMode – Displays the current licensing mode of the SBC.
  • amrnbLegAuthorisation – If set to "1", the DSP-AMRNB license is available.
  • amrwbLegAuthorisation – If set to "1", the DSP-AMRWB license is available.
  • capacityLicenseAuthorisation – If set to "1", the SBC-CAPACITY license is available.
  • dspG722SessionsAuthorisation – If set to "1", the DSP-G722 license is available.
  • e911SessionsAuthorisation – If set to "1", the SBC-POL-E911 license is available.
  • encryptAuthorisation – If set to "1", the ENCRYPT license is available.
  • enhancedVideoAuthorisation – If set to "1", the SBC-VIDEO license is available.
  • enumSessionsAuthorisation – If set to "1", the SBC-POL-ENUM license is available.
  • evrcLegAuthorisation – If set to "1", the DSP-EVRC license is available.
  • evsLegAuthorisation – If set to "1", the DSP-EVS license is available.
  • gmp1x10SessionsAuthorisation – If set to "1", the SBC-1X10GMP license is available.
  • gmp4x1SessionsAuthorisation – If set to "1", the SBC-4X1GMP license is available.
  • liSessionsAuthorisation – If set to "1", the SBC-LI license is available.
  • mrfSessionsAuthorisation – If set to "1", the SBC-MRF-RTU license is available.
  • niceRecAuthorisation – If set to "1", the SBC-NICEREC license is available.
  • pdcsAuthorisation If set to "1", the SBC-P-DCS-LAES license is available.
  • polRtuSessionsAuthorisation – If set to "1", the SBC-POL-RTU license is available.
  • psxRtuSessionsAuthorisation – If set to "1", the SBC-PSX-RTU license is available.
  • sbcRtuSessionsAuthorisation – If set to "1", the SBC-RTU session license is available.
  • silkLegAuthorisation – If set to "1", the DSP-SILK license is available.
  • sip323SessionsAuthorisation – If set to "1", the SBC-SIP323 license is available.
  • sipISessionsAuthorisation – If set to "1", the SBC-SIP-I license is available.
  • sipRecAuthorisation – If set to "1", the SBC-SIPREC license is available.
  • srtpAuthorisation – If set to "1", the SRTP license is available.
  • swInstanceLicenseAuthorisation – If set to "1", the SWE-INSTANCE license is available.
  • transcodeAuthorisation – If set to "1", the VDSP-RTU license is available.
  • mediaProbeAuthorisation – If set to "1", the MEDIA-PROBE license is available.

The global service authorization statistics during the set interval.

  • licenseMode – Displays the current licensing mode of the SBC.
  • intervalValid – A value of "True" indicates the time interval was valid.
  • number – A sequence number for the time interval.
  • time – The system "up" time when the interval statistic was collected.
  • amrnbLegAuthorisation  – If set to "1", the DSP-AMRNB license is available.
  • amrwbLegAuthorisation  – If set to "1", the DSP-AMRWB license is available.
  • capacityLicenseAuthorisation – If set to "1", the SBC-CAPACITY license is available.
  • dspG722SessionsAuthorisation – If set to "1", the DSP-G722 license is available.
  • e911SessionsAuthorisation – If set to "1", the SBC-POL-E911 license is available.
  • encryptAuthorisation – If set to "1", the ENCRYPT license is available.
  • enhancedVideoAuthorisation – If set to "1", the SBC-VIDEO license is available.
  • enumSessionsAuthorisation – If set to "1", the SBC-POL-ENUM license is available.
  • evrcLegAuthorisation – If set to "1", the DSP-EVRC license is available.
  • evsLegAuthorisation – If set to "1", the DSP-EVS license is available.
  • gmp1x10SessionsAuthorisation – If set to "1", the SBC-1X10GMP license is available.
  • gmp4x1SessionsAuthorisation – If set to "1", the SBC-4X1GMP license is available.
  • liSessionsAuthorisation – If set to "1", the SBC-LI license is available.
  • mrfSessionsAuthorisation – If set to "1", the SBC-MRF-RTU license is available.
  • niceRecAuthorisation – If set to "1", the SBC-NICEREC license is available.
  • pdcsAuthorisation If set to "1", the SBC-P-DCS-LAES license is available.
  • polRtuSessionsAuthorisation – If set to "1", the SBC-POL-RTU license is available.
  • psxRtuSessionsAuthorisation – If set to "1", the SBC-PSX-RTU license is available.
  • sbcRtuSessionsAuthorisation – If set to "1", the SBC-RTU session license is available.
  • silkLegAuthorisation – If set to "1", the DSP-SILK license is available.
  • sip323SessionsAuthorisation – If set to "1", the SBC-SIP323 license is available.
  • sipISessionsAuthorisation – If set to "1", the SBC-SIP-I license is available.
  • sipRecAuthorisation – If set to "1", the SBC-SIPREC license is available.
  • srtpAuthorisation – If set to "1", the SRTP license is available.
  • swInstanceLicenseAuthorisation – If set to "1", the SWE-INSTANCE license is available.
  • transcodeAuthorisation – If set to "1", the VDSP-RTU license is available.
  • mediaProbeAuthorisation – If set to "1", the MEDIA-PROBE license is available.

Statistics for 'show table global' Only Command

Parameters - &#39;show table global&#39; only


Global Call Routing objects.

  • route – Route statistics:
    • Element Type
    • Element ID1
    • Element ID2
    • Routing Type
    • Destination National
    • Destination Country
    • Call Type
    • Digit Type
    • Range Profile
    • Filter Profile
    • Domain Name
    • Routing Label
  • routingLabel – Routing Label statistics:
    • Name
    • Overflow Number
    • Overflow NOA
    • Overflow NPI
    • Route Prioritization Type
    • Route Prioritization Type For Equal Cost Routes
    • Script
    • Action
    • Num Routes Per Call
    • Sequence
    • Trunk Group
    • IP Peer
    • Proportion
    • Cost
    • In Service
    • Testing


Call Trace group configuration for the Node.

  • callFilter – This table contains call trace filters for the node.
  • callTraceTimer – The call trace timer value.
  • errorFilter – The error filter to apply system wide.
  • maxTriggerCount – The trigger count for both call and error trace filters.
  • signalingPacketCapture – This entry contains signaling packet capture devices and admin state.


Carrier definitions.

  • <id> – A unique identifier for this carrier.
  • services classOfService – Class of service associated with this carrier.


 Country definitions.

  • <id> – A unique country identifier.
  • listOfNumberOfDigitsToMatch – List of digit lengths in called/calling numbers for pattern matching.
    • called – List of digit lengths (comma-separated) in Called Number for pattern matching.

    • calling – List of digit lengths (comma-separated) in Calling Number for pattern matching.

    • criteria – List of digit lengths (comma-separated) in Called Number for pattern matching when determining if number translation is required.

  • variableLengthDialPlan – Indicates whether a variable length dial plan is enabled or disabled.


  • sessionsThreshold – The current threshold limit for the number of licensed sessions.
  • dspAmrNbThreshold DSP-AMRNB licensed sessions notification threshold.
  • dspAmrWbThreshold DSP-AMRWB licensed sessions notification threshold.
  • dspEvrcThreshold DSP-EVRC licensed sessions notification threshold.
  • mrfSessionsThreshold SBC-MRF-RTU licensed sessions notification threshold.
  • niceRecThreshold SBC-NICEREC licensed sessions notification threshold.
  • sipRecThreshold SBC-SIPREC licensed sessions notification threshold.
  • srtpSessionsThreshold SRTP licensed sessions notification threshold.
  • vdspThreshold VDSP-RTU licensed sessions notification threshold.
  • videoSessionsThreshold SBC-VIDEO licensed sessions notification threshold.

Note: These thresholds, other than sessionsThreshold, apply to alarms that apply to local license mode only. Local license mode is not currently supported and therefore the associated alarms are not triggered.


The current monitor endpoint (MCT) settings. Fields include:

  • Name
  • Trunk Group
  • IP Address
  • Port Number
  • State


The current monitor target settings. Fields include:

  • name – Target name.
  • gcid – The target GCID (Global Call Identifier) to tap.
  • monitorEndpoint – Name of endpoint to use for recording
  • monitorLeg – Specifies which leg to tap (all, both, egress, ingress)
  • duration – The duration (in seconds) that the monitor target is tapped.
  • state – Administrative state of the monitor target configuration

npaNxx <npaNxx code>

National destination code settings. The fields include:

  • national – National destination code
  • portedFlag – The portedFlag state


QoS-based call routing table.

  • mediaQosBasedRouting – The status of the flag for Media QoS KPI calculation and validation
  • signalingQosBasedRouting – The status of the flag for Signaling QoS KPI calculation and validation


List of pre-seeded scripts used for call control. The fields include:

  • <script name>
  • description 
  • majorVersion
  • minorVersion

security  ipsec

System-wide IPSec settings.

  • ikeRetransmitCount – Ike Message retransmission count
  • ikeRetransmitInterval – Ike Message retransmission interval in seconds


Global server configuration details.

  • callNotificationCriteriaGroup - a group Of call notification criteria
    • callNotificationCriteriaGroupData - data rows for call notification criteria.
    • description - description for the group of call notification criteria.
  • cnsGroupCluster - a cluster of Cns group profiles.
    • cnsGroupClusterData - data rows for Cns group cluster. 
    • description - description for the Cns group cluster.
  • cnsGroupProfile - a group of call notification servers.
    • cnsGroupData -  data row for a Cns server.
    • description - description of the profile.
    • loadDistribution - load distribution mechanism: sequence or round-robin.
    • uri - URI to use in the Request-URI of NOTIFY messages for this group of servers.
  • dns – DNS Global configuration parameters
    • iterationCount – The global Iteration count limit for DNS iterations of server requests.

    • monitoringInterval – The global monitoring interval (in secs) for DNS Servers.

    • probeInterval – The global probe interval (in secs) for blacklisted DNS Servers.

    • retransmissionCount – The global retransmission count limit for DNS iterations of server requests.

    • retransmissionTimer – The global retransmission timer value for DNS iterations of server requests.

    • timeouts – The global number of timeouts for blacklisting a DNS Server.

  • e911 – Enhanced 911 service

  • e911VpcDevice – E911 VPC Device.
  • enumDomainName – Private domain used for launching this ENUM service.
    • forwardersData Adds eDNS related configurations in the ERE CLI and populates the slwresd.conf file accordingly. The slwresd.conf file adds the server tag, which mentions the eDNS type the server supports. Note: The M-SBC does not support this feature.
      • eDNSType <no | yes> – Set this flag to yes to send the eDNS OPT record.
      • eDNSBufferSize <0 | 512-4096> – If this parameter is configured as any value other than zero, the OPT record uses this value when the eDNSType flag is set to yes. If this parameter is configured as 0, the OPT record uses the eDnsGlobalBufferSize value when the eDNSType flag is set to yes.  
  • enumDomainNameLabel – The DNS Zone label associated with the specified DNS Zone.
    • enumDomainLabelName – DNS zone label name.

    • enumDomainNameId – Data rows of DNS zone label.

  • enumService – ENUM service
    • criteria triggerCriteria – Trigger criteria to use for this ENUM service.

    • defaultTreatment Default treatment to apply to this ENUM service.

    • enumDefinitions privateDomainNameForEnumLookups – The private domain name to use for ENUM look-ups.

    • flags

      • active - Enable or disable this ENUM service.

      • processCallingNumber – Whether to analyze the calling number using prefix profile.

      • processNewANI Whether to process any newANI parameters received in NAPTR responses.

      • skipFurtherNumberTranslationServices – Specifies whether the SBC skips all further services and goes directly to routing.
    • priority The priority (order) of execution among ENUM services.

    • requestTimeOut Request timeout value, in milliseconds.

    • serviceType ENUM service type for this ENUM service: CNAM, LNL, or SIPAoR.

  • lwresdProfile – LWRESD Profile name.
  • srsGroupCluster – SRS Group Cluster configuration details.
    • name – SRS Group Cluster name
    • description – Descriptive text about this SRS Group Cluster
    • priority – The sequence number of the srsGroupId row
    • srsGroupId – SRS Group Profile attached to this cluster
  • srsGroupProfile – Session Recording Server (SRS) Group Profile configuration.
    • name – SRS Profile Group Name.
    • description – Description for the SRS group.
    • loadDistribution – The load distribution scheme for the SRS group
    • numSimultaneousStream – Input number of simultaneous streaming of media for SRS group
    • priority – Priority
    • transport – The transport type for the SRS
    • ipAddress – IP address of the SRS
    • ipPort – TCP/UDP port for the SRS
    • ipTgid –IP trunk group ID used for the SRS
    • srtp – SRTP state for this profile
    • cryptoSuiteProfile – The unique identifier for the Crypto Suite Profile, if configured


Global Signaling objects.

  • diamSigControls - The Global Diameter Signaling Controls.
    • addSonusSpecificAVP - When set to enabled, this flag to send additional CDR information within Ribbon vendor-specific Attribute Value Pairs (AVPs) in Accounting-Request (ACR) messages over the existing Rf Interface.
    • defaultCCF - Specify the IP address to use as the default CCF realm configuration if CCF is not received in the PCFA. (default =
    • enableRfApp - When set to enabled, the Rf Accounting application at the system level sends accounting information over Rf Interface.
    • generateFailedEventAcr - Enable the flag to send an ACR for the failed event.
    • maxACRretransmission - The maximum number of ACR retransmissions (0-3) to use if the SBC does not receive ACA (default = 3).
    • rfInterimAccInrvl - Specifies the interim account interval value (0-180) to send when no interval is received in ACA. Set value to “0” to not send interim record (default = 30). Note that if ACA has a different value than rfInterimAccInrvl, this parameter is overwritten.
  • gwSigTimers – This table contains information about GW Signaling Timers for the node.
    • congRelDelay – The amount of time (in seconds) that a call which is rejected due to congestion will be delayed before the release is issued.

    • establish – The Gateway Signal Channel Establishment Timer (in seconds.) This value applies to all signal channels

    • idle – The amount of time (in hours) a GW Signaling Link May be idle before it is taken down.

    • keepalive – This is the Gateway Signal Channel Keepalive Timer (in seconds.) This value applies to all signal channels

    • retry – The amount of time (in minutes) the GSX will continue to attempt to recover a GW Signaling Link as long as there are stable calls up

  • h323SigTimers – Global H323 Signaling Timers configuration
    • establish –  H225 signal channel establishment timer (in seconds)

    • t301 – T301 call timer (in seconds)

    • t302 – T302 call timer (in seconds)

    • t303 – T303 call timer (in seconds)

    • t304 – The T304 call timer (in seconds)

    • t310 – T310 call timer (in seconds)

    • tcpConnect – TCP connect timer (in seconds)

  • maxNumTransfers - Specifies the maximum number of transfers (10-100) allowed within a call; default is 10.
  • messageManipulation - The SBC supports applying SIP message manipulation (SMM) profiles (SIP adaptor profiles) at the global level. The following parameters are used to assign SIP adaptor profiles that apply globally on ingress or egress:
    •  inputAdapterProfile <profile_name> - The name of a SIP adaptor profile to use globally on inbound messages.
    • outputAdapterProfile <profile_name> - The name of a SIP adaptor profile to use globally on outbound messages.
      Refer to SIP Message Manipulation for more information on SMM.
  • sigOnlyMode - This global option controls whether the SBC is in signaling-only mode.
    • global - Places the SBC in signaling only mode and automatically enables direct media on all trunk groups and all IPSPs.
    • off (default)
  • sipIpPeerStats - When set to enabled, the SBC supports SIP IP Peer Statistics.
  • sipPeerOverloadControl – Global SIP Peer Overload configuration.
    • discardPeriod – Discard period (in seconds) for the Peer Overload back-off algorithm.

    • rejectThreshold – Reject threshold (in rejects/sec) for the Peer Overload back-off algorithm.

    • samplingPeriod – Sampling period (in seconds) for the Peer Overload back-off algorithm.

    • stepDownGain – Step down gain for the Peer Overload back-off algorithm.

  • sipSigControls – Global SIP Signaling Control settings.
    • egressRNParam – The egress RN parameter. Specifies whether the SBC sends a Redirecting Number Information Element (RNIE) in the egress leg of the call per RFC3398 when the R-URI and the To header differ.

      • disabled
      • enabled (default)
    • loopDetectionFeature – Flag to perform SIP loop detection on SIP INVITEs as described in RFC3261.

    • maxPduSizeValue – The maximum SIP PDU size (in bytes).

    • multipleContactsPerAor – Flag to support multiple different contacts for same AoR.

    • registrarSupportContactParam – Flag to determine if the registrar supports contact parameters and will echo such parameters in the RURI.

    • sendSurrogateUnRegAfterReboot – Flag to trigger de-register messages to all AORs configured to use the Surrogate Registration feature after a reboot.

    • suppressErrorInfoHdr – Flag to suppress the Error-Info header in a 400 response.

    • surrogateRegisterPacingTime – The time gap (in milliseconds) between a final response of surrogate register and next surrogate register message sent across all peers.

    • ucidNodeId  – UCID Node Id to be used to generate UCID in the User-to-User Header.

  • srvcc - Single Radio Voice Call Continuity (SRVCC) provides the ability to transition a voice call from the VoIP/IMS packet domain (LTE) to the legacy circuit domain.
    • atcfUri - The SIP URI (1-63 characters) to be used as the ATCF Path and Management URI.
    • callLingerTimer - Number of seconds (1-32) to wait for INVITE due to STN_SR before clearing the call (default=32). 
    • eStnSrThe Request URI (0-32 characters) for a emergency transfer call sent by MSC on PS to CS call hand-off.
    • pstopsSti - The Request URI (0-32 characters) for a Packet-Switched-to-Packet-Switched (PS-to-PS) optimized hand-over call. 
    • stnSr - The Request URI (0-32 characters) for a transfer call sent by MSC on PS to CS call hand-off.
  • teamsSupport - When set to enabled, the SBC's SIP Signaling behavior changes to interface with MS Teams.


SIP Domain name.


Subscriber configuration settings.

  • ID – Unique identifier for Subscriber.
  • country – Country in which the subscriber resides.
  • owningCarrier – A 3 or 4-digit Carrier ID number that represents the Carrier who owns the subscriber. Each Carrier can have specific services configured for Subscriber calling numbers.
  • packetServiceProfile – The packet service profile used to override the IP trunk groups packet service profile.
  • classOfService – Class of service assigned to the subscriber.

Command Examples

> show table global SipRecStatus                
       RECORDER          RECORDING  RX RTP           TX RTP           RECORDER  RECORDER
GCID   ADDRESS           LEG        ADDRESS          ADDRESS          FQDN      ID
555281  ingress           1614567899

To view call detail status:

> show status global callDetailStatus
callDetailStatus 786432 {
    mediaStreams                        audio;
    state                               Stable;
    callingNumber                       67890000;
    calledNumber                        2345;
    addressTransPerformed               none;
    origCalledNum                       "";
    scenarioType                        SIP_TO_SIP;
    callDuration                        9;
    mediaType                           passthru;
    associatedGcid1                     786432;
    associatedGcid2                     786432;
    associatedGcidLegId1                1;
    associatedGcidLegId2                0;
    ingressMediaStream1LocalIpSockAddr  " 1024 (rtcp: 1025)";
    ingressMediaStream1RemoteIpSockAddr " 6000 (rtcp: 6001)";
    egressMediaStream1LocalIpSockAddr   " 1024 (rtcp: 1025)";
    egressMediaStream1RemoteIpSockAddr  " 6000 (rtcp: 6001)";
    ingressMediaStream1Security         "rtp-disabled rtcp-disabled";
    egressMediaStream1Security          "rtp-disabled rtcp-disabled";
    ingressMediaStream1Bandwidth        127;
    egressMediaStream1Bandwidth         127;

To view call media status:

> show status global callMediaStatus 
callMediaStatus 786432 {
    mediaStreamsInCall                          audio;
    ingressMacHeader                            64-0-F1-FD-B3-7F;
    egressMacHeader                             64-0-F1-FD-B3-7F;
    ingressBearerType                           voice;
    egressBearerType                            voice;
    ingressCfgAudioType                         G711;
    egressCfgAudioType                          G711;
    ingressActAudioType                         na;
    egressActAudioType                          na;
    ingressRemPacketsLost                       0;
    ingressRFactorInbound                       93;
    ingressRFactorOutbound                      93;
    egressRemPacketsLost                        0;
    egressRFactorInbound                        93;
    egressRFactorOutbound                       93;
    mediaStream1Label                           audio;
    mediaStream1Codec                           G711;
    ingressMediaStream1PacketsSent              518;
    ingressMediaStream1PacketsReceived          518;
    ingressMediaStream1OctetsSent               82880;
    ingressMediaStream1OctetsReceived           83048;
    ingressMediaStream1RtcpPacketsSent          2;
    ingressMediaStream1RtcpPacketsReceived      2;
    ingressMediaStream1PacketsLost              0;
    ingressMediaStream1PacketsDiscarded         0;
    ingressMediaStream1PacketLatency            0;
    ingressMediaStream1InterarrivalJitter       0;
    ingressMediaStream1StunDtlsPacketsReceived  0;
    ingressMediaStream1StunDtlsPacketsDiscarded 0;
    ingressMediaStream1SrtpAuthFailure          0;
    ingressMediaStream1SrtpReplayFailure        0;
    egressMediaStream1PacketsSent               518;
    egressMediaStream1PacketsReceived           518;
    egressMediaStream1OctetsSent                82880;
    egressMediaStream1OctetsReceived            83056;
    egressMediaStream1RtcpPacketsSent           2;
    egressMediaStream1RtcpPacketsReceived       2;
    egressMediaStream1PacketsLost               0;
    egressMediaStream1PacketsDiscarded          0;
    egressMediaStream1PacketLatency             0;
    egressMediaStream1InterarrivalJitter        0;
    egressMediaStream1StunDtlsPacketsReceived   0;
    egressMediaStream1StunDtlsPacketsDiscarded  0;
    egressMediaStream1SrtpAuthFailure           0;
    egressMediaStream1SrtpReplayFailure         0;

To view call count interval statistics:

> show table global callCountIntervalStatistics

                                                         ENHANCED  AMRNB  AMRWB  EVRC   NICE   MRF       SIP                      EVS    SILK               SLB       HPC
1997    entry  true      1796592  0      0        0      0         0      0      0      0      0         0      0          0      0      0      nodeLocked  0         0
1998    entry  true      1797492  0      0        0      0         0      0      0      0      0         0      0          0      0      0      nodeLocked  0         0
1999    entry  true      1798392  0      0        0      0         0      0      0      0      0         0      0          0      0      0      nodeLocked  0         0
2000    entry  true      1799292  0      0        0      0         0      0      0      0      0         0      0          0      0      0      nodeLocked  0         0

To view the status of IP trunk groups in this zone:

 > show table global globalTrunkGroupStatus
                                                TOTAL                                              TOTAL
                                     TOTAL      CALLS     INBOUND  OUTBOUND  TOTAL       PRIORITY  OUTBOUND  BW                  BW       BW
                                     CALLS      INBOUND   CALLS    CALLS     CALLS       CALL      CALLS     CURRENT  BW         INBOUND  OU
GWGW                      inService  -1         0         0        0         -1          0         0         -1       -1         0        0
SBC1                      inService  -1         0         0        0         -1          0         0         -1       -1         0        0
SBC2                      inService  -1         0         0        0         -1          0         0         -1       -1         0        0
SBC3                      inService  -1         0         0        0         -1          0         0         -1       -1         0        0
SBC4                      inService  -1         0         0        0         -1          0         0         -1       -1         0        0
SBC5                      inService  -1         0         0        0         -1          0         0         -1       -1         0        0
SBC6                      inService  -1         0         0        0         -1          0         0         -1       -1         0        0

To display the table and status for serviceAuthorisedCurStats:

admin@vsbc1> show table global serviceAuthorisedCurStats
       LICENSE  ENCRYPT        SRTP           VIDEO          AMRNB LEG      AMRWB LEG      EVRC LEG       NICE REC       MRF SESSIONS   SIP REC        TRANSCODE      PDCS           LI SES
entry nodeLocked   0              0              0              0              0              0              0              0              0              0              0              0
[ok][2018-05-18 19:12:42]
admin@vsbc1> show status global serviceAuthorisedCurStats
serviceAuthorisedCurStats entry {
    licenseMode                    nodeLocked;
    encryptAuthorisation           0;
    srtpAuthorisation              0;
    enhancedVideoAuthorisation     0;
    amrnbLegAuthorisation          0;
    amrwbLegAuthorisation          0;
    evrcLegAuthorisation           0;
    niceRecAuthorisation           0;
    mrfSessionsAuthorisation       0;
    sipRecAuthorisation            0;
    transcodeAuthorisation         0;
    pdcsAuthorisation              0;
    liSessionsAuthorisation        0;
    sbcRtuSessionsAuthorisation    0;
    dspG722SessionsAuthorisation   0;
    gmp4x1SessionsAuthorisation    0;
    sipISessionsAuthorisation      0;
    sip323SessionsAuthorisation    0;
    gmp1x10SessionsAuthorisation   0;
    polRtuSessionsAuthorisation    0;
    psxRtuSessionsAuthorisation    0;
    capacityLicenseAuthorisation   0;
    e911SessionsAuthorisation      0;
    enumSessionsAuthorisation      0;
    swInstanceLicenseAuthorisation 0;
[ok][2018-05-18 19:12:58]

To display the table and status for serviceAuthorisedIntStats:

admin@vsbc1> show table global serviceAuthorisedIntStats
               INTERVAL         LICENSE  ENCRYPT        SRTP           VIDEO          AMRNB LEG      AMRWB LEG      EVRC LEG       NICE REC       MRF SESSIONS   SIP REC        TRANSCODE
11      entry  true      9446  nodeLocked 0              0              0              0              0              0              0              0              0              0
12      entry  true      10346 nodeLocked 0              0              0              0              0              0              0              0              0              0
13      entry  true      11246 nodeLocked 0              0              0              0              0              0              0              0              0              0
14      entry  true      12146 nodeLocked 0              0              0              0              0              0              0              0              0              0
[ok][2018-05-18 19:13:45]

admin@vsbc1> show status global serviceAuthorisedIntStats
serviceAuthorisedIntStats 11 entry {
    intervalValid                  true;
    time                           9446;
    licenseMode                   nodeLocked;
    encryptAuthorisation           0;
    srtpAuthorisation              0;
    enhancedVideoAuthorisation     0;
    amrnbLegAuthorisation          0;
    amrwbLegAuthorisation          0;
    evrcLegAuthorisation           0;
    niceRecAuthorisation           0;
    mrfSessionsAuthorisation       0;
    sipRecAuthorisation            0;
    transcodeAuthorisation         0;
    pdcsAuthorisation              0;
    liSessionsAuthorisation        0;
    sbcRtuSessionsAuthorisation    0;
    dspG722SessionsAuthorisation   0;
    gmp4x1SessionsAuthorisation    0;
    sipISessionsAuthorisation      0;
    sip323SessionsAuthorisation    0;
    gmp1x10SessionsAuthorisation   0;
    polRtuSessionsAuthorisation    0;
    psxRtuSessionsAuthorisation    0;
    capacityLicenseAuthorisation   0;
    e911SessionsAuthorisation      0;
    enumSessionsAuthorisation      0;
    swInstanceLicenseAuthorisation 0;

To view the eDNSType and eDNSBufferSize in the forwardersData parameter:

show global servers enumDomainName
   zoneType individual;
   loadDistribution sequence;
   queryRetryTimer 4000;
   forwardersData 0 {
     forwarderDescription "";
     eDNSType yes;
     eDNSBufferSize 517;
[ok][2018-05-02 13:44:34]