In this section:



  • SBC SWe on VMware
  • Require nine or more VLANs per PKT port
  • X710 NIC


Use the procedure below to enable the 'Trust' mode on the VFs of the X710 NIC in order to allow nine or more VLANs per PKT port. The Intel X710 does not support more than eight VLANs per VF when running in 'Untrusted' mode.


It is important to perform this NIC procedure to avoid potential network outages due to NIC misconfiguration. 

Steps to Identify the Existence of the Issue


On the VMware ESXi host server, ensure the X710 NIC i40en driver and firmware are installed as per recommendations on the page Attach SR-IOV Interface in VMware ESXi 7.0 and Above.

Use the following command to get the X710 NIC i40en driver and firmware versions.

esxcli network nic get -n <vmnic name>

(<vmnic name> is the X710 NIC port name)

[root@rengali:~] esxcli network nic get -n vmnic0
   Advertised Auto Negotiation: true
   Advertised Link Modes: Auto, 1000BaseSR/Full, 10000BaseSR/Full, 25000BaseSR/Full
   Auto Negotiation: true
   Cable Type: FIBRE
   Current Message Level: 0
   Driver Info:
         Bus Info: 0000:04:00:1
         Driver: i40en
         Firmware Version: 7.20 0x80007a10 1.2585.0
   Link Detected: true
   Link Status: Up
   Name: vmnic9
   PHYAddress: 0
   Pause Autonegotiate: false
   Pause RX: false
   Pause TX: false
   Supported Ports: FIBRE
   Supports Auto Negotiation: true
   Supports Pause: true
   Supports Wakeon: false
   Virtual Address: 00:50:56:5f:b9:7d
   Wakeon: None


In the above example, X710 NIC i40en driver version is '1.10.9', and the firmware version is '7.20'.

Identify the Issue

If the SBC SWe running on VMware, with untrusted VFs as PKT interface, is configured to have 9 or more VLANs tagged interfaces, then the following error logs are observed:

  1. Check VLAN add failed error log message in the 'np.log' file on the SBC SWe.

    Path: /home/log/sonus/np/np.log

    Log snippet:
    ERROR: pkt0: vlan 10 add failed with error -56.
  2. Check VLAN add failed message in the 'vmkernel.log' file on the VMware ESXi host server. 

    Path: /var/log/vmkernel.log 

    Log snippet:
    i40en: i40en_AddVlanMsg:3270: VF is not trusted, switch the VF to trusted mode to add more VLAN addresses
    i40en: i40en_SendMsgToVf:1689: vmnic0 VF 1 failed opcode 12, error: -5
    1. From the above error message, make a note of the VF ID.
      (In the above example error, the VF ID is "1"
      and the corresponding port name of the underlying host is "vmnic0")

These values are used to enable 'Trust' mode on the VFs associated with the SBC SWe from the host using the VMware's esxcli intnet commands (for use later in this document).


Enable the trust mode for the VFs associated with SBC SWe to resolve this issue.

Enable Trust Mode on X710 VFs for VMware

  1. Download and install the Intel ESXCLI plug-in for managing Intel® Ethernet Network Adapters on the VMware ESXi host server. 
    (For Intel ESXCLI plug-in and detailed documentation, go to

  2. Once the Intel ESXCLI plug-in '' package file are downloaded, copy the package file to the VMWare ESXi host server and install it.
    1. Create a directory and copy the package file. We can create a directory under 'datastore1' directory. Path: /vmfs/volumes/datastore1.
    2. Check the package file.

      [root@rengali:/vmfs/volumes] ls -lrt
      lrwxr-xr-x    1 root     root            35 Aug 16 06:42 datastore1 -> 607ebe6e-52de583e-3446-246e964e2464
      [root@rengali:/vmfs/volumes] cd /vmfs/volumes/datastore1
      [root@rengali:/vmfs/volumes/607ebe6e-52de583e-3446-246e964e2464] cd intnetcli_1.6.5.0
      [root@rengali:/vmfs/volumes/607ebe6e-52de583e-3446-246e964e2464/intnetcli_1.6.5.0] ls -lrt
      total 64
      -rwx------    1 root     root         40952 Aug 16 06:43
    3. Unzip the package file.

      [root@rengali:/vmfs/volumes/607ebe6e-52de583e-3446-246e964e2464/intnetcli_1.6.5.0] unzip
        inflating: doc/README.txt
    4. Install the package.

      [root@rengali:/vmfs/volumes/607ebe6e-52de583e-3446-246e964e2464/intnetcli_1.6.5.0] esxcli software component apply -d /vmfs/volumes/607ebe6e-52de583e-3446-246e964e2464/intnetcli_1.6.5.0/
      Installation Result
         Components Installed: Intel-intnetcli_intnetcli.
         Components Removed:
         Components Skipped:
         Message: The update completed successfully, but the system needs to be rebooted for the changes to be effective.
         Reboot Required: true
  3. Reboot the VMware ESXi host server to apply the changes. Turn off all the VMs gracefully before rebooting the host.
  4. Get the VF trust mode status on the VMware ESXi host server. Use the following command from the ESXi shell on the SR-IOV vmnic.

    esxcli intnet sriovnic vf get -v <vf number> -n <vmnic name>


    <vmnic name> is the SR-IOV port to which the SBC SWe VM is associated.
    <vf number> is the VF ID assigned to the SBC SWe VM instance.

    [root@rengali:~]  esxcli intnet sriovnic vf get -v 1 -n vmnic0
    VF ID           Trusted         Spoof Check
    -----           -------         -----------
    1               false           true

Locate the SR-IOV Port and VF ID Associated with the SBC SWe VM

  1. Get the 'World ID' of the running SBC SWe VM using the command:


    The below command gives the World ID for each VM in the running state. Ensure that the SBC VM is in a running state before issuing the command.

    In this document, you will modify the trust mode of VFs associated with the SBC SWe VM named Test_VM1. The world ID for this VM is 2105037.

    esxcli vm process list

    [root@rengali:~] esxcli vm process list
       World ID: 2105037
       Process ID: 0
       VMX Cartel ID: 2105036
       UUID: 56 4d cf 76 f1 3f bf 1c-82 e0 9a 5f df 43 b5 bc
       Display Name: Test_VM1
       Config File: /vmfs/volumes/607ebe6e-52de583e-3446-246e964e2464/Test_VM1/Test_VM1.vmx
       World ID: 2107118
       Process ID: 0
       VMX Cartel ID: 2107117
       UUID: 56 4d f8 55 80 52 b7 4f-25 71 9c 5f a1 ae 9a 1f
       Display Name: Test_VM2
       Config File: /vmfs/volumes/607ebe6e-52de583e-3446-246e964e2464/Test_VM2/Test_VM2.vmx 
  2. Get the X710 NIC SR-IOV port name using the command:

    esxcli network nic list

    [root@rengali:~] esxcli network nic list
    Name     PCI Device    Driver      Admin Status  Link Status  Speed  Duplex  MAC Address         MTU  Description
    -------  ------------  ----------  ------------  -----------  -----  ------  -----------------  ----  -----------
    vmnic0   0000:04:00.0  i40en       Up            Up           10000  Full    3c:fd:fe:c8:dd:60  1500  Intel(R) Ethernet Controller XXV710 for 25GbE SFP28
    vmnic1   0000:04:00.1  i40en       Up            Up           10000  Full    3c:fd:fe:c8:dd:61  1500  Intel(R) Ethernet Controller XXV710 for 25GbE SFP28
    vmnic2   0000:01:00.2  igbn        Up            Up            1000  Full    24:6e:96:4e:24:66  1500  Intel Corporation Gigabit 4P I350-t rNDC
    vmnic3   0000:01:00.3  igbn        Up            Down             0  Half    24:6e:96:4e:24:67  1500  Intel Corporation Gigabit 4P I350-t rNDC

    In this example, the X710 NIC SR-IOV ports names are vmnic0 and vmnic1. The port names may differ on another VMware ESXi setup. 

  3. Get the X710 NIC SR-IOV port name and VF ID associated with the SBC SWe VM using the command:

    esxcli network sriovnic vf list -n <vmnic name>

    We can find the VF ID associated with the SBC SWe VM using the 'World ID'.
    As in the above case, 
    1: The 'World ID' for SBC SWe 'Test_VM1' is 2105037. 
    2: The X710 NIC SR-IOV ports names are vmnic0 and vmnic1. 
    Check VF list of the both vmnic0 and vmnic1.
    [root@rengali:~] esxcli network sriovnic vf list -n vmnic0
    VF ID  Active  PCI Address     Owner World ID
    -----  ------  --------------  --------------
        0    true  00000:004:10.0  2107118
        1    true  00000:004:10.1  2105037
        2    true  00000:004:10.2  
        3    true  00000:004:10.3  
        4   false  00000:004:10.4   -
        5   false  00000:004:10.5   -
    [root@rengali:~] esxcli network sriovnic vf list -n vmnic1
    VF ID  Active  PCI Address     Owner World ID
    -----  ------  --------------  --------------
        0   false  00000:004:02.0   -
        1   false  00000:004:02.1   -
        2   false  00000:004:02.2   -
        3   false  00000:004:02.3   -
        4   false  00000:004:02.4   -
        5   false  00000:004:02.5   -

    From the above output, you can infer that for the SBC SWe Test_VM1, the X710 NIC SR-IOV port name is 'vmnic0' and the VF ID is 1.

  4. To enable VF trust mode, use the following command:

    esxcli intnet sriovnic vf set -t true -v <vf number> -n <vmnic name>

    <vmnic name> is the SR-IOV port to which the SBC SWe VM is associated.
    <vf number> is the VF ID assigned to the SBC SWe VM instance.

    [root@rengali:~] esxcli intnet sriovnic vf set -t true -v 1 -n vmnic0
    Trusted mode is set to true and spoof check is set to true
  5. Set VF trust mode persistent across reboots using the command.

    esxcli system module parameters set -a -m i40en -p "trust_all_vfs=<array of int>"

    <array of int> , 0 = disable (default), 1 = enable

    For example:
    [root@rengali:~] esxcli system module parameters set -a -m i40en -p "trust_all_vfs=1,1"
    [root@rengali:~] esxcli system module parameters list -m i40en
    Name           Type          Value        Description
    -------------  ------------  -----------  -----------
    DRSS           array of int               Enable/disable the DefQueue RSS(default = 0 )
    EEE            array of int               Energy Efficient Ethernet feature (EEE): 0 = disable, 1 = enable, (default = 1)
    LLDP           array of int               Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) agent: 0 = disable, 1 = enable, (default = 1)
    MaxRdmaInts    int                        Maximum RDMA Interrupts (default = 16)
    RDMA           array of int               Enable RDMA support 0 = disable, 1 = enable, (default = 0)
    RSS            array of int               Enable/disable the NetQueue RSS( default = 1 )
    RxITR          int                        Default RX interrupt interval (0..0xFFF), in microseconds (default = 50)
    TxITR          int                        Default TX interrupt interval (0..0xFFF), in microseconds, (default = 100)
    VMDQ           array of int               Number of Virtual Machine Device Queues: 0/1 = disable, 2-16 enable (default =8)
    max_vfs        array of int               Maximum number of VFs to be enabled (0..128)
    trust_all_vfs  array of int  1,1          Always set all VFs to trusted mode 0 = disable (default), other = enable

    In the above example, "trust_all_vfs=1,1" are an array of values, which references each NIC in order using the i40en driver. 

  6. Reboot the VMware ESXi host server.


To verify the VF is configured as trusted. use the following command.

    esxcli intnet sriovnic vf get -v <vf number> -n <vmnic name>


               <vmnic name> is the SR-IOV port to which the SBC SWe VM is associated.

               <vf number> is the VF ID assigned to the SBC SWe VM instance.

[root@rengali:~] esxcli intnet sriovnic vf get -v 1 -n vmnic0

VF ID           Trusted         Spoof Check
-----           -------         -----------
1               true            false 

On the SBC SWe PKT port configure 9 or more VLANs and check VLANs added message in the np.log file.

[root@RAS ~]# grep -i vlan /var/log/sonus/np/np.log
2022-08-25 12:32:45 : |   name    | valid | strip_vlan | type | is_slave | sby_bcast_rx | kni_port | slave_kni_port |       mac_addr      |
2022-08-25 12:34:41 : WARNING: Ignoring vlan add for vlan 0 on pkt0
2022-08-25 12:34:41 : WARNING: Ignoring vlan add for vlan 0 on pkt1
2022-08-25 12:34:41 : pkt0: vlan 10 added.
2022-08-25 12:34:41 : pkt0: vlan 9 added.
2022-08-25 12:34:45 : pkt0: vlan 8 added.
2022-08-25 12:34:45 : pkt0: vlan 7 added.
2022-08-25 12:34:45 : pkt0: vlan 6 added.
2022-08-25 12:34:45 : pkt0: vlan 5 added.
2022-08-25 12:34:45 : pkt0: vlan 4 added.
2022-08-25 12:34:45 : pkt0: vlan 3 added.
2022-08-25 12:34:45 : pkt0: vlan 2 added.
2022-08-25 13:16:37 : pkt0: vlan 11 added.
2022-08-25 13:16:38 : pkt0: vlan 12 added.
2022-08-25 13:16:40 : pkt0: vlan 13 added.
2022-08-25 13:16:41 : pkt0: vlan 14 added.
2022-08-25 13:16:43 : pkt0: vlan 15 added.
2022-08-25 13:16:44 : pkt0: vlan 16 added.

In the above example logs, 15 VLANs are configured on the SBC SWe PKT port.