This section describes CLI syntax and parameters for the SIP trunk group 'callRouting' object.

Use this object to configure the method to route a call or request to the next-hop entity for this SIP trunk group.


When configuring the SBC for DTG routing, trunk group names must use all UPPERCASE letters. 

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> callRouting 
	addStoredPathAsTopRoute <disabled | enabled>
	ansSupervisionTimeout <0-1000>
	ansSupervisionTimeoutAction <release | trapAndRestart>
	crankBackProfile <profile name>
	dnsCrankback <disabled | enabled>
	internationalNoaPlus <disabled | enabled>
	sendRouteUriToPsx <disabled | enabled>
	useRouteSet <disabled | rcbNextHopAndStored | received | roamingOrStored | stored | storedAll>

Command Parameters

Zone SIP Trunk Group Parameters

addStoredPathAsTopRouteN/AWhen enabled, adds the stored Path header as the topmost Route header (on top of stored Service-Route headers) in the   outgoing out-of-dialog requests when useRouteSet is set to "stored".
  • disabled (default)
  • enabled
ansSupervisionTimeout0-1000Configure this parameter on the ingress trunk group specifying the timeout period (in seconds) for the egress trunk group to receive the first backwards message from the called party exchange (SIP 180 - “Ringing" and SIP 183 - “Progress") until the call is answered. If the timeout period expires, the answer supervision action specified is triggered. A value of "0" disables this timer (default = 300).
ansSupervisionTimeoutActionN/AAction to take if the answer supervision timer expires.
  • release (default)
  • trapAndRestart 

Use this option to specify a crankback profile to apply to the trunk group. Crankback profiles can be assigned at three levels: trunk group, zone, and global. By default, a trunk group does not have a crankback profile assigned. If no profile is specified, a trunk group inherits the crankback profile from its zone. If a zone has no crankback profile specified, it inherits the crankback profile assigned at the global level. 


Enable this flag to apply a DNS crankback profile for the received SIP error response.

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled

NOTE: dnsCrankback must be enabled on an egress SIP trunk group. The crankback profile assigned to the egress trunk group is used for DNS crankback.

internationalNoaPlusN/AEnable flag to set CPN and CIN NOA to “International” when number begins with '+'.
  • disabled (default)
  • enabled

Use this flag to control the sending of Route-URI to PSX.

  • disabled (default) – Route-URI is not sent to PSX.
  • enabled – Route-URI is sent to PSX

NOTE: This flag works in conjunction with "Perform Route Header based Routing" flag configured from PSX Feature Control Profile screen. Refer to PSX Documentation for details.

useRouteSetN/AThis parameter determines the routeset used when routing a call.
  • disabled (default) – Request is routed using routing database.
  • rcbNextHopAndStored – Request from a registered subscriber is routed to the same next hop (registrar IP stored in registration), and the stored Service Route is copied to egress.
  • received – Request is routed using the received routeset in the request.
  • roamingOrStored – If the UE is in roaming mode, request is routed based on Destination Trunk Group (DTG) loopback where DTG is the route obtained during REGISTRATION. If UE is not in roaming, the request is routed in same manner as stored option.
  • stored – Request is routed using Path or Service-Route stored during registration.
  • storedAll – All requests (including refresh registers) are routed using Path or Service-Route stored during registration.

NOTE: Attributes rcbNextHopAndStored and roamingOrStored are not supported on ERE and are intended for use only with an external PSX.

Refer to  IMS Routing for Route Header and Roaming User for additional details.

Note on Crankback

The  SBC maps the received SIP response from the egress call leg using the sipToCpcCauseMapProfile from the egress sipTrunkGroup. The CPC cause is then looked up in the egress sipTrunkGroup's crankbackProfile.

  • If a match is found, the SBC attempts a new target.
  • If a match is not found, SBC skips the DNS crankback and proceeds with the normal crankback at CC level using the ingress sipTrunkGroup's crankback profile