In this section:


The SBC 5100, SBC 5110, SBC 5200, and SBC 5210 platforms are no longer supported beginning with the SBC Core 10.0.0R0 release. This release supports SBC 5400/7000/SWe/CNe platforms. Contact Ribbon Sales for upgrade information.

Use the SIP trunk group CAC parameters to configure call admission control (CAC) settings for a SIP trunk group on ingress, on egress, and as a whole.


As a best practice, always use UPPERCASE for trunk group names.


Unless noted otherwise, the parameters/parameter values in this section apply to all SBC Core platforms.


SIP subscription CAC limits are not applied to SUBSCRIBE requests from registered users in access deployments.

SIP Trunk Group CAC

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> cac
	bandwidthLimit <0-2147483647>
	bandwidthLimitThreshold <0-100>
    bandwidthVideoThreshold <0-100>
	callLimit <0-2147483647>
	callLimitThreshold <0-100>
	emergencyOversubscription <0-1000>
	estimatedChildRegistrations <1-256>
	extendedEmergencyIpLimit <0-40000>
	hpcOversubscription <0-100>
	registeredEndpointCacProfile <profile name>
	registrationLimit <0-2147483647>
	subscriptionLimit <0-2147483647>
	tcpMediaLimit <0-5000>
	unRegisteredEndpointCacProfile <profile name>

Command Parameters

SIP Trunk Group CAC Parameters

bandwidthLimitunlimited or 0-2147483647The total media bandwidth limit, in Kbits/sec. (default = "unlimited")
bandwidthLimitThreshold0-100Enter threshold value (as a percentage) to specify bandwidth utilization notification threshold. (range: 0-100 / default = 0)
bandwidthVideoThreshold0-100Enter threshold value (as a percentage of video bandwidth) to limit video streams to a specific bandwidth to prevent video calls consuming call bandwidth otherwise needed for audio calls. (range: 0-100 / default = 0)
callLimitunlimited or 0-2147483647Total number of concurrent calls (either ingress or egress) allowed. (default = “unlimited”).
callLimitThreshold0-100Call Limit utilization notification threshold, as a percentage. (default = 0)
egressN/AEgress-specific call admission control configuration for the SIP trunk group. See the Egress Parameters table below for details.

The percentage of resource oversubscription allowed for emergency calls. (default = 10)

estimatedChildRegistrations1-256Estimated number of child registrations (i.e. the estimated number of P-Associated-URIs in 200 OK message). (default = 1)

The resource oversubscription (expressed as numeric value) allowed for emergency calls. (default = 0)

hpcOversubscription0-100This parameter specifies the amount of resource over-subscription (as a percentage) allowed for HPC calls. When the baseline call limit and bandwidth limit are reached, normal calls are not admitted, but additional HPC calls are allowed up to the configured percentage value. (default = 10)
ingressN/AIngress-specific call admission control configuration for the SIP trunk group. See the Ingress Parameters table below for details.
registeredEndpointCacProfileN/A<SIP CAC Profile Name> – The name of the SIP CAC Profile (containing endpoint CAC parameters that are applied individually to each registered peer) to associate with this trunk group.
registrationLimitunlimited or 0-2147483647The total number of concurrent SIP registrations allowed. (default is 'unlimited')
subscriptionLimitunlimited or 0-2147483647The total number of concurrent SIP subscriptions allowed on IP trunk group. (default is 'unlimited')
tcpMediaLimitunlimited or 0-5000MRM session limit per trunk group.



<SIP CAC Profile name> – The name of the SIP CAC profile (containing endpoint CAC parameters that are applied individually to each unregistered peer) to associate with this trunk group.

(Refer to SIP CAC Profile - CLI for profile details.)


Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> cac egress 
	callBurstMax <"unlimited" or for SBC 5400/SWe: 1-900; SBC 7000/SBC CNe: 1-2700>
	callLimit <0-2147483647>
	callRateMax <"unlimited" or for SBC 5400/SWe: 1-450; SBC 7000/SBC CNe: 1-1350>
	emergencyOversubscription <0-1000>
	extendedEmergencyIpLimit <0-40000>
	hpcOversubscription <0-100>
	otherReqBurstMax <"unlimited" or for SBC 5400/SWe: 1-1000; SBC 7000: 1-3000>
	otherReqRateMax <"unlimited" or for SBC 5400/SWe: 1-1000; SBC 7000 1-3000>
	registerBurstMax <"unlimited" or for SBC 5400/SWe: 1-1500; SBC 7000: 1-3000>
    registerRateMax <"unlimited or for SBC 5400/SWe: 1-1500; SBC 7000: 1-3000>
	subscribeBurstMax <"unlimited" or for SBC 5400/SWe: 1-1000; SBC 7000: 1-3000>
	subscribeRateMax <"unlimited" or for SBC 5400/SWe: 1-1000; SBC 7000: 1-3000>

Egress Command Parameters

Call policing using callRateMax and callBurstMax is applicable only to normal and emergency calls, not to high priority calls (HPC).


unlimited or

SBC 5400/SWe: 1-900

SBC 7000/CNe: 1-2700

Maximum allowed burst size (above the allowed sustained rate) for egress call attempts, in calls per second. (default = 'unlimited')
callLimitunlimited or 0-2147483647Total number of concurrent calls (either ingress or egress) allowed on egress. (default = 'unlimited')

unlimited or

SBC 5400/SWe: 1-450

SBC 7000/CNe: 1-1350

Maximum sustained egress call rate allowed in calls per second. (default = 'unlimited')

NOTE: You can set both callBurstMax and callRateMax as 'unlimited'; however, if you assign a value to one parameter, the other must also be assigned a value.

emergencyOversubscription  0-1000Over-subscription of resources (as a percentage) allowed for emergency calls. (default = 10)

The resource oversubscription (expressed as numeric value) allowed for emergency calls. (default = 0)

hpcOversubscription0-100This parameter specifies the amount of resource over-subscription (as a percentage) allowed for HPC calls. When the baseline call limit and bandwidth limit are reached, normal calls are stopped, but additional HPC calls are allowed up to the configured percentage value. (default = 10)

unlimited or

SBC 5400/SWe: 1-1000

SBC 7000: 1-3000

Maximum allowed burst (above the allowed sustained rate) for any other egress out-of-dialog SIP request. (default = 'unlimited')

unlimited or

SBC 5400/SWe: 1-1000

SBC 7000: 1-3000

Maximum sustained egress rate (requests per second) of other out-of-dialog SIP requests. (default = 'unlimited')


unlimited or

SBC 5400/SWe: 1-1500

SBC 7000: 1-3000

Specifies the maximum allowed egress burst (above the allowed sustained rate) for initial SIP registrations. The default value is unlimited.

unlimited or

SBC 5400/SWe: 1-1500

SBC 7000: 1-3000

Specifies the maximum allowed sustained egress rate (registrations per second) for initial SIP registrations. The default value is unlimited.

NOTE: You can set both registerBurstMax and registerRateMax as 'unlimited'; however, if you assign a value to one parameter, the other must also be assigned a value.


unlimited or

SBC 5400/SWe: 1-1000

SBC 7000: 1-3000

Maximum allowed burst (above the allowed sustained rate) for egress initial SIP subscribe request. (default = 'unlimited')

unlimited or

SBC 5400/SWe: 1-1000

SBC 7000: 1-3000

Maximum sustained egress rate (subscribes per second) of initial SIP subscribe request. (default = 'unlimited')


Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> cac ingress 
	callBurstMax <"unlimited" or for SBC 5400/SWe: 1-900; SBC 7000/SBC CNe: 1-2700>
	callLimit <0-2147483647>
	callRateMax <"unlimited" or for SBC 5400/SWe: 1-450; SBC 7000/SBC CNe: 1-1350>
	emergencyOversubscription <0-1000>
	extendedEmergencyIpLimit <0-40000>
	hpcOversubscription <0-100>
	otherReqBurstMax <"unlimited" or for SBC 5400/SWe: 1-1000; SBC 7000: 1-3000>
	otherReqRateMax <"unlimited" or for SBC 5400/SWe: 1-1000; SBC 7000 1-3000>
	registerBurstMax <"unlimited" or for SBC 5400/SWe: 1-1500; SBC 7000: 1-3000>
    registerRateMax <"unlimited or for SBC 5400/SWe: 1-1500; SBC 7000: 1-3000>
	subscribeBurstMax <"unlimited" or for SBC 5400/SWe: 1-1000; SBC 7000: 1-3000>
	subscribeRateMax <"unlimited" or for SBC 5400/SWe: 1-1000; SBC 7000: 1-3000>

Ingress Command Parameters

Call policing using callRateMax and callBurstMax is applicable only to normal and emergency calls, not to high priority calls (HPC).


unlimited or

SBC 5400/SWe: 1-900

SBC 7000/CNe: 1-2700

Maximum allowed burst (above the allowed sustained rate) for ingress calls in calls per second. (default = 'unlimited')

unlimited or 0-2147483647

Total number of concurrent calls allowed on ingress. (default = 'unlimited')


unlimited or

SBC 5400/SWe: 1-450

SBC 7000/CNe: 1-1350

Maximum sustained ingress call rate allowed in calls/second. (default = 'unlimited')

NOTE: You can set both callBurstMax and CallRateMax as 'unlimited'; however, if you assign a value to one parameter, the other must also be assigned a value.

emergencyOversubscription0-1000The amount of resource over-subscription (as a percentage) allowed for emergency calls. (default = 10)

The resource oversubscription (expressed as numeric value) allowed for emergency calls. (default = 0)

hpcOversubscription0-100This parameter specifies the amount of resource over-subscription (as a percentage) allowed for HPC calls. When the baseline call limit and bandwidth limit are reached, normal calls are not admitted, but additional HPC calls are allowed up to the configured percentage value. (default = 10)

unlimited or

SBC 5400/SWe: 1-1000

SBC 7000: 1-3000

Maximum allowed burst (above the allowed sustained rate) for any other ingress out-of-dialog SIP request. (default = 'unlimited')


unlimited or

SBC 5400/SWe: 1-1000

SBC 7000: 1-3000

Maximum sustained ingress rate (requests per second) of other out-of-dialog SIP requests. (default = 'unlimited')


unlimited or

SBC 5400/SWe: 1-1500

SBC 7000: 1-3000

Specifies the maximum allowed ingress burst (above the allowed sustained rate) for initial SIP registrations. The default value is unlimited. 


unlimited or

SBC 5400/SWe: 1-1500

SBC 7000: 1-3000

Specifies the maximum allowed sustained ingress rate (registrations per second) for initial SIP registrations. The default value is unlimited.

NOTE: You can set both “registerBurstMax” and “registerRateMax” as unlimited; however, if you assign a value to one parameter, the other must also be assigned a value.


unlimited or

SBC 5400/SWe: 1-1000

SBC 7000: 1-3000

Maximum allowed burst (above the allowed sustained rate) for ingress initial SIP subscribe request. (default = 'unlimited')


unlimited or

SBC 5400/SWe: 1-1000

SBC 7000: 1-3000

Maximum sustained ingress rate (subscribes per second) of initial SIP subscribe request. (default = 'unlimited')