Use this flag to specify how the SBC processes Route Header and 3xx responses.

Command Syntax


% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling processTgrpContext <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters

Process Tgrp Context Parameter


Use this flag to specify "tgrp" parameter behavior.

  • disabled (default) – If "tgrp" and "trunk-context" are present in the request URI, the PSX processes the Route Header or 3xx  depending on the PSX flag setting to process the tgrp parameters.

    When you disable processTgrpContext at the SBC, the SBC sends tgrp and trunk-context to the PSX.

    In this case, when you enable the processDestinationTgrp in Feature Control Profile, the PSX does light policy lookup and skips all the SSG-based services, number translation, and routing functions.

  • enabled – If "trunk-context" is present in the request URI, Route Header or 3xx is checked against the SBC address. If they match, "tgrp" must be used for routing. Otherwsie, "tgrp" and "trunk-context" are relayed to the peer in the subsequent INVITE message.