The SBC CNe supports the upgrade of a specific pod instead of restarting the entire CNF when a particular container/pod image is changed. The SBC CNe upgrade procedure upgrades only the pods with a changed container image. 

While the SBC CNF Helm chart is bundled, the appVersion is updated such that it is specific for the pods that have application change. For the rest of the pods, the appVersion remains the same as the previous version. The Helm chart version is updated on all the sub-charts including the parent chart that is used as the differentiator while delivering multiple releases.

To get started with CNe software procurement and installation, contact your Ribbon representative for details. 

Image Change

To change the image, use the steps below:

  1. Navigate back to the downloaded helm chart folder: <user_home_path>/<user_folder_path>/rbbn-core-cnf/.
  2. Locate the values.yaml file.
  3. Inside this file, find the concerned deployment's image details.
  4. Make the desired changes in the image tag/path.
  5. After making the changes described in the steps above, enter the following command to perform the upgrade:
helm upgrade <deployment_name> <helm chart path> --values <values.yaml file path>