This following diagram shows a high-level flow of the SBC 5400 installation sequence, from rack mounting the SBC 5400 chassis to placing your first call.

SBC 5400 Install Flowchart


Click a link below to go to an installation task based upon your SBC type and configuration options:

 Installation TaskAssociated Install Guide Page
1Install SBC 5400 chassis into the rack

Rack Mounting the SBC 5400 Chassis


Connect Ethernet and data cables

Connecting SBC 5400 Ethernet and Data Cables


Connect power to the SBC 5400

Connecting Power to SBC 5400 and Powering On

4Configure the SBC platform (BMC, management interfaces, NTP)

SBC 5400 - Configuring the Platform

5Install SecureLink

SBC 5400 - Installing SecureLink for Remote Access

6Install SBC 5400 Application

SBC 5400 - Installing Application

7Configure SBC 5400 for a basic call flow and make first callHow to Set up a Basic Call Flow


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