Request commands, such as the request global command, are available in both System-level and Configure CLI modes.

Request Global 

To initiate action on global objects, use the following command syntax.

Command Syntax

> request global 
        command <start | stop>
        gcid <0-2147483647> 
      GCID <0-2147483647>

Command Parameters

Table 1: Global "Request" Parameters




Global objects applicable node-wide.


This object resets all statistics counts to zero.


Start or stop call trace for the node. For example, use this parameter to restart call trace when it is halted due to MaxTrigger or some other reason. Full syntax is:

> request global callTrace action command start 


Clear the full DNS cache.

Collects a dump of the following statistics for active registration of all registered subscribers on the SBC. 

  • sipActiveGroupRegStatus
  • sipActiveGroupRegSummaryStatus
  • sipActiveRegisterNameStatus

Collects a dump of the following statistic for deleted registration of all registered subscribers on the SBC. 

  • sipDeletedRegisterNameStatus

Collects a dump of the following statistic for generated subscription of all registered subscribers on the SBC. 

  • sipGeneratedSubscriptionStatus

Only one of the three dump requests above is active at any given time. If one dump request is already in progress, any further dump request returns a "DumpInProgress" status. A successful request returns a "Dump Initiated Successfully" reply.

Each dump request creates a unique compressed file (below) at /opt/sonus/external:

  • sipActiveRegistrationIntStatsSts.csv.gz
  • sipDeletedRegistrationIntStatsSts.csv.gz
  • sipGeneratedSubscriptionIntStatsSts.csv.gz

Note: Use the following Global Signaling command to enable these statistics (Default is 'disabled').

set global signaling sipSigControls sipBulkStatusForSubscribers enabled


Set a mediaCapture target to a disabled state:

  • disabledByGcid
    • gcid <gcid #> (range: 0-2147483647)

Use this object to start/stop recording for a specified call. (See SIPREC Global Parameters table below for parameter details)


Terminates call based on the specified Global Call Identifier (GCID). 

  • GCID <gcid #>

SIPREC Commands

  • If there is more than one SRS associated with the SRS Cluster, the SBC records on both the legs (Ingress and Egress). The first two recordings are on Ingress leg and the rest on Egress.
  • For Quad SIPREC, there are four recordings triggered. Two recordings are triggered on the Ingress leg and two on the Egress leg.
  • If there is more than one SRS Group configured, it is recommended to set recordingType to "both legs" or "all legs".
  • When SIPREC is selected as the Recorder Type, and Recording Type is selected as “both legs” and “all legs”, the SBC by default records the ingress leg.


The SIPREC feature is controlled by a system-wide SBC license (SBC-SIPREC). If the license is not available, any SIPREC recording request returned by a PSX is ignored.


To support SIPREC INVITEs over TCP, the sipSigPort configured in the zone sending the request must have transportProtocolsAllowed set to "sip-tcp". (Refer to Zone - SIP Sig Port - CLI).

Command Syntax

> request global siprec
		gcid <0-2147483647>
		numOfStreams <1-2>
        srsFqdn1 <FQDN>
        srsFqdn2 <secondary FQDN>
		srsIpAddress <SRS IP address>
		srsPort <IP port number>
		srsPort2 <Ip port number>
		transport <tcp | udp>
		transport2  <tcp | udp>
		trunkGroup <TRUNK GROUP NAME>
		gcid <0-2147483647>
		recorderAddress <SRS IP address>
        recorderFqdn <SRS FQDN>
        recorderId <session ID>
		recorderPort <port number>

Command Parameters

Table 2: SIPREC Global Parameters




Use this parameter to define and initiate a SIPREC recording session.

    • callLeg – Call leg associated with this recording session.
      • egress
      • ingress
    • gcid <0-2147483647> – GCID of call to start recording.
    • numOfStreams – The number of simultaneous streaming to different Session Recording Server (SRS) IP addresses. (default = 1).

    • srsFqdn1 – The FQDN of the SRS server to use for this recording, up to 63 characters. If you specify both an FQDN and individual IP address, the IP address takes precedence.
    • srsFqdn2 – The FQDN of a secondary SRS server to use if the media stream is forked, up to 63 characters.
    • srsIpAddress The IP address of the primary recording server.

    • srsIpAddress2The IP address of the secondary recording server to which the media stream is forked. (only applies when numOfStreams = 2)

    • srsPort – The IP port number of the primary recording server.
    • srsPort2 – The IP port number of the secondary recording server to which the media stream is forked. (only applies when numOfStreams = 2)

    • transport – The transport protocol for recording sessions on the primary SRS IP.

      • tcp
      • udp (default)
    • transport2 – The transport protocol for recording sessions on the secondary SRS IP (only applies when numOfStreams = 2)

      • tcp
      • udp (default)

    • trunkGroup  – The name of the SIPREC trunk group towards primary SRS IP for this recording session.
    • trunkGroup2 The name of the SIPREC trunk group towards secondary SRS IP for this recording session. (only applies when numOfStreams = 2)

NOTE: If the number of streams is one and secondary SRS details are provided in the srsIpAddress2, srsPort2, and trunkGroup2, this information will be used for redundancy when primary server goes down.


Use this parameter and its sub-parameters to halt a recording session.

    • gcid – GCID of the call to stop recording.
    • recorderAddress – The IP address of the recorder to stop the recording of a GCID value.
    • recorderFqdn – The FQDN of the SRS server on which to stop a recording, up to 63 characters.
    • recorderId –  The unique identifier of the recording session to stop.   You can determine the recorderId for a session using the show table global SipRecStatus command.
    • recorderPort – The port number of the recorder to stop the recording of a GCID value.

NOTE: If you specify only the GCID value with this command, all recordings for the related call are stopped at once.

SIP Local Registrar Commands

Command Syntax

sipLocalRegistrar - Request CLI
> request global sipLocalRegistrar sipLocalRegistrarRegDeleteByAor <aor Name>

> request global sipLocalRegistrar sipRegCountReset

Command Parameters


Deletes the specified AOR entry from the Registrar.


Resets the count of statistics.


Resets all the counters except for stable registration. Stable registrations are displayed according to real time numbers.


The aor Name in the CLI above represents the AOR of the user (1-127 characters).

Command Example

SIP Local Registrar - Request CLI Example
request global sipLocalRegistrar sipRegCountReset
request global sipLocalRegistrar sipRegistrationDeleteByAor sipRegAor 53056@10.xx.xx.x0
result success

SIPREC Commands for SBC Cloud-Native Edition (CNe)


The Global Unique Identifier (GUID) key is available on the SBC CNe. GUID is not accepted on non-CNe SBC products.

"Global Unique Identifier" (GUID) Commands for CNe

Command Syntax

% request service SC podName <SC podName | ALL> global siprec startRecordByGuid GUID <GUID> callLeg ingress numOfStreams <1 | 2> srsIpAddress <SRS IP ADDRESS> srsFqdn1 <FQDN> srsPort <SRS PORT> transport <tcp | udp> trunkGroup <TRUNK GROUP NAME> srsIpAddress2 <SRS IP ADDRESS> srsFqdn2 <secondary FQDN> srsPort2 <SRS Port> transport2 <tcp | udp> trunkGroup2 <SIP Trunk Group>

% request service SC podName <SC podName | ALL> global siprec stopRecordByGuid GUID <GUID> recorderAddress <IP Address> recorderFqdn <FQDN> recorderPort <Port Number> recorderId <recording session ID>

Command Parameters

Table 3: SIPREC GUID Parameters for CNe



Use this command and its sub-parameters to define and initiate a SIPREC recording session identified with GUID.

    • callLeg – Call leg associated with this recording session.
      • egress
      • ingress
    • GUID – GUID of call to start recording.
    • numOfStreams – The number of simultaneous streaming to different Session Recording Server (SRS) IP addresses. (default = 1).

    • srsFqdn1 – The FQDN of the SRS server to use for this recording, up to 63 characters. If you specify both an FQDN and individual IP address, the IP address takes precedence.
    • srsFqdn2 – The FQDN of a secondary SRS server to use if the media stream is forked, up to 63 characters.
    • srsIpAddress  The IP address of the primary recording server.

    • srsIpAddress2  The IP address of the secondary recording server to which the media stream is forked. (only applies when numOfStreams = 2)

    • srsPort – The IP port number of the primary recording server.
    • srsPort2 – The IP port number of the secondary recording server to which the media stream is forked. (only applies when numOfStreams = 2)

    • transport – The transport protocol for recording sessions on the primary SRS IP.

      • tcp
      • udp (default)
    • transport2 – The transport protocol for recording sessions on the secondary SRS IP (only applies when numOfStreams = 2)

      • tcp
      • udp (default)

    • trunkGroup  – The name of the SIPREC trunk group towards primary SRS IP for this recording session.
    • trunkGroup2   The name of the SIPREC trunk group towards secondary SRS IP for this recording session. (only applies when numOfStreams = 2)


Use this command and its sub-parameters to halt a recording session identified with GUID.

    • GUID – GUID of the call to stop recording.
    • recorderAddress – The IP address of the recorder to stop the recording of a GUID value.
    • recorderFqdn – The FQDN of the SRS server on which to stop a recording, up to 63 characters.
    • recorderId –  The unique identifier of the recording session to stop.   You can determine the recorderId for a session using the show table global SipRecStatus command.
    • recorderPort – The port number of the recorder to stop the recording of a GUID value.


Commands which take GUID as key need not specify the SC podName and use "ALL" option for podName to trigger the command.

Configuration Examples

Example - startRecordByGuid
request service SC podName ALL global siprec startRecordByGuid GUID 1234567 callLeg ingress numOfStreams 1 srsIpAddress srsFqdn1 srsPort 7321 transport udp trunkGroup exampleTrunkGroup 
Example - stopRecordByGuid
request service SC podName ALL global siprec stopRecordByGuid GUID 1234567 recorderAddress recorderFqdn recorderPort 1 recorderId testID

"Global Call Identifier" (GCID) Commands for CNe

Command Syntax

% request service SC podName <SC podName> global siprec startRecord gcid <gcid> callLeg ingress numOfStreams <1 | 2> srsIpAddress <SRS IP ADDRESS> srsFqdn1 <FQDN> srsPort <SRS PORT> transport <tcp | udp> trunkGroup <TRUNK GROUP NAME> srsIpAddress2 <SRS IP ADDRESS> srsFqdn2 <secondary FQDN> srsPort2 <SRS Port> transport2 <tcp | udp> trunkGroup2 <SIP Trunk Group>

% request service SC podName <SC podName> global siprec stopRecord gcid <gcid> recorderAddress <IP Address> recorderFqdn <FQDN> recorderPort <Port Number> recorderId <recording session ID>

Command Description

Table 4: SIPREC GCID Parameters for CNe



Use this command and its sub-parameters to define and initiate a SIPREC recording session identified with GCID.

    • callLeg – Call leg associated with this recording session.
      • egress
      • ingress
    • gcid – GCID of call to start recording.
    • numOfStreams – The number of simultaneous streaming to different Session Recording Server (SRS) IP addresses. (default = 1).

    • srsFqdn1 – The FQDN of the SRS server to use for this recording, up to 63 characters. If you specify both an FQDN and individual IP address, the IP address takes precedence.
    • srsFqdn2 – The FQDN of a secondary SRS server to use if the media stream is forked, up to 63 characters.
    • srsIpAddress  The IP address of the primary recording server.

    • srsIpAddress2  The IP address of the secondary recording server to which the media stream is forked. (only applies when numOfStreams = 2)

    • srsPort – The IP port number of the primary recording server.
    • srsPort2 – The IP port number of the secondary recording server to which the media stream is forked. (only applies when numOfStreams = 2)

    • transport – The transport protocol for recording sessions on the primary SRS IP.

      • tcp
      • udp (default)
    • transport2 – The transport protocol for recording sessions on the secondary SRS IP (only applies when numOfStreams = 2)

      • tcp
      • udp (default)

    • trunkGroup  – The name of the SIPREC trunk group towards primary SRS IP for this recording session.
    • trunkGroup2   The name of the SIPREC trunk group towards secondary SRS IP for this recording session. (only applies when numOfStreams = 2)


Use this parameter and its sub-parameters to halt a recording session identified with GCID.

    • GCID – GCID of the call to stop recording.
    • recorderAddress – The IP address of the recorder to stop the recording of a GCID value.
    • recorderFqdn – The FQDN of the SRS server on which to stop a recording, up to 63 characters.
    • recorderId –  The unique identifier of the recording session to stop.   You can determine the recorderId for a session using the show table global SipRecStatus command.
    • recorderPort – The port number of the recorder to stop the recording of a GCID value.

Commands which take GCID as key must specify the SC podName on which the call is hosted.

Configuration Examples

Example - startRecord
request service SC podName testPod global siprec startRecord gcid 1234567 callLeg ingress numOfStreams 1 srsIpAddress srsFqdn1 srsPort 7321 transport udp trunkGroup exampleTrunkGroup
Example - stopRecord
request service SC podName testPod global siprec stopRecord gcid 1234567 recorderAddress recorderFqdn recorderPort 1 recorderId testID