In this section:

Use this object to configure the Prefix Profile.

To View Entry

On SBC main screen, go to Configuration > Profile Management > Category: Digit Parameter Handling Profiles > Prefix Profile > Entry.

Select the desired Prefix Profile from the drop-down list to view its respective Entry parameters.

The Entry window is displayed.

Figure 1: Profile Management - Digit Parameter Handling Profiles - Prefix Profile - Entry

To Edit Entry

To edit any of the Entry in the list, click the radio button next to the specific Entry name.

The Edit Selected Entry window is displayed below.

Figure 2: Profile Management - Digit Parameter Handling Profiles - Prefix Profile - Entry Edit Window

Make the required changes and click Save at the right hand bottom of the panel to save the changes made.

To Create Entry

To create a new Entry, click New Entry tab on the Entry List panel.

Figure 3: Profile Management - Digit Parameter Handling Profiles - Prefix Profile - Entry Fields

The Create New Entry window is displayed.

Figure 4: Profile Management - Digit Parameter Handling Profiles - Prefix Profile - Entry Create Window

The following fields are displayed:

Table 1: Prefix Profile - Entry Parameters



Matching PatternThe pattern to match against a dialed number from the start position.

Match Start Location

The location in the dialed number to start a given prefix match. For the majority of matches, it will be the first dialed digit, which is start location 0.

Total Min Digits

The number of digits expected in the dialed number.

Total Max Digits

The maximum number of digits expected in the dialed number.

Call Type

Specify the Call Type for which this service exception applies:

  • Private
  • National Operator
  • Local Operator
  • National Type
  • International Type
  • International Operator
  • Long Distance Operator
  • IP VPN Service
  • Test
  • Transit
  • Other Carrier Chosen
  • Carrier Cut Through
  • User Name
  • Mobile

Digit Type

If Called or Calling Digit Type is selected as the escape type, select the digit type from the list. Values are:

  • Subscriber Type
  • National Type
  • International Type
  • Subscriber Operator
  • National Operator
  • International Operator
  • Vertical Service Code
  • Easily Identifiable Number
  • Toll free
  • 900 Premium Toll
  • 950 Carrier Access
  • Local Operator
  • Long Distance Operator
  • Emergency
  • Directory Assistance
  • Service Access Code
  • IP VPN
  • Test
  • Transit
  • Other Carrier Chosen
  • Carrier Access
  • No digits
  • Private
  • Government emergency
  • User Name
  • IEPS

DM PM Rule

Rules for standard digit manipulation (DM), Dialed Number Identification Service (DNIS) digit manipulation, and parameter manipulation (PM).


Nature of Address

From the drop-down list, select the nature of address for the traffic controls. The nature of address of the number (specified by the national ID and country code) to which to apply the specified traffic flow control profile. The options are:

  • 950 (default)
  • aniNotAvailableOrNotProvided
  • aniOfCalledPartyNationalNumber
  • aniOfCalledPartyNoNumberPresent
  • aniOfCalledPartySubscriberNumber
  • aniOfCallingPartyNationalNumber
  • aniOfCallingPartySubscriberNumber
  • anyapnNumberingPlan
  • ignore
  • international
  • internationalNotRestricted
  • internationalOperator
  • internationalRestricted
  • national
  • nationalNotRestricted
  • nationalOperator
  • nationalRestricted
  • networkSpecific
  • noNumberCutThrough
  • noNumberOperatorRequested
  • none
  • partialCallingLineId
  • passThrough
  • spare00...spare26

Numbering Plan Indicator

The numbering plan indicator (NPI) to be assigned to a number when a match succeeds.

  • <None>
  • ISDN
  • Data
  • Telex
  • Private
  • Offset Unused
  • Spare 0/Unknown
  • Spare (1 through 7)
  • Telephony
  • Ignore

Number Leading Prefix Digits

The number of leading digits to be considered part of the prefix. The options are:

data | ignore | isdn | none | offsetUnused | private | spare0Unknown | spare1 | spare2 |
spare3 | spare4 | spare5 | spare6 | spare7 | telephony | telex

Number Leading Prefix Digits to Strip

The number of leading digits to be stripped.

Apply Dm Rule

Enable to apply Dm/Pm Rule.

  • disable (default)
  • enable
Determine Area

When this flag is enabled, the area code is determined from the analyzed digits.

  • disable (default)
  • enable

To Copy Entry

To copy any of the created Entry and to make any minor changes, click the radio button next to the specific Entry to highlight the row.

Click Copy Entry tab on the Entry List panel.

Figure 5: Profile Management - Digit Parameter Handling Profiles - Prefix Profile - Entry Fields

The Copy Selected Entry window is displayed along with the field details which can be edited.

Figure 6: Profile Management - Digit Parameter Handling Profiles - Prefix Profile - Entry Copy Window

Make the required changes to the required fields and click Save to save the changes. The copied Entry is displayed at the bottom of the original Entry in the Entry List panel.

To Delete Entry

To delete any of the created Entry, click the radio button next to the specific Entry which you want to delete.

Click Delete at the end of the highlighted row. A delete confirmation message appears seeking your decision.

Click Yes to remove the specific Entry from the list.

  • No labels