This profile specifies Data calls pertaining to restricted or unrestricted digital data.

To View and Edit Data Calls

On SBC main screen, go to Configuration > Profile Management > Category: Media Profiles > Packet Service Profile > Data Calls.

Select the desired Packet Service Profile from the drop-down list to view its respective Data Calls parameters.

The Data Calls window is displayed.

Figure 1: Profile Management - Media Profiles - Packet Service Profile - Data Calls

The following fields are displayed:

Table 1: Packet Service Profile - Data Calls



Preferred Rtp Data Payload Type

The RTP Payload Type included in the RTP header of the data packet. (range: 0-127 / default = 56)

Initial Playout Buffer Delay

Used for G.711 only.

This is the initial playout delay for calls with a data bearer channel, for example, ISDN 64K data calls. This value is configured separately from the initial playout delay for voice channels (voiceInitialPlayoutBufferDelay) so providers can trade off delay on data calls versus the likelihood of jitter causing delay changes while the playout buffer adapts. Some data bearer calls are very sensitive to delay changes (such as H.320 video conferencing), so a higher initial delay should reduce the chance of jitter bursts causing problems. (range: 5-50 / default = 50).

Packet Size

The maximum data packet size (Kilobits).  

  • 10
  • 20
  • 30
  • 40

Make the required changes and click Save at the right hand bottom of the panel to save the changes made.

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