Use the PCRF window to configure parameters for a specified SIP trunk group that define how the SBC, acting as a P-CSCF, interacts with a Policy and Charging Rules Function (PCRF) server. Refer to Rx Interface and Rx Interface Support for more information on interaction with the PCRF. 

To View and Edit PCRF Parameters

On the SBC main screen, go to Configuration > System Provisioning > Category: Trunk Provisioning > Trunk Group > SIP Trunk Group > SIP Trunk Advanced > SIP Trunk - Media - Advanced > Pcrf or
All > Address Context > Zone > SIP Trunk Group > Media > Pcrf

The Pcrf window is displayed.

Use the drop-down boxes to select the specific Address Context, Zone and SIP Trunk Group you want to configure.

Figure 1: Advanced Media - Pcrf Window

Use the following table to change the values as needed and then click Save.

Table 1: Advanced Media - PCRF parameters



Pcrf Realm

 Specify the DIAMETER domain of the target Policy and Charging Rule Function (PCRF). The value ranges up to 128 characters.

Pcrf Commitment

Specify the degree of commitment expected from the PCRF during call setup or call update. 
  • None (default) – Do not send Authorization/Authentication Request (AAR).
  • Required – Send AAR; proceed only if it succeeds. 
  • Supported – Send AAR; proceed even if it fails.

Cushion Packet Size

Enable this option to use the smallest packet size in the range supported for each codec for bandwidth estimate. Disable this option to use the packet size in the offer. 
  • Disabled (default) 
  • Enabled

Cushion Null SDP

Enable this option to allow an AAR when the initial call setup is an INVITE which lacks SDP (estimate G.711 10 msec as a worst case). Disable this option to wait for a reverse offer. 

  • Disabled (default)
  • Enabled
Signalling Path

Enable this option to allow the SBC to subscribe to loss of signaling path events.

  • Disabled (default)
  • Enabled
Fetch Location Info Specify whether the SBC requests location information. The options are:
  • None (default) - SBC does not request location information
  • Retrieve In Offer - SBC requests location information in the initial AAR
  • Retrieve In Answer - SBC requests location information in the final AAR.
Prov Signaling Flow

Enable this option to allow the SBC to send a P-Access-Network-Info header.

  • Disabled (default)
  • Enabled
Terminate On Nw Failure

Specify whether the SBC terminates a call after receiving TEMPRARY_NETWORK_FAILURE in AAA.

  • Disabled (default)
  • Enabled
Pcrf Interaction Mode

Specify whether the interaction with the PCRF is synchronous or asynchronous. 

  • Synchronous - After sending an AAR to the PCRF, the SBC waits for an answer or time-out of the transaction before it continues call processing.
  • Asynchronous - SBC continues with call processing without waiting for any response from the PCRF or time-out of the transaction. The final AAR is sent after receiving the session answer even if time-out or an answer to the preliminary AAR is not received.
Pcrf Send Aar Only For Session AnswerSpecify whether to send AAR messages only after receiving the session answer. 
  • Disabled (default) – SBC sends an AAR message after receiving an initial INVITE with a session offer, or after receiving an initial INVITE without a session offer but after receiving a session answer (if the parameter Cushion Null SDP is enabled).

  • Enabled – SBC sends an AAR message only after receiving a session answer.



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