Problem Description

In the 1:1 HA pair and Standalone SBC SWe, the default (1.0) processor indices are populated in the /opt/sonus/conf/swe/capacityEstimates/.index.txt file after the operating system installation, due to the NUMA related issues in certain cases. These indices (1.0) do not reflect the actual capacity of the processor results incorrect session estimates.

Problem Identification

Run the following command to view the current processor indices: 

> show table system sweProcessorCapacity

Output Example

admin@sbc1-> show table system sweProcessorCapacity
cryptoIndex      117;
passthroughIndex 110;
signalingIndex   127;
transcodeIndex   121;
[ok][2021-06-04 09:39:51]

If the user encounters the issue, the following output displays: 

admin@sbc1-> show table system sweProcessorCapacity
cryptoIndex      100;
passthroughIndex 100;
signalingIndex   100;
transcodeIndex   100;
[ok][2021-06-04 09:39:51]

100 is displayed for all index entries.

Recovery Procedure for Standalone SBC SWe

Perform the following recovery mechanism to recover from the default indices in the SBX SWe Standalone VM:

This procedure impacts the SBC service.

Run the following command from the SBC VM as a root user from the Linux shell: 

rm -f /opt/sonus/conf/swe/capacityEstimates/.index.txt
rm -f /opt/sonus/conf/swe/capacityEstimates/tmp/.index.txt
rm -f /opt/sonus/conf/swe/capacityEstimates/.indexMarker