In this section:

Use this parameter to specify how to treat ingress history information.

To View and Edit Ingress History Information

On SBC main screen, go to All > Profiles > Signaling > IP Signaling Profile > Ingress IP Attributes > Ingress History Information. The Ingress History Information window is displayed.

On the Ingress History Information window, choose an IP Signaling Profile to view the Ingress History Information.

Figure 1: Ingress History Information

The following fields are displayed:

Table 1: Ingress History Information



Support RFC7044Ingress

Enable this flag to set the History-Info header's behavior in accordance with RFC-7044. towards the Ingress leg

  • disable (default)
  • enable
Apply History Info Privacy Ingress

Enable this flag to anonymize the History-Info header towards the Ingress leg.

  • disable (default)
  • enable

Make the required changes and click Save at the top right hand of the panel to save the changes made.