

The Cloud Diagnostic tool, also known as script, facilitates debugging of Ribbon cloud devices. You can use this tool as a test agent on all Ribbon cloud instances as well as in production cloud environments where users only have access to the VM hosting the Ribbon instance.


The Cloud Diagnostic tool is currently supported on the SBC, PSX and EMS SWe platforms.

Supported diagnostics

  • System information

    • CPU information
    • Platform information
    • Storage information
    • Memory information
    • Basic disk IOPS
    • Network interfaces information
    • Check if Metadata supported
    • Check if Config-drive supported
    • Check if DHCP used
    • Check if SBC SR-IOV supported

  • Network connectivity and performance testing

    • Packet load throughput measurements on specified interfaces (mgtx, pktx) for different packet sizes (TCP/UDP)
    • Request/response round trip measurements (latency) with time stamps


Create an IP Access Control List (ACL) rules (only for SBC) that is used to allow access to incoming IP packets. A separate ACL rule is required for each protocol type. The ACL rule allows a packet on a specific IP address/port and can be configured to have an “fillRate” and “bucketSize” set to “Unlimited”. For additional information, refer to Working with Access Control Lists.

An example of a user generated ACL rule on SBC CLI:

set addressContext default ipAccessControlList rule <rule_name> protocol tcp destinationIpAddress <destination_ip> destinationAddressPrefixLength <dest_prefix_len> destinationPort any precedence <precedence_no>
set addressContext default ipAccessControlList rule <rule_name> bucketSize unlimited fillRate unlimited
set addressContext default ipAccessControlList rule <rule_name> state enabled

Limitations: Even with the ACL rule configured to Unlimited; the rule is limited by the Operator Aggregate Policer. The total amount of bandwidth allowed on the device is as follows:

  • Hard coded to 20,000 packets/second
  • Based on a calculation of 1500 bytes/packet. Expect to get up to 1500 bytes * 8 bytes/bit * 20000 pkts = 240Mbit/second

CLI Examples


The outputs displayed in this section may differ based on the actual system configurations and various other requirements. You may consider the outputs as an example.

The Cloud Diagnostic tool consists of following commands, each of these commands accomplishes one or more feature described in the feature overview section.

  • To run on an SBC system, ssh to the SBC Linux shell as linuxadmin user. The script is in /home/linuxadmin/cloud_diags/ directory.
  • To run on a PSX or an EMS system, ssh to the system Linux shell as root user. The script is in /root/cloud_diags/ directory.

Within the tool, command names are case-sensitive and required to be entered as shown. Tab completion is supported for command names. 


This command provides information about the available commands or specific information about a command.

command syntax: help [command_name]

Optional parameter(s): command_name


  1. To view the list of available commands:

    (Enter command or ?) : ?
    Supported commands (type help <command_name>):
    EOF                   showCpuInfo         showStorageInfo
    checkDiskPerformance  showFullSystemInfo  startMessageSizeTest
    exit                  showMemoryInfo      startNetworkServer
    help                  showNetworkInfo     startNetworkTest
    quit                  showPlatformInfo
  2. To view details of a specific command: Command syntax: help command_name

    (Enter command or ?) : help startNetworkTest
        Start the Network Test on the Client
         Command Syntax:
            startNetworkTest -p tcp --si <remote_server_ip> [--sp <remote_server_port_no>] --li <local_ip> [--lp <local_port_no>] [-r <msg_rate_per_sec>] [-m <message_size>] [-c <run_count>]
            startNetworkTest -p udp --si <remote_server_ip> [--sp <remote_server_port_no>] [-r <msg_rate_per_sec>] [-m <message_size>] [-c <run_count>]
        Mandatory Parameters:
            -p <protocol_type>
            --si <remote_server_ip>
            --li <local_client_ip> (only required for TCP)
        Optional parameters:
            --sp <remote_server_port_no> (default TCP=40000, UDP=5061)
            --lp <local_client_port_no> (default TCP=20000, UDP=5061)
            -r <msg_rate_per_sec> (default = 1000)
            -m <msg_size> (default = 500)
            -c <run_count> (default = 1)
            -f (output test result to file named <applicationType>_<hostname>_performanceResult_YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS.txt)
            startNetworkTest -p tcp --si --sp 40000 --li --lp 20000 -r 1000 -m 500 -c 1 -f
            startNetworkTest -p udp --si --sp 5061 -r 10000 -m 250 -c 5 -f
           Note: Please ensure destination network server is running before running this test. 


Displays information on the CPU model, CPU virtualization, and number of cores available for the application.

Help information: Displays information on vCPU's, including clock speed, sockets, cores, and threads.

(Enter command or ?) : showCpuInfo

 System CPU info :
  CPU Model          = Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2690 v3 @ 2.60GHz (2596.958 MHz)
  Number of CPU's    = 4 ( 4 Sockets * 1 Cores * 1 Threads)
  CPU Virtualization = VT-x


Displays information of total memory, used memory and available memory on the system.

Help information: Displays information on system memory including available and free memory.

(Enter command or ?) : showMemoryInfo

 System memory info :
  Total Memory = 9.79 GB, Free = 5.21 GB, Buffers = 0.00 GB, Cached = 0.62 GB
  Actual Free  = 5.84 GB (Free+Buffers+Cached)


Displays information on the total storage, used storage and available capacity of the storage device on the system.

Help information: Displays information on system storage/disks including used and free space.

(Enter command or ?) : showStorageInfo

 System storage info :
   Filesystem              Type      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
   /dev/mapper/debian-root ext3       78G  8.9G   66G  12% /
   /dev/vda1               ext4      184M   34M  142M  20% /boot
   /dev/mapper/debian-root ext3       78G  8.9G   66G  12% /tmp


Displays Linux platform information.

Help information: Displays information on platform, includes node name, app type, Linux platform info, architecture, DHCP use, SRIOV, config-drive and metadata info.

(Enter command or ?) : showPlatformInfo

 System platform info :
   Node name        = vsbc1
   Application type = SBC, Package name = sbc-V06.01.00-A013
   Platform Info    = Linux-3.2.84-x86_64-with-debian-8, Architecture = ('64bit', 'ELF')
   DHCP             = DHCP used
   SR-IOV support   = Not Supported
   Config Drive     = /dev/disk/by-label/config-2
   Checking for Metadata .....
   Metadata - Not available


Displays information on network interfaces on the system.

Help information: Displays information on network interfaces including configured IP addresses.

(Enter command or ?) : showNetworkInfo

 System network interfaces info :
   pkt0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr fa:16:3e:bb:b8:be
             inet6 addr: fe80::f816:3eff:febb:b8be/64 Scope:Link
             UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1

   ha0       Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr fa:16:3e:9a:b6:82
             inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
             inet6 addr: fe80::f816:3eff:fe9a:b682/64 Scope:Link
             UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1

   pkt1      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr fa:16:3e:11:82:6c
             inet6 addr: fe80::f816:3eff:fe11:826c/64 Scope:Link
             UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1

   mgt0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr fa:16:3e:a5:0c:22
             inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
             inet6 addr: fe80::f816:3eff:fea5:c22/64 Scope:Link
             UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1


Displays information collected from basic disk IO performance tests.

Help information:

  • Performs basic check of the disk IO performance by reading and writing 10K data records 1,000 times from/to disk.
  • Displays time and speed in MB/sec taken to read/write data.
(Enter command or ?) : checkDiskPerformance

 Basic disk IO performance (may take a few secs to complete) :
    Performing write test  - Writing 10K data records 1,000 times to disk :
        1000+0 records in
        1000+0 records out
        10240000 bytes (10 MB) copied, 0.608691 s, 16.8 MB/s

    Performing read test  - Copying 10K data records 1,000 times from disk to null stream:
        1000+0 records in
        1000+0 records out
        10240000 bytes (10 MB) copied, 0.0260588 s, 393 MB/s


Displays full system information.

Command syntax: showFullSystemInfo [-f]

Optional Parameter(s): -f

If the optional -f flag is specified, output from the command is written to a file named ApplicationName_HostName_fullsysinfo_YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS.txt


  • For SBC - SBC_vsbc_fullsysinfo_20170322-121008.txt
  • For EMS - EMS_vems_fullsysinfo_20170322-121008.txt
  • For PSX - PSX_vpsx_fullsysinfo_20170322-121008.txt

Where YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS is the date/time of the file created.

Note - In command syntax -f flag mentioned inside bracket to indicate its an optional parameter, actual command do not require use of brackets

Help information: Displays comprehensive system information including platform, CPU, memory, storage, network interfaces and checks disk IOPs.

Displays output of each of the following commands:

    • showPlatformInfo
    • showCpuInfo
    • showMemoryInfo
    • showStorageInfo
    • showNetworkInfo
    • checkDiskPerformance

(Enter command or ?) : showFullSystemInfo

 Full System Info, collected on - Thu Jun  1 03:07:33 2017

 System platform info :
   Node name        = vsbc1
   Application type = SBC, Package name = sbc-V06.01.00-A013
   Platform Info    = Linux-3.2.84-x86_64-with-debian-7.11, Architecture = ('64bit', 'ELF')
   DHCP             = DHCP used
   SR-IOV support   = Not Supported
   Config Drive     = /dev/disk/by-label/config-2
   Checking for Metadata .....
    Metadata - Not available

 System CPU info :
  CPU Model          = Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2690 v3 @ 2.60GHz (2596.958 MHz)
  Number of CPU's    = 4 ( 4 Sockets * 1 Cores * 1 Threads)
  CPU Virtualization = VT-x

 System memory info :
  Total Memory = 9.79 GB, Free = 5.22 GB, Buffers = 0.00 GB, Cached = 0.63 GB
  Actual Free  = 5.86 GB (Free+Buffers+Cached)

 System storage info :
   Filesystem              Type      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
   /dev/mapper/debian-root ext3       78G  8.9G   66G  12% /
   /dev/vda1               ext4      184M   34M  142M  20% /boot
   /dev/mapper/debian-root ext3       78G  8.9G   66G  12% /tmp

 System network interfaces info :
   pkt0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr fa:16:3e:bb:b8:be
             inet6 addr: fe80::f816:3eff:febb:b8be/64 Scope:Link
             UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1

   ha0       Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr fa:16:3e:9a:b6:82
             inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
             inet6 addr: fe80::f816:3eff:fe9a:b682/64 Scope:Link
             UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1

   pkt1      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr fa:16:3e:11:82:6c
             inet6 addr: fe80::f816:3eff:fe11:826c/64 Scope:Link
             UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1

   mgt0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr fa:16:3e:a5:0c:22
             inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
             inet6 addr: fe80::f816:3eff:fea5:c22/64 Scope:Link
             UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1

 Basic disk IO performance (may take a few secs to complete) :
    Performing write test  - Writing 10K data records 1,000 times to disk :
        1000+0 records in
        1000+0 records out
        10240000 bytes (10 MB) copied, 0.661109 s, 15.5 MB/s

    Performing read test  - Copying 10K data records 1,000 times from disk to null stream:
        1000+0 records in
        1000+0 records out
        10240000 bytes (10 MB) copied, 0.106902 s, 95.8 MB/s
(Enter command or ?) : showFullSystemInfo -f

 Full System Info, collected on - Thu Jun  1 03:08:33 2017

 System platform info :
   Node name        = vsbc1
   Application type = SBC, Package name = sbc-V06.01.00-A013
   Platform Info    = Linux-3.2.84-x86_64-with-debian-7.11, Architecture = ('64bit', 'ELF')
   DHCP             = DHCP used
   SR-IOV support   = Not Supported
   Config Drive     = /dev/disk/by-label/config-2
   Checking for Metadata .....
    Metadata - Not available

 System CPU info :
  CPU Model          = Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2690 v3 @ 2.60GHz (2596.958 MHz)
  Number of CPU's    = 4 ( 4 Sockets * 1 Cores * 1 Threads)
  CPU Virtualization = VT-x

 System memory info :
  Total Memory = 9.79 GB, Free = 5.21 GB, Buffers = 0.00 GB, Cached = 0.63 GB
  Actual Free  = 5.84 GB (Free+Buffers+Cached)

 System storage info :
   Filesystem              Type      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
   /dev/mapper/debian-root ext3       78G  8.9G   66G  12% /
   /dev/vda1               ext4      184M   34M  142M  20% /boot
   /dev/mapper/debian-root ext3       78G  8.9G   66G  12% /tmp

 System network interfaces info :
   pkt0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr fa:16:3e:bb:b8:be
             inet6 addr: fe80::f816:3eff:febb:b8be/64 Scope:Link
             UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1

   ha0       Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr fa:16:3e:9a:b6:82
             inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
             inet6 addr: fe80::f816:3eff:fe9a:b682/64 Scope:Link
             UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1

   pkt1      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr fa:16:3e:11:82:6c
             inet6 addr: fe80::f816:3eff:fe11:826c/64 Scope:Link
             UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1

   mgt0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr fa:16:3e:a5:0c:22
             inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
             inet6 addr: fe80::f816:3eff:fea5:c22/64 Scope:Link
             UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1

 Basic disk IO performance (may take a few secs to complete) :
    Performing write test  - Writing 10K data records 1,000 times to disk :
        1000+0 records in
        1000+0 records out
        10240000 bytes (10 MB) copied, 0.622806 s, 16.4 MB/s

    Performing read test  - Copying 10K data records 1,000 times from disk to null stream:
        1000+0 records in
        1000+0 records out
        10240000 bytes (10 MB) copied, 0.0376839 s, 272 MB/s

 Test output also written to file  - SBC_vsbc1_fullsysinfo_20170601-030833.txt


This command runs test server with parameters. The user is required to select the protocol type, IP address and optional port for the test. The server acts as a listener for that protocol type; receives and forwards messages from/to the Client.

To start the server from the diagnostics tool menu, execute below command:

startNetworkServer -p <protocol_type> --li <servers_local_ip> [--lp <servers_local_port_no>]
Mandatory Parameters


Description / Usage



Specify the Protocol Type of test server.


  • TCP
  • UDP


Specify the Local Server IP (IPv4 or IPv6) address.

IPV4 and Protocol - startNetwrokServer -p tcp --li

IPV6 and Protocol - startNetwrokServer -p udp --li 2001:0DB8:AC10:FE01::

Optional Parameters
ParameterDescription / UsageExample


Specify the Local Server Port Number.


  • TCP: 1024 – 65535. Default TCP - 40000
  • UDP: 5060 or 5061. Default UDP - 5061

If the user does not specify a Port Number, a default port number is assigned.

IP (IPV4 or IPV6), Protocol, and Port - startNetwrokServer -p tcp --li --lp 5061
This diagnostics tool is running as TCP Server to receive on IP = fd00:10:6b50:42c0::1c1 port = 40000
Waiting ...
             Enter Ctrl-c to exit server mode and return to command prompt

When the diagnostics tool runs as a server, it listens to the port specified in --lp (or default port), and responds to any incoming packet from the client. The standard output connected to the server displays the message "Waiting ...", without displaying any further information. To exit the server mode and return to the command prompt, press the Ctrl+C key combination. 


This command runs client side performance test. The Client side is responsible for running the test and sending packets to the server. Server should be running when the client test is started.

To start the client test from the diagnostics tool menu, execute below command:

startNetworkTest -p  <protocol_type> --si <remote_server_ip> [--sp <remote_server_port_no>] --li <local_ip> [--lp <local_port_no>] [-r <msg_rate_per_sec>] [-m <message_size>] [-c <run_count>] 

Mandatory Parameters


Description / Usage



Specify the Protocol Type of test server


  • TCP
  • UDP


Specify the Remote Server IP (IPv4 or IPv6) address.


IPV6: 2001:0DB8:AC10:FE01::


Specify the Local Server IP (IPv4 or IPv6) address. Mandatory for TCP and not applicable for UDP.


IPV6: 2001:0DB8:AC10:FE01::

Optional Parameters


Description / Usage


Example/Default Value


Specify the Remote Server Port Number.

If the user does not specify a Port Number, a default port number is assigned.

TCP: 1024 - 65535

UDP: 5060 or 5061

TCP - 40000

UDP - 5061


Specify the Local Client Port Number. This parameter is not applicable for UDP protocol.

TCP: 1024 - 65535TCP - 20000


Specify Message Rate Per Second.

1- 100001000


Specify Message Size.



Specify Run Count (the number of time the test is to be run).



Specify whether test result is written to a file. If, -f flag is specified,  the result is displayed and exported to a text file.

Naming convention of a text file:  

  • SBC - Specifies the application name.
  • vsbc - Specifies the host name.
  • YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS - Specifies the date/time of file is created.

Application Name_Host Name_performanceResult_YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS.txt




StartNetwork command output with TCP protocol

startNetworkTest -p tcp --si fd00:10:6b50:43a0::dd --li fd00:10:6b50:43a0::d8 -r 10000 -m 500
Performance Measurement for TCP
      User Input(s)         |
          Server Address    | fd00:10:6b50:43a0::dd 40000
          Local Address     | fd00:10:6b50:43a0::d8 20000
          Protocol Type     | TCP
          Port Type         | MGMT
          Number of Messages| 10000
          Message Size      | 500
      Performance Test Results
          Fastest           | 0.000619
          Slowest           | 0.017394
          Bucket 1 (Range 0.000619 - 0.003974)| 4467
          Bucket 2 (Range 0.003974 - 0.007329)| 3796
          Bucket 3 (Range 0.007329 - 0.010684)| 1308
          Bucket 4 (Range 0.010684 - 0.014039)| 228
          Bucket 5 (Range 0.014039 - 0.017394)| 201
          Total Time        | 0.373096
          Packets Lost      | 0

Example Usage – TCP


Scenarios below are for illustration purpose only. 



User has All Parameters (without file store command)

startNetwrokTest -p tcp --si --sp 40000 --li --lp 20000 -r 2000 -m 1000 -c 2

User has All Parameters (with file store command)

startNetwrokTest -p tcp --si --sp 40000 --li --lp 20000 -r 2000 -m 1000 -c 2 -f

User has only

IPv 4 and Protocol

startNetwrokTest -p tcp --si --li

IPv 6 and Protocol

startNetwrokTest -p tcp --si 2001:0DB8:AC10:FE01:: --li 2001::0DB8:AC10

IP, Protocol and Server Port

startNetwrokTest -p tcp --si --sp 40000 --li

IP, Protocol and local Port

startNetwrokTest -p tcp --si --li --lp 20000

IP, Protocol and Port

startNetwrokTest -p tcp --si --sp 40000 --li --lp 20000

StartNetwork command output with UDP protocol

startNetworkTest -p udp --si fd00:10:6b50:43a0::dd -r 1000 -m 500

    Performance Measurement for UDP
      User Input(s)         |
          Server Address    | fd00:10:6b50:43a0::dd 5061
          Local Address     | Not Applicable
          Protocol Type     | UDP
          Port Type         | MGMT
          Number of Messages| 1000
          Message Size      | 500
      Performance Test Results
          Fastest           | 0.000488
          Slowest           | 0.007309
          Bucket 1 (Range 0.000488 - 0.001852)| 545
          Bucket 2 (Range 0.001852 - 0.003216)| 146
          Bucket 3 (Range 0.003216 - 0.004580)| 158
          Bucket 4 (Range 0.004580 - 0.005944)| 124
          Bucket 5 (Range 0.005944 - 0.007309)| 27
          Total Time        | 1.067999
          Packets Lost      | 0

Example Usage – UDP



User has All Parameters (without file store command)

startNetwrokTest -p udp --si --sp 5061 -r 2000 -m 1000 -c 2

User has All Parameters (with file store command)

startNetwrokTest -p udp --si --sp 5061 -r 2000 -m 1000 -c 2 -f

User has only

IPv 4 and Protocol

startNetwrokTest -p udp --si

IPv 6 and Protocol

startNetwrokTest -p udp --si 2001:0DB8:AC10:FE01::

IP, Protocol and Server Port

startNetwrokTest -p udp --si --sp 5061


This command runs client side message size test. The Client side is responsible for running the test and sending packets to the server. 

To start the message size test from the diagnostics tool menu, execute below command:

startMessageSizeTest -p  <protocol_type> --si <remote_server_ip> [--sp <remote_server_port_no>] 

Mandatory Parameters


Description / Usage

Length/RangeExample/Default Value


Specify the Protocol Type of test server, only UDP is allowed.



Specify the Remote Server IP (IPv4 or IPv6) address. Note: IP type must match in both server and message size test client to be successful.


IPV6: 2001:0DB8:AC10:FE01::

Optional Parameters


Description / Usage

Length/RangeExample/Default Value


Specify the Remote Server Port Number.

If the user does not specify a Port Number, a default port number is assigned.

5060 or 50615061

Example Usage – UDP



User has All Parameters

startMessageSizeTest -p udp --si --sp 5061

User has

IPv 4 and Protocol

startMessageSizeTest -p udp --si

IPv 6 and Protocol

startMessageSizeTest -p udp --si 2001:0DB8:AC10:FE01::


Ensure server is active before running client message size test to be successful. 


Each of the command allows user to exit from the command mode of tool.

Command syntax: quit / exit

Example: Exit from tool command prompt and return to Linux terminal command prompt.

(Enter command or ?) : ?

Supported commands (type help <command_name>):
EOF                   showCpuInfo         showStorageInfo
checkDiskPerformance  showFullSystemInfo  startMessageSizeTest
exit                  showMemoryInfo      startNetworkServer
help                  showNetworkInfo     startNetworkTest
quit                  showPlatformInfo