Use the SIP Register Count Domain Cur Stats window to retrieve per-domain SIP registration statistics for the current statistics interval. To set the statistics time interval, refer to System - Interval Statistics.

On the SBC main screen, go to: All > Address ContextSIP Register Count Domain Cur Stats

The SIP Register Count Domain Cur Stats window opens. 

Figure 1:  SIP Register Count Domain Cur Stats Window

The window contains the following parameters:

Table 1: SIP Registration Count Current Domain Statistics Parameters

Domain NameThe name of the domain to which the statistics apply. The domain name can be an IP address or FQDN.
Count AttemptsThe number of SIP registration attempts during the current interval.
Count Cum CompletionsThe cumulative number of completed SIP registration attempts during the current interval.
Count PendingThe current number of pending SIP registrations during the current interval.
Count StableThe current number of stable SIP registrations during the current interval.
Count TotalThe current total number of SIP registrations during the current interval.
Emergency Accept TotThe total number of emergency SIP registrations accepted during the current interval.
Emergency Active TotThe total number of emergency SIP registrations currently active during the current interval.