If your deployment requires it, you can configure the SBC Core to generate CDRs in the format of the (former GENBAND) Q-SBC. Use the qSbcCdr admin object to enable generating CDRs in Q-SBC format, to enable checksum validation of the CDR files, and to specify call duration rounding policy. You must have admin privileges to configure these options. For more information on this capability refer to Generating CDRs in Q-SBC Format.

Command Syntax

The configuration options that support generating CDRs in Q-SBC format have the following syntax. 

% set oam accounting qSbcCdr admin 
     addChecksum < disabled | enabled >    
     callDurationRoundUp <enabled | disabled>
     checksumKey <key>
     state  <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters

Q-SBC CDR Admin Command Parameters


Enable this flag to add checksum validation to the Q-SBC format CDR file. When enabled, the SBC inserts a file header into each CDR log file and then executes the HMAC-MD5 hashing algorithm to generate a checksum for the file, using an operator-configured, private shared key. The SBC converts the resulting binary output from the algorithm to a text format that is consistent with the rest of the CDR file and appends it as the last line in the CDR log file. The options are:

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled

Note: To enable this option, you must also configure a checksumKey and you must enable the option to rename open CDR files (set oam eventLog typeAdmin acct renameOpenfiles enabled). Refer to Event Log - CLI.


 Enable this flag to have the SBC round up to the next second in Q-SBC CDR call duration fields 3 and 6 if the call duration includes any part of a second. When disabled the SBC rounds down if the partial second duration is less than 500 milliseconds. The options are:
  • disabled (default)
  • enabled


Specifies the checksum key to use when generating the CDR file checksum. The key value can contain upper/lower case characters and digits only. The value must be between 16 and 64 characters in length.


When enabled, the SBC generate CDR files in Q-SBC format. When disabled, the CDR file format is the standard SBC Core CDR format. The options are:
  • disabled (default)
  • enabled

If the SBC is configured to generate intermediate CDRs, a switch of CDR formats to either format type will generate an intermediate CDR for each active call.

Note: Ribbon recommends that you change the state value prior to deployment or in a maintenance window, when there are no active calls in the system. If calls are in progress when you change CDR format, it is possible that START records will be written in one format and STOP records in another.

CLI Configuration Example

The following series of commands enables generating CDRs in Q-SBC format and enables checksum validation.

% set oam accounting qSbcCdr admin state enabled
% set oam accounting qSbcCdr admin addChecksum enabled     
% set oam accounting qSbcCdr admin checksumKey Qwer12Asdf09Zxcv34
% commit