The SBC Core system is a closed network device. Customer modifications at the Linux level are not allowed or supported. These modifications can cause stability, update and fail-over issues. Customers should only configure the SBC using the supported interfaces (Ribbon SBC Core CLI, RESTCONF API, EMA, or Ribbon EMS).
- Upgrade Flows
- Selecting IaC or RAF to Upgrade SBC SWe
- Pre-Upgrade Checklist - 7 Days Prior to Upgrade
- Verifying the Existing Software Version of SBC
- Handling Duplicate IP Peers
- Validating Checksum with 'Checksums Calculator'
- Saving the SBC Configuration
- Upgrading Firmware
- Upgrading SBC Application
- Reverting SBC Application
- Restoring SBC Configuration
- Downgrading SBC Core Application
This section provides the sequence of instructions to upgrade the SBC application. This section also describes about saving and reloading the SBC core configuration.
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